Research projects

This section lists COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 funded research projects that contain at least one researcher, funding agency or research institution with Spanish affiliation or that the object of study is the Spanish population. Relevant information, such as title, description, principal investigator, beneficiary institution, funder, and primary WHO research area, for each project is available in the list. Additionally, a search box and filters are at your disposal to navigate the list, i.e. by funder or projects included on specific national call “Registro estatal de COVID19”. The table can be sorted by project title or reference ID, if any.

Projects are semi-automatic-daily fetched from the COVID-19 Research Project Tracker gathered by the UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR). This is a live database of funded research projects worldwide related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as part of the COVID CIRCLE initiative. By providing an overview of research projects mapped against the priorities identified in the WHO Coordinated Global Research Roadmap: 2019 Novel Coronavirus, they support funders and researchers to deliver a more effective and coherent global research response.

Projects granted by ISCIII COVID-19 funds and other projects adhered to the COVID-19 ISCIII Registry are also part of this list. This extraordinary fund aims to promote knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 disease and its impact on infected people, with the aim of contributing to efficient patient treatment and/or public health preparedness and response. The expected impact is to:

Contribute to improving the treatment of the disease in the current pandemic. Contribute to improving the diagnosis and clinical management of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2. Contribute to designing, developing and implementing public health measures to respond effectively to the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 epidemic.

You can help us enrich this section by notifying other research projects not listed below by sending an email to

Last update: 2024-09-12
Funding call
Registro estatal de COVID19
BBVA Foundation (Spain)
British Academy
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
CIHR/Alberta Innovates
CRUE Santander
DPI - Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil)
EC (Horizon)
EC (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
HRB Ireland/Irish Research Council
IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Junta de Andalucia
Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Luxembourg National Research Fund
Ryerson University
SEPAR (Spain)
Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
TV3 Foundation
Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
York University
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Project Ref. ID Center Funder Funding call
Clinical-epidemiological study of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in health centers: COVID-A study
Pedro Abizanda Soler
Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, Socio-economic impact
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
The objective is to carry out a clinical-epidemiological study as broad as possible in nursing homes in Albacete province to analyze the clinical, sociodemographic, functional, cognitive, nutritional and geriatric syndromes characteristics of the COVID-19, identify factors predisposing to infection and health outcomes specifics of this high-risk population. Initially, it will be held in the "Vasco Núñez de Balboa", "Paseo de La Cuba", "Vital Parque", "Alcabala" and "Alábega" nursing homes, although it could be expanded to other residences. In total, it is planned to include around 1,000 residents. A follow-up will be carried out at 3 and 6 months to collect clinical, epidemiological and economic outcome variables in collaboration with the Department of economic analysis of UCLM (Toledo). The study will be carried out at the Geriatrics Service of Albacete.
COV20/00004 Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM) Pedro Abizanda Soler ISCIII Registro
Pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of mefloquine as prophylaxis in people exposed to the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) (MEFLOCOVID-19)
Félix Gutiérrez Rodero
Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Fisabio)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The objective of this study is to determine the protective efficacy of mefloquine prophylaxis against placebo in close contacts of people with COVID-19. For this, 200 contacts of people in close contact with patients will be selected infected with COVID-19 and who will be randomly assigned to one or the other arm of the study and they must follow the indicated administration regimen (one tablet per week).
COV20/00005 Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Fisabio) Félix Gutiérrez Rodero ISCIII
Epidemiological record of pregnant women with COVID-19.
Óscar Martínez Pérez
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
Spanish multicenter epidemiological study based on the registration of cases of pregnant women with COVID 19 in Spain. Objective: the knowledge of the influence of COVID 19 on gestations and childbirth in our country. 77 Associated centers at the time of preparing this document. Data protection law compliant database This is a prospective observational registry study of pregnant women suspected of having a SARS-CoV-2 infection at any time during pregnancy with positive test results for SARS-CoV -2. Follow-up up to two weeks after delivery. Start date March 2020. End March 2021 € 43,000 is requested to create its own database, exploit it and communicate the results.
COV20/00021 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana Óscar Martínez Pérez ISCIII Registro
Randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of different treatments in patients with COVID-19 who require hospitalization (PanCOVID19)
José Ramón Arribas
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
There is an urgent need to evaluate commonly used drugs with potential efficacy for COVID-19. This protocol evaluates the efficacy of various antiviral treatments in patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia regarding mortality, length of the hospital stays and reception of ventilation or intensive care. The study design is an open and randomized clinical trial, allowing to add / remove treatment arms while the trial is in progress. This study complements the Solidarity trial promoted by WHO and will provide additional and valuable information.
COV20/00023 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid José Ramón Arribas ISCIII
Use of drugs that increase the expression of ACE2 and the risk of COVID-19: A case-population study
Francisco José de Abajo Iglesias
Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (HUPA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
SARS-CoV-2 uses the angiotensin-2 converting enzyme (ACE2) to penetrate cells and replicate. Certain drugs are known to increase the expression of ACE2 and may facilitate the entry of the virus and promote the severity of the infection. We intend to conduct an epidemiological case-control study, taking as cases patients hospitalized by COVID-19 in participating hospitals (subclassified by severity) and primary care population controls extracted from the BIFAP database and paired with cases by age (exact), sex and index date. Information on prescribed drugs and comorbidities will be extracted from the hospital and BIFAP clinical records and the adjusted Odds Ratio will be computed using conditioned logistic regression models. Information from non-hospitalized mild COVID-19+ cases will be assessed as an alternative series of controls (1:1 ratio).
COV20/00027 Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (HUPA) Francisco José de Abajo Iglesias ISCIII Registro
Short, medium and long-term effect of COVID-19 disease on the cardiovascular system.
Salvatore Brugaletta
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
Patients with COVID-19 disease have a very high risk of short and long-term cardiovascular adverse events, including death from cardiovascular causes. We propose an epidemiological surveillance study to determine the rate of adverse cardiovascular events (cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, cardiovascular accident, cardiac arrhythmias) = at the time of infection, 30 days, 6 and 12 months, in patients confirmed by COVID- 19. In addition, to determine the relationship between the use of drugs that inhibit the angiotesin 2 converting enzyme, angiotesin 2 receptor blockers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the presentation of severe or fatal cases by COVID-19, through a case-control study. We will develop tools for early warning, prediction and risk stratification of cardiovascular adverse events in patients with COVID-19 Through a web page, immediate dissemination of the information generated and open use of the tools developed will be made.
COV20/00040 Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS) Salvatore Brugaletta ISCIII Registro
Therapeutic repositioning directed at inhibition of ACE2 expression and viral S-trimer proteolysis
Manuel Portero-Otin
Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Lleida-Fundación Dr Pifarre (IRB Lleida)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Various cell lines (eg Vero or Calu-3) express in their cell membrane the ACE2 protein, involved in the union with the S trimmer of SARS-CoV-2, and also has proteolytic activities for the activation of the same protein, two of the hypothetical requirements for the entry of the virus into a human host. Therefore, those substances that can diminish the role of ACE2 or the activity of proteases of the guest on protein S, could be used for the treatment of the infection. Thus, i) commercial drug libraries authorized for use in humans and ii) antisense oligonucleotides with peptide vehicles will be used as condidate molecules as a new therapeutic approach.
COV20/00047 Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Lleida-Fundación Dr Pifarre (IRB Lleida) Manuel Portero-Otin ISCIII
Development of a vaccine against SARS-VOC-2 by means of muNS-Mi micro / nanospheres
José M. Martínez Costas
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate vaccines R&D
We have developed and patented a methodology that allows to synthesise protein micro (MS) or nanospheres (NS) containing any protein of interest by tagging them with a tag called IC. These MS function as vaccines in the absence of adjuvants and the integrated proteins fold perfectly, allowing quaternary structures and even enzymatic reactions. In this project we intend to generate microspheres containing the S1 domain of protein S or the M or N proteins of SARS-Cov-2 and characterize in a mouse model the immune response they induce when administered intranasally or intramuscular. The methodology is already developed in the baculovirus expression systems, mammalian cells and bacteria, and will adapt to the yeast system for fast implementation in human vaccines.
COV20/00050 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) José M. Martínez Costas ISCIII
Identification of Mpro protease inhibitors of the COVID-19 virus by drug repositioning
Juan Jesus Perez Gonzalez
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The project aims to discover Mpro protease inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by repositioning drugs as new antiviral agents. This will be done using computer-assisted drug design methods. The process includes the preparation of the target structure by molecular dynamics, molecular screening using a molecular anchorage algorithm and calculation of the free binding energy of the best ligands. Databases of molecules approved as therapeutic agents and natural products will be used for virtual screening. The final result will be an affinity sorted list of various molecules that can be tested in vitro.
COV20/00052 Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) Juan Jesus Perez Gonzalez ISCIII
Evaluation of epidemiological scenarios of COVID19 disease through an original model using membrane computing
Fernando Baquero
Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
The aim is to apply our already recognised knowledge in the establishment of computer models based on new membrane computing techniques in order to develop a multi-parametric and multi-hierarchical model for the prediction of the effect of interventions on the COVID-19 epidemic. The model allows introducing ranges of values at multiple levels (e.g., ages, contact rates, contact times, transmission rates, transmission protection measures and effects of possible therapeutic agents) and observing how the modification of each or several factors simultaneously influences the epidemiological trend of the disease. The purpose is to assist in decision-making for the establishment of on-demand interventions for specific scenarios.
COV20/00067 Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS) Fernando Baquero ISCIII
Pilot, randomized, multicenter, open-label clinical trial of combined use of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and tocilizumab for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) (TCOVID)
Pere Domingo Pedrol
Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (IIB Sant Pau)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The main objective of the study is to evaluate in-hospital mortality, need for mechanical ventilation in Intensive Care Units, or need for rescue dose of tocilizumab in patients with confirmed infection by COVID-19 in treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin combined with non-tocilizumab. The study will compare 2 branches, standard of care, control branch; vs. tocilizumab treatment, experimental arm.
COV20/00070 Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (IIB Sant Pau) Pere Domingo Pedrol ISCIII
Multi-center, Randomized Clinical Trial of Convalescent Plasma Therapy Versus Standard of Care for the Treatment of COVID-19 in Hospitalized Patients (ConPlas-19)
Cristina Avendaño Solá & Rafael Duarte Palomino
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro - Segovia de Arana
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Convalescent plasma Therapy (PC, administration of fresh plasma from immunized donors) is used in viral acute respiratory infections. Given the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this study proposes to carry out a randomized trial in non-severe subjects hospitalized for COVID-19 with PC vs "standard of care" (according to WHO guidelines), in more than 20 hospitals, in coordination with the transfusion centres and the CNM-ISCIII. In this study, all participating patients will receive the standard treatment provided according to the current treatment protocols for coronavirus disease. In addition to this treatment, each patient will be randomly assigned to receive additional treatment with convalescent plasma transfusion (CP; blood plasma from patients who have been cured of coronavirus), or continue with standard treatment but without adding transfusion.
COV20/00072 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro - Segovia de Arana Cristina Avendaño Solá & Rafael Duarte Palomino ISCIII
Proof of Concept of fast detection method of SARS-CoV-2 contaminated surfaces using multispectral holographic and optical analysis with artificial intelligence.
Emilio Gómez González
Universidad de Sevilla (US)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Currently there are no methods to detect and visualize the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 on material surfaces. This project aims to design, develop and evaluate a prototype of a portable device (using existing optical technologies combined with artificial intelligence) for rapid and contactless detection of contaminated areas in surfaces. To do so, this project will: i) combine multispectral images in the optical range (ultraviolet to thermal infrared) and terahertz, ii) use optical analysis methods computational, interferometry and holography, iii) integrate information through intelligence artificial, and iv) carry out laboratory tests and in contaminated and clean environments.
COV20/00080 Universidad de Sevilla (US) Emilio Gómez González ISCIII
PsyCorona: a multinational initiative of urgent data collection with a longitudinal and prospective approach
Manuel Moyano Pacheco
Universidad de Córdoba (UC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Socio-economic impact
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
We are conducting a rapid, multi-national collaboration that aims to identify psychological and cultural factors that may be relevant to the virus spread and its imminent social and material consequences. The online survey includes brief measures to assess topic-relevant beliefs, fears, hopes, and frustrations, predictors of self-containment and social distancing, attitudes toward policies, reasoning, and behavioral self-reports. The survey has a built-in longitudinal component as well as a broader data science mission involving metadata. This is an unfunded, citizen-scientist initiative comprised of 40+ colleagues (and counting). The goal of of group is to publish reports suggesting to policy makers the most promising avenues to thwart the spread of the virus.
COV20/00086 Universidad de Córdoba (UC) Manuel Moyano Pacheco ISCIII Registro
Sedation With Sevoflurane Versus Propofol in Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Caused by COVID19 Infection (SEVO-COVID19)
Rafael Badenes Quilés
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of 48-hour treatment with inhaled sevoflurane on arterial oxygenation, assessed by PaO2/FiO2 on day two, in patients with ARDS-CoVid19. The effects of sevoflurane on pro-inflammatory cytokine levels (Tumor Necrosis Factor [TNF] alpha, Alveolar and plasma IL-1beta, IL-6, IL-8) during ARDS-CoVid19 and the mortality at day 30 will also be addressed. It is a multicentre, national, randomized 1:1 ratio, controlled, parallel, open study. Patients in their first 24 hours of admission to the UCC and after being diagnosed with ARDS, they will be randomized to receive sevoflurane as a sedative or standard sedation with propofol.
COV20/00096 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA) Rafael Badenes Quilés ISCIII
COVID-19 infection in HIV-infected patients included in CoRIS
Juan Berenguer
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IiSGM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
To date, only anecdotal cases of COVID-19 have been described in HIV-infected persons. This supports the hypothesis that antiretroviral drugs may have some protective effect against SARS-CoV-2 infection. In order to have reliable information about the incidence of symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, we intend to carry out a retrospective study within the scope of the Spanish AIDS Research Network Cohort (CoRIS). Objectives: (i) to describe the frequency and epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 in CoRIS, as well as the prognostic factors of intensive care requirement, use of mechanical ventilation, duration of admission and mortality; and (ii) to study the prevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 by determining IgG and IgM antibodies by ELISA
COV20/00108 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IiSGM) Juan Berenguer ISCIII Registro
Risk factors, personalized prognosis and one-year follow-up of patients admitted to the Spanish Intensive Care Units infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus (CIBERSESUCICOVID)
Antoni Torre Martí
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, CIBER (Hospital Clinic, Barcelona)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The aim of this project is to determine the risk factors, prognosis and short and long-term outcomes (6 months and one year) of patients with COVID-19 admitted to Spanish ICUs. The second objective is the study of epigenetics and essential predictive enrichment biomarkers to help individualize treatment based on the altered biological pathways in each patient. The clinical data will be analysed with artificial intelligence.
COV20/00110 Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, CIBER (Hospital Clinic, Barcelona) Antoni Torre Martí ISCIII Registro
Real-time quantification of new unreported cases of COVID-19 in Spain
David Moriña Soler
Consorci Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
The proposed project aims to develop a set of mathematical models to quantify in real time the new unreported cases of COVID-19 in Spain, by Autonomous Communities or other areas of interest. The estimates provided by these models will be used to study the dynamics of the disease based on the application of compartmentalised epidemiological models (type SIR, SEIR, SIRS, etc.) that will make it possible to estimate, more precisely, the associated mortality and morbidity. Similarly, these estimates will be used to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the cost-effectiveness in different realistic action scenarios, both from the point of view of public management and from that of social management, which will be able to help in the decision-making process in the area of the national public health system and also within each Spanish Autonomous Community, in order to deal with the present pandemic and in future similar situations.
COV20/00115 Consorci Centre de Recerca Matematica (CRM) David Moriña Soler ISCIII
Identification of the dynamic transcriptomic profile in patients with COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome (TRANSCOVID)
Jordi Carratalà Fernández
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (Fundación IDIBELL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
Although some clinical characteristics (advanced age, high fever, high SOFA score) and inflammatory response (IL-6, PC-R, D-dimer) have been described, the reasons why certain patients with COVID-19 develop severe disease, presenting dyspnea and hypoxemia in the first 7 days and rapid progression to ARDS, multi-organ failure and death, continue to be an enigma. The main objective of the present project is to determine the dynamic transcriptomic profile of adult patients hospitalized by COVID-19 and to characterize the subgroup that develops severe disease (ARDS). Secondary objectives are to establish a gene signature capable of basally discriminating the group that will develop ARDS and contribute to the phylogeny of the virus.
COV20/00121 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (Fundación IDIBELL) Jordi Carratalà Fernández ISCIII Registro
Development of colorimetric sensors based on gold nanoparticles for the detection of SARS-COV-2 (NANO COVID-19)
Rodolfo Miranda Soriano
Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Nanociencia (IMDEA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
The project addresses the preparation of colorimetric sensors based on nanoparticles and oligonucleotides, which allow the detection of the virus by changing the colour of a solution, or the presence of colour in a nitrocellulose strip. The system will be implemented at 3 different amplification systems in order to reduce the use of highly specialized equipment and reagents to a minimum: 1) in RT-PCR, avoiding the use of quantitative RT-PCR, 2) in amplification isothermal, avoiding the use of PCR in general, and 3) in non-enzymatic amplification, avoiding the use of enzymes. The processes developed are industrially scalable, and are expected to acquire rapidly the ability at IMDEA Nanoscience to produce 5,000 sensors based on nanoparticles.
COV20/00122 Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Nanociencia (IMDEA) Rodolfo Miranda Soriano ISCIII
Addressing unknowns of COVID-19 transmission and infection combining pathogen genomics and epidemiology to inform public health interventions
Iñaki Comas Espadas
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, Artificial intelligence, Therapies, SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
There is a growing pressure to understand the transmission patterns of SARS-CoV-2. As a new emergent virus, we have important gaps in the epidemiology of its infection. Those gaps translate also to limited understanding on who is infectious and for how long and how is connected to clinical outcome. Here we propose several objectives that involve combining viral genome data to epidemiological, clinical information to address those gaps. We will obtain viral complete genome sequences and epidemiological data and combine to (1) inform public health measures by revealing highways of transmission; (2) identify when an individual is infectious; (3) identify early warnings of local spread; (4) viral diversity connected to immune, drug and diagnostic; (5) complement current diagnostic approaches, and (6) identify the connection to adverse clinical outcomes. To this end, we have put together a nation-wide group of infectious disease, genomics, bioinformaticians and clinical researchers from more than 30 institutions.
COV20/00140 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Iñaki Comas Espadas ISCIII Registro
SARS-CoV2 Airbone Transmission: Innovative Technologies for virus detection in hospitals
Antonio Alcamí Pertejo
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Airborne transmission of pathogens is a virtually unexplored area due to low concentration of microbial biomass in the air and the lack of sensitive tools for its study. The objective of the project is to study the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by air in the hospital environment. For this we will use airborne virus capture equipment developed in A. Alcamí's laboratory and already installed in the Hospital La Paz to monitor the presence of SARS-CoV-2. To improve the studies of virus transmission, new faster and more sensitive detection methods will be developed than currently available methods and cutting-edge technologies to detect SARS-CoV2 in the air in real time. The project is structured in 3 objectives: (1) Monitor the prevalence of SARS-CoV2 in different hospital areas (ICU, wards waiting, emergency, rest staff, pediatrics, neonates) (2) Optimize the rapid detection of viruses, by using nanoparticles that identify Genomic RNA and viral proteins (3) Optimize the LIF (laser-induced fluorescence) methodology, a new technology that It will allow to identify SARS-CoV2 particles in real time in the air.
COV20/00144 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Antonio Alcamí Pertejo ISCIII
Development of a vaccine, MVA-COVID-19, expressing SARS-CoV-2 antigens
Juan García Arriaza
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
Our objective is to produce an effective vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 as follows: Vaccine 1: This vaccine named MVA-COVID-19(S) will express the full-length S protein of SARS-CoV-2 and is directed to generate in an organism neutralizing antibodies to prevent infection and virus spread. This vaccine is ongoing in our laboratory and expected to have the candidate during April-May 2020 to be used for preclinical studies during June-July 2020. Vaccine 2: This vaccine named MVA-COVID-19(S-E-M) will express three proteins of SARS-CoV-2 (S, E and M) in the form of VLPs and is directed to trigger neutralizing antibodies and T cell (CD4+ and CD8+) immune responses, with the goal to produce long-term control of virus infection. This vaccine will be generated along May-September 2020 to initiate the preclinical studies in October-December 2020.
COV20/00151 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Juan García Arriaza ISCIII
Early diagnosis of COVID-19 by isolation of exosomes in individuals suspected of the disease
Mª del Pilar Martín Duque
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Following WHO guidelines, it has been announced that new tests will soon be used much faster, but also more inaccurate diagnoses that can lead to false positives and negatives. In this sense, since genetic material of coronavirus has been found in serum exosomes and HIV-1 in exosomes of urine of infected persons here we suggest to perform, the diagnostic tests on the urine exosomes, plasma and saliva of patients at different times of the study, to detect it more reliably and early.
COV20/00155 Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS) Mª del Pilar Martín Duque ISCIII
NGS Analysis of the SARS-CoV2 outbreak at the Elche General Hospital
Antonio Galiana Cabrera
Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Fisabio)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
Molecular study using the NGS to obtain the genome sequences of the SARS-CoV-2 virus of the positive cases identified at the Elche General Hospital. With the data obtained, a molecular epidemiological analysis of the genetic variation of the virus in this Hospital from the beginning of the outbreak to the end of it can be carried out. In addition, these sequences will contribute to increase the genomic sequences of this virus in the global databases that will allow the realization of epidemiological studies at both national and global levels. With the information generated, the clinical data of patients affected by SARS-CoV-2, infection can be put into context and it will be possible to identify whether there is a relationship or a cluster of the virus with higher prevalence or worse prognosis in our Hospital.
COV20/00156 Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunitat Valenciana (Fisabio) Antonio Galiana Cabrera ISCIII Registro
The neurological component of COVID-19. Does the Neuro-COVID-19 exist?
Pedro Jesus Serrano Castro / Fernando Rodriguez de Fonseca
Fundación para la investigación de Málaga en Biomedicina y Salud (FIMABIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The SARS-COV-2 coronavirus, similar to other viruses in the same family, has the ability to affect the nervous system. This neuroinvasive ability has been attributed a potential prognostic value because it is related to respiratory failure in infected patients. On the other hand, in a retrospective review of 214 cases attended during the epidemic outbreak in Wuhan, symptoms attributable to both CNS and PNS are described in a relevant percentage. Based on these data, we hypothesize that the neurological involvement in the acute phase and in the medium or long term may condition the prognosis and quality of life in patients who have survived the infection. The objective of this project is the clinical, biological and molecular characterization of neurological involvement in a prospective cohort of SARS-CoV-2 infection survivors.
COV20/00157 Fundación para la investigación de Málaga en Biomedicina y Salud (FIMABIS) Pedro Jesus Serrano Castro / Fernando Rodriguez de Fonseca ISCIII Registro
Search for immunological, prognostic and therapeutic markers in patients with COVID-19
Marcos López Hoyos
Instituto de investigación sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
The aim of this project is to study the innate and acquired immune response in patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2, by monitoring the cellular and humoral components of the innate and adaptive immune response in blood and their correlation with clinical severity. This panel is similar to the one used in the clinical characterization of immunocompromised patients and can be applied immediately to the management of patients with COVID-19.
COV20/00170 Instituto de investigación sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL) Marcos López Hoyos ISCIII Registro
Nanosensor-based diagnosis and rapid solution identification of SARS-COV-2 virus interaction with its cellular receptor (NANOCOMPETE)
Francisco García Cózar
Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica de Cádiz (INIBICA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
There are few serological tests against SARS-CoV-2 and none that can be performed in solution. The proposed assay allows to detect antibodies (Ab) and / or virus from serum or plasma, without processing and to identify directly Abs that compete the virus / receptor interaction (according to affinity and epitope). It will also allow identifying patients that have Abs blocking the virus / receptor interaction (whose serum can be used in therapy). We will use samples from infected patients to identify coding sequences of variable regions of Abs with sufficient affinity to block the virus / receptor interaction and we will develop Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) for the destruction of infected cells. We will also develop regulatory CARs to specifically block the immune system, in those cases where it is responsible but also, regulatory CARs to specifically block the immune system, in those cases where it is responsible of the pathogenesis of serious infections. Based on existing developments, we proposed the proof of concept of a nano sensor, which allows the analysis of samples and data collection by the general public using a smartphone.
COV20/00173 Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica de Cádiz (INIBICA) Francisco García Cózar ISCIII
STOP-Coronavirus: clinical, immunological, genomic, virological and bioethical factors of COVID-19
José María Aguado García
Instituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de Octubre (imas12)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D, Ethics considerations for research, Social sciences in the outbreak response
The STOP-Coronavirus project aims to analyse in an integrated and multidisciplinary way the impact that various factors (clinical presentation, immunological markers, therapeutic strategies, host and virus genomics, and bioethical and socio-economic considerations) have on the evolution and prognosis of COVID-19. A prospective multicenter cohort of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 will be established. In parallel, the immune response to SARS-CoV-2, genetic markers of host susceptibility, the complexity of the SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectrum and the socio-economic and bioethical impact of COVID-19 will be characterized. Clinical analysis will be complemented by a nested cohort of immunosuppressed patients and by the assessment of COVID-19 response to antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment. Ultimately, this project will guide and individualize the clinical and therapeutic approach of COVID-19 and mitigate the health and social impact of the pandemic
COV20/00181 Instituto de Investigación Hospital 12 de Octubre (imas12) José María Aguado García ISCIII Registro
An innovative therapy against Covid-19 based on circular RNAs
Juana Díez Antón
Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Given the speed with which we can sequence the genomes of new RNA viruses, developing therapies directed against them, rather than against viral proteins, would accelerate the development of efficient therapies. In this project, we will generate and validate, in cell culture and in mouse models, circular RNAs (cRNAs) that hybridize and interfere with essential structures of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and inactivate it. The selection of resistances is highly improbable given the conservation of the target sequences and the interference on several regions simultaneously. Our previous success with cRNAs that inhibit the replication of other RNA (+) viruses, and the existence of already clinical RNA-based therapies and nebulization delivery systems, support the feasibility of our proposal.
COV20/00183 Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) Juana Díez Antón ISCIII
Gestation and COVID-19: clinical and microbiological study (GESTA-COVID19)
Anna Suy Franch
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Vall d'Hebron (VHIR)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The main objective of this study is to describe the influence of pregnancy on COVID-19 infection, as well as the influence of COVID-19 (and its treatment) on pregnancy, the fetus and the newborn. It is a descriptive, longitudinal, observational, multicenter study involving 8 hospitals to be conducted between April 2020 and March 2021. An electronic data collection notebook (REDCap) will be designed where data will be entered anonymously. Pregnant women infected by SARS-CoV-2 will be included, microbiological samples will be collected and processed (PCR-SARS-CoV-2 in a deferred way) from the mother and newborn and clinical data related to the patient, the infection, her treatment and complications, pregnancy and complications, delivery and newborn.
COV20/00188 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Vall d'Hebron (VHIR) Anna Suy Franch ISCIII Registro
Study of the immune response in nested cases in a cohort to assess the effect of antiretrovirals on the progression of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection
Carolina Cubillos Zapata
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus are characterized by a high degree of inflammation and dysregulation of the specific T response. We have found that the hypoxia and oxidative stress suffered by these patients activate the inflammation complex. This complex also has effects on pyroptosis and on the production of IFN type l. On the other hand, the inflammatory condition of the patient will directly condition the specific T-response. In short, understanding the inflammatory state in patients provides information relevant to the evolution of the pathology. This project proposes as an object to study the effect of drugs collected in this clinical trial in patients with COVID-19, in the activation of inflammation and its effect on inflammation and T-response. These data associated with patient evolution are crucial to classify responders and viral avoidance mechanisms.
COV20/00207 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid Carolina Cubillos Zapata ISCIII
Determination of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in environmental samples and its potential indirect transmission
Pilar Domingo Calap
Universidad de Valencia (UV)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Although SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses are primarily transmitted directly between individuals during epidemic phases, the permanence of the virus in the environment has the potential to cause new outbreaks despite mitigation efforts. SARS-CoV-2 was detected in hospital wastewater in China and it was shown that the viral particles could remain infective long enough to pose a risk. We will investigate the potential for environmental transmission of the virus under our country's specific conditions. To do this we will first focus on the analysis of wastewater treatment plants and the release of the virus via the gut. We will also study the stability of the virus, as well as its presence in other environments, such as common surfaces like plastics, stainless steel or glass. This will provide valuable information for the management of the epidemic.
COV20/00210 Universidad de Valencia (UV) Pilar Domingo Calap ISCIII
Study to identify cytokine profiles capable of predicting the development of ARDS
Jesus Garcia-Donas Jimenez
Fundación de Investigación HM Hospitales
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
The present study aims to identify an early marker in blood that will allow the anticipation of the developmentof ARDS in patients with COVID-19. We will perform, for a week, daily blood draws on a cohort of 100 patients currently admitted to the Hospital HM Sanchinarro with confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. In these samples we will determine a broad cytokine panel (LUMINEX) correlating, in a prospective way, the analytical results with the development of severe ARDS. Using computer algorithms we will establish the determinations that best predict the appearance of this complication. The analysis will focus on proteins included in the portfolio of commercial companies that produce, on an industrial scale, diagnostic kits by ELISA. Thus, the markers found will be immediately available in any health care center in the country. In parallel, we will study the interindividual genetic variability and the evolution of viral load in these cases. In a second phase we will develop more precise and patentable multiplex kits.
COV20/00211 Fundación de Investigación HM Hospitales Jesus Garcia-Donas Jimenez ISCIII Registro
Preclinical development of innovative mRNA/MVAvaccines against SARS-CoV2
Felipe García
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
The purpose of this project is to design and test in preclinical studies a new vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. The overall objective: 1. In a first step, to test a new mRNA vaccine candidate encoding SARS-CoV-2 epitopes selected through a bioinformatic approach and co-formulated with nanoparticles (mRNA-CoV2) in vitro and in vivo to assess the potential to induce SARS-CoV-2-specific immune responses. 2. In a second step, to test if a prime-boost strategy with mRNA-CoV-2 prime and MVA-CoV2 boost induce higher immune responses as compared with mRNA-CoV2 alone.
COV20/00214 Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi I Sunyer (IDIBAPS) Felipe García ISCIII
SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with Inflammatory bowel disease (COVID-19-EII)
Maria Esteve y Yamile Zabana
Fundació Docència i Recerca Mutua Terrassa
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
The objectives of the COVID-19-EII study are 1) to describe the incidence and characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the ENEIDA cohort of IBD patients during the epidemic period and 2) to understand the course of the disease and its immunosuppressive and comorbidity treatment.
COV20/00227 Fundació Docència i Recerca Mutua Terrassa Maria Esteve y Yamile Zabana ISCIII Registro
Study of the Microbiome and Virome associated with COVID-19
Juan Carlos Rodríguez Díaz
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus ranges from asymptomatic forms to very severe bilateral pneumonias that often result in the death of the patient. Microbiome and virome are altered in a large number of pathologies, but their involvement in this process is unknown, although it is possible that both are involved in the different clinical severity of the patient. Therefore, the study of the microbiome and the virome should be carried out by means of a bioinformatic and statistical analysis of the microbial diversity and the taxa present in each of the samples, in order to identify biomarkers of severity of the process that can be used in the best management of the patient.
COV20/00236 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL) Juan Carlos Rodríguez Díaz ISCIII Registro
SARS-CoV-2 biosecurity vaccine development platforms
David Escors Murugarren
Fundación Miguel Servet (Navarrabiomed)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
A SARS-CoV-2 biosecurity vaccine engineering platform will be established, which includes three production procedures. The first will use human cells that secrete virus-like particles (VLPs), through the constitutive expression of SARS-CoV-2 proteins S, M and E. The second will use baculoviral vectors for the expression of these genes on a large scale and to compare the production of VLPs. The third procedure will be based on the production of non-replicative and non-integrative lentiviral particles, pseudotyped with the SARS-CoV-2 protein S and expressing the rest of the structural proteins. These particles will deliver the B and T epitopes to the immune system in a VLP format. BIRB796 will be incorporated into the vaccine preparations to enhance the human T response, since it is a MAPK p38 inhibitor approved for human use and with anti-senescent properties in lymphocytes.
COV20/00237 Fundación Miguel Servet (Navarrabiomed) David Escors Murugarren ISCIII
ACE2-ORG: Development of a human cellular platform unveiling Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)-SARS-CoV-2 interactions
Nuria Montserrat Pulido
Fundación del Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
There are no models allowing to unveil the molecular pathways and cellular responses differently regulated upon SARS-CoV-2 infection in human tissues. Organoid technology represents an affordable solution to COVID-19 research. Our consortia is able to infect a plethora of human organoids opening the door for drug screening for COVID19 treatment. These results are part of a present manuscript under review in Cell. Based in our current findings our aim is to understand, identify and target ACE2-SARS-CoV-2 cellular responses exploiting kidney and heart organoids exposed to systemic conditions worsening COVID19 disease (i.e., Diabetes). Using seRNA sequentiation we will unveil unique and common cellular responses upon SARS-CoV-2 infection and use primary cell cultures and retrospective COVID19 necropsies for validation. This approach will identify top ranked pathways differentially regulated upon SARS-CoV-2 infection in control and diabetic backgrounds.
COV20/00278 Fundación del Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC) Nuria Montserrat Pulido ISCIII
Quick Detection and Characterization of COVID-19 on the patient
Felipe J. Chaves Martínez
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics, COVID-19 disease characterization
The biological cycle of coronaviruses allows the differentiation between the encapsulated virus and its infection and replication processes. We will develop modular kits that allow on the one hand to determine the presence of the virus and on the other the presence of viral processes involved in the infection and the determination of those variables that may be relevant in the development of the disease (viral and human). The kits will be based on isothermal amplification and by rapid PCR of the regions of interest and their rapid detection (15-30 minutes the presence of the virus, available in 1 - 2 months). In a second kit-module, from these amplified and those of interest in relation to the patient, will be generated libraries to be sequenced using Nanopore systems. This second part of the study will allow know the virus strain and the patient variables that are relevant to the disease, performing a report based on the available data and including other clinical variables of interest.
COV20/00279 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA) Felipe J. Chaves Martínez ISCIII
Hydroxychloroquine efficacy in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection and CoVid-19 disease severity during pregnancy (COVID-PREG)
Clara Menéndez Santos
Fundación Privada del Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
This trial aims to assess the effect of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in reducing viral load and preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women. The proposed clinical trial will help improving the care and reduce the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes of women infected with SARS-CoV-2 in this and in future epidemics. By reducing the viral load of infected pregnant women, this trial will also have an impact on the reduction of the spread of the virus, both vertical and horizontal transmission. As the results from other trials testing the hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) may not be extrapolated to pregnant women given the special features of the pregnancy status, this clinical research is urgently needed.
COV20/00286 Fundación Privada del Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona (ISGlobal) Clara Menéndez Santos ISCIII
An Efficient Peptide Vector for mRNA Vaccination Against COVID19
Javier Montenegro García
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
In the race to find a COVID-19 vaccine, gene-based approaches are the leading choice with some already ongoing clinical trials. However, the major challenge of this technology is the extreme sensitivity and the very low cellular uptake of the gene material that triggers the hosts' immune response, which hampers their potential. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a synthetic platform for the rapid screening of peptide amphiphiles with potential as gene delivery vehicles. The application of this approach allowed the identification of a candidate with a remarkable (one order of magnitude in vitro) improvement in delivery efficiency and cellular toxicity compared to typical commercial reagents. Remarkably, this candidate has also recently proven highly active for in vivo delivery of mRNA in mice, which suggests that it can be an excellent non-viral vector for the formulation of mRNA vaccines with a boosted potency, due to the uptake enhancement provided by this conceptually-new delivery vector.
COV20/00297 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) Javier Montenegro García ISCIII
Analysis of soluble markers of immune activation and CD8 NK and T cell populations in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection
Julián Pardo, José Ramón Paño Pardo
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Aragón (IISA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
This study aims to generate knowledge about the populations of immune cells responsible for infection control, in order to understand the kinetics and magnitude of the immune response during COVID-19 disease. This knowledge can identify biomarkers that contribute to: 1) identifying which patients are most likely to experience respiratory failure requiring admission and respiratory support treatment in intensive care units, 2) monitoring the evolution of the infection and 3) exploring new therapeutic interventions. All of this not only seeks to contribute to the personalised treatment according to the profile and immunological response of each patient, but it will also reduce the stress on the health system by being able to predict in advance which patients may develop more serious clinical pictures and therefore plan and optimize the use of the resources available by the health system.
COV20/00308 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Aragón (IISA) Julián Pardo, José Ramón Paño Pardo ISCIII Registro
Ultrasound monitoring in pregnant women with COVID-19 infection. Risks associated with severe infection and the trimester of pregnancy.
Marta López Rojano
Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on pregnancy are not well known. Severe maternal infection may be associated with premature delivery or impaired fetal growth. Maternal hypoxia could have consequences on neurodevelopment and on the fetal heart. On the other hand, there are no data on the impact of COVID-19 infection by trimester. Our aim is to analyze the perinatal outcome and the risk of growth retardation, abnormalities at the level of neurosonography or fetal echocardiography in women with COVID-19, as well as associated factors (severe maternal infection, hypoxemia, gestational age at infection). The expected results can be very useful in advising on possible fetal risks, improving the care and experience of pregnancy.
COV20/00310 Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) Marta López Rojano ISCIII Registro
Immunosenescence as a risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection
David Otaegui / Alvaro Prada
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biodonostia (IIS Biodonostia)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
In this project we intend to make a rapid approach to the state of lymphocyte populations and the inflammation process in COVID-19 positive patients with and without symptoms versus COVID-19 negative patients. With the hypothesis that immunosenescence is playing a role in the susceptibility to be infected, the studies will be performed in different age ranges (30-40 / 40-50 /50-60 / over 60). In the case of COVID-19 positive patients, immunosenescence and inflammation profiles at the time of diagnosis will be correlated with the clinical variables of monitoring the disease in search of prognostic markers in the evolution.
COV20/00314 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biodonostia (IIS Biodonostia) David Otaegui / Alvaro Prada ISCIII Registro
Functional characterization of SARS-CoV-2-specific T and B cell long-lasting Immunity in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients developing SARS-CoV-2 infection (COV-Immunity)
Oriol Bestard Matamoros
Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
In this project we will investigate, using highly sensitive immune assays, the development of short and long-lasting immunity, both humoral and cellular, specific against SARS-CoV-2, at the time of infection and at different time points afterwards up to 24 months in previously healthy individuals, patients with relevant co-morbidities, solid organ transplant patients receiving chronic immunosuppression and patients with malignancies receiving chemotherapy.
COV20/00324 Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL) Oriol Bestard Matamoros ISCIII Registro
Exploiting protective immune responses to COVID-19 to unravel mechanisms associated with favorable clinical outcomes (PROTECTIVE STUDY)
Sergio Serrano-Villar
Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
Because COVID19 spectrum of disease range from asymptomatic disease to severe lung injury leading to death, we aim to exploit extreme clinical phenotypes of COVID-19 disease to identify mechanisms that can be leveraged to improve outcomes and to identify predictors of adverse outcomes. Because the clear correlation between clinical outcomes and age, we plan to recruit individuals across a broad range of age, including pediatric populations, reflecting the broad range of COVID19 disease severity. We will interrogate targeted biological pathways (i.e., ACE2 expression and polymorphisms, antiviral responses and innate and adaptive immunity) and untargeted pathways using plasma metabolomics and enzymolomics. These parameters will be correlated with the clinical phenotype and with virologic measures of CoVID19 using multiparametric data integration through a bioinformatic approach.
COV20/00349 Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS) Sergio Serrano-Villar ISCIII Registro
COVID-9 prevalence in patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis under treatment
Sara Marsal Barril
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Vall d'Hebron (VHIR)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies, Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
Patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis (CIA) have an increased risk of infections due to both dysregulation of the immune system and immunosuppressive treatment. Preliminary evidence in our service indicates a lower rate of transmission by SARS-CoV-2 in patients with CIA receiving immunosuppressive treatment than that reported for the general population (<1%). This is a cross-sectional study of a very well-characterized cohort of N = 1,175 patients with CIA receiving treatment with selective immunosuppressants (ISS), both adult and pediatric, followed systematically in a third-level university hospital. Epidemiological and clinical data will be obtained from the electronic clinical history, the shared clinical history of Catalonia and through a telephone survey. The prevalence and clinical expression of COVID-19 in these patients will be determined, which will allow establishing clinical practice recommendations with great scientific and social impact.
COV20/00357 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Vall d'Hebron (VHIR) Sara Marsal Barril ISCIII Registro
Multicenter study of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019) in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Maria Elisa Cordero Matia
Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de Sevilla (FISEVI)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
No information exists regarding COVID-19 in solid organ transplant recipients (SOTR). Besides, treatment is challenging as drug interactions might have an important impact on drug toxicity, graft dysfunction and rejection and probably outcome is adverse. No specific recommendations regarding COVID-19 exist. Objectives: to better understand the incidence, risk factors, clinical manifestations and outcome of COVID19 in SOTR. The results obtained will allow us to gain insight on the need of antiviral treatment, on the strategy for complications surveillance, on how to adjust the immunosuppressant therapy and on the level of care in which each patient should be treated. Design: Multicenter prospective study of consecutive cases of COVID-19 in SOTR. There will be a clinical follow-up of the patients included in this study to observe possible complications and survival rate.
COV20/00370 Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de Sevilla (FISEVI) Maria Elisa Cordero Matia ISCIII Registro
SARS-CoV-2 Inhibition, Host Selection and Next-Move Prediction Through High-Performance Computing.
Modesto Orozco
Fundación del Institut de Recerca Biomédica (IRB Barcelona)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies, SARS-CoV-2 characterization, Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
We will fight SARS-CoV2 by using massive high-performance computing. Thanks to the recently published X-Ray structures, we will unveil the physico-chemical properties of the viral spike protein, those of the human ACE2 receptor and those of the complex they form to permit virus to infect cells and spread. This information, well implemented with knowledge-based bioinformatics techniques, will help us to understand the mechanism of viral entrance into the cell and what are the "next evolutionary moves" of the CoV family. Unbiased tajectories along with extensive free-energy calculation would help to identify new "druggable spots" (not detectable by crystallography). On this knowledge, we will start a drug discovery effort (of commercially available drugs first) to inhibit the interaction between the virus and the human host, hence impeding virus internalization and spread.
COV20/00373 Fundación del Institut de Recerca Biomédica (IRB Barcelona) Modesto Orozco ISCIII
Role of NK cells in susceptibility and prognosis of SARS-CoV2 infection (COVID-19)
Enrique Bernal Morell
Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia (FFIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The project investigates the role of NK cells in the susceptibility and prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19). In patients with mild (n=100) and severe (n=100) disease, the genotype (PCR-SSO-Luminex) and expression in NK cells (12-fluorescence cytometry) of KIR/ligand HLA-I interactions that regulate the education and function of these cells and determine their effectiveness against viral infections will be analysed. The data will be compared with 600 healthy controls of known genotype. The results will help to optimize health resources and avoid collapse by facilitating: 1) increased protection efforts in more susceptible people (health professionals, law enforcement, families of patients, etc.); and 2) anticipate anti-viral and anti-inflammatory therapies to the appearance of the most severe symptoms in susceptible patients.
COV20/00377 Fundación para la Formación e Investigación Sanitarias de la Región de Murcia (FFIS) Enrique Bernal Morell ISCIII Registro
Derivation and validation of a prognostic scale in COVID-19 pneumonia. National multicenter study.
Rosario Menéndez Villanueva
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
COVID-19 disease challenges the capacity of national health systems. The course of the disease differs from other pneumonias known to date. The main objective of this project is to derive and validate a prognostic score (COVID-19) Severity Index [CSI] from a multicenter database on patients with COVID-19 pneumonia with prognostic variables of severity at admission to predict ICU requirement and death. A retrospective, multicenter study of adult patients with COVID-19 pneumonia requiring hospitalization in hospitals throughout Spain will be conducted (it is estimated that some 4,000 pneumonias will be recruited).
COV20/00385 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe (IIS La Fe) Rosario Menéndez Villanueva ISCIII Registro
Impact of monoclonal B-lymphocytosis and the state of the immune system on the development and evolution of COVID-19 infection in adults
José Alberto Orfao de Matos Correia e Vale
Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca (IECSCYL-IBSAL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
In this project we hypothesize that patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus who are carriers of an aging immune system, determined by the presence of small clones of B cells circulating in peripheral blood and the secondary immunodeficiency associated with this condition, would develop a more severe disease and would evolve worse due to their inability to recognize new antigens. To this end, we propose: 1) to explore the presence of B-lymphoid clones (LBMlo) in the blood of infected patients admitted to the Hospital Universitario de Salamanca; 2) to study the status of their immune system, using innovative tools developed by the research group that allow the identification in blood of >250 different populations of immune cells; 3) to relate the above data with the clinical characteristics of the patients; and 4) to identify parameters related to an aging immune system that will provide a solid basis for prognostic stratification and clinical validation.
COV20/00386 Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca (IECSCYL-IBSAL) José Alberto Orfao de Matos Correia e Vale ISCIII Registro
COVID-19, immunological risk profile (attached to the project presented by VHIR IP R Pujol-Borrell)
Aina Teniente Serra
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias I Pujol (IGTP)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
It is currently unknown whether the minority of poorly progressing cases of COVID-19 are due to an excess or defect in the innate or adaptive immune response or to joint dysregulation. There are tools not yet applied to be able to discern between the various immunological scenarios in which this infection develops. Objective: To generate algorithms to stratify patients according to the immunological risk profile applicable to the analysis of clinical trials with immunomodulars in progress or in the future and, specifically, to support therapeutic strategies. Modules 1) daily collection and analysis of parameters of inflammation, coagulation, immunology and microbiology as well as biochemistry in relation to the origins of the samples and the demographic data of the patients, evolutionary follow-up and progressive assessment of the most predictive indices; 2) Measurement in 120 patients of the level of 18 cytokines and 32 lymphocyte populations; 3) Generation of prognostic algorithm and therapeutic orientation; 4) Identification of activated response pathways. Support modules include generating sample collections, clinical data extraction, and statistical analysis.
COV20/00388 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias I Pujol (IGTP) Aina Teniente Serra ISCIII Registro
A prospective, multicenter, randomized, parallel, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase IIb clinical trial to evaluate intravenous infusion of Defibrotide in the prevention and treatment of respiratory distress and cytokine release syndrome in patients with COVID-19. (DEFACOVID)
Jose M. Moraleda Jiménez
Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria Virgen de la Arrixaca (IMIB)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The aim of this project is to determine the efficacy of the intravenous infusion of Defibrotide to reduce mortality in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection with clinical status grade 4 (Hospitalized patients requiring oxygen therapy), grade 5 (Hospitalized patients requiring high-flow oxygen therapy, non-invasive mechanical ventilation, or both) or grade 6 (Hospitalized patients requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation or invasive mechanical ventilation), according to the WHO classification.
COV20/00399 Instituto Murciano de Investigación Biosanitaria Virgen de la Arrixaca (IMIB) Jose M. Moraleda Jiménez ISCIII
Residual pulmonary fibrosis and lung capacity in survivors of SARS-CoV-2
José Ramón Blanco Ramos
Fundación Rioja Salud
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
After the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus (SARS-CoV), many of the people who survived developed residual pulmonary fibrosis (PF). Autopsies of these COVID-19 patients showed the presence of pulmonary fibrosis at different stages of infection. Risk of PF was highest in the elderly, and was correlated with clinical severity and duration of disease. On the other hand, dysregulation of the inflammatory response was observed in lung biopsies, with levels of certain proinflammatory cytokines in serum being especially elevated. Also, infection SARS-CoV-2 induces overactivation of the TGF pathway leading to pulmonary fibrosis. The goals of this projects are: 1) to improve the knowledge about the physiopathology of SARS-CoV-2; 2) to determine if in the people infected with SARS-CoV-2 who required admission for further lung damage persists a "inflammatory microenvironment" that could lead to residual lung injury, 3) assess the correlation between expression of cytokines, chemokines and serum/sputum growth factors and the respiratory function tests and the walking test.
COV20/00401 Fundación Rioja Salud José Ramón Blanco Ramos ISCIII Registro
Prognosis of patients infected with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
Francisco Gude Sampedro
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Approximately 14% of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 present severe clinical symptoms and 5% require critical care, causing an overload on the health system. In this context, the use of predictive models to identify the most vulnerable subjects becomes a priority objective. Using data collected from electronic health records, this project aims to: 1) build survival and classification algorithms to estimate patient risk; and 2) based on the treatments administered to the patients, using causal inference models, quantifying the effectiveness of the drugs according to the characteristics of the patients.
COV20/00404 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) Francisco Gude Sampedro ISCIII Registro
COVID-19, immune risk profile (attached to 00654 project)
Ricardo Pujol Borrell
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Vall d'Hebron (VHIR)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
It is currently not known whether the minority of poorly evolving cases of COVID-19 are due to an excess or defect in the innate or adaptive immune response or to joint dysregulation. There are tools not yet applied to be able to discern between the various immunological/virological scenarios in which this infection develops. The objective of this project is to generate algorithms/indices to stratify patients by the immunological/virological risk profile applicable to the analysis of ongoing or future clinical trials with immunomodulators. Methods: 1) Capture of parameters of inflammation, coagulation, immunology and microbiology as well as general analysis in relation to the origins of the samples, demographic data and clinical evolution; 2) Measurement in 120 patients of the level of 16 cytokines and 32 lymphocyte populations for: 3) the generation of prognostic and therapeutic orientation algorithms from 2; 4) detailed identification by Nanostring® transcriptomics of the immune response pathways activated in 40 patients and thus confirm/improve the algorithm generated in 3.
COV20/00416 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Vall d'Hebron (VHIR) Ricardo Pujol Borrell ISCIII Registro
COVID-19 in patients with heart failure and family heart disease
Juan Ramón Gimeno Blanes
Fundación para la formación e investigación sanitarias de la región de Murcia (FFIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Epidemiological surveillance, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
An online platform will be created to register cases of patients with previous heart failure or family heart disease in which SARS-CoV-19 infection is confirmed. It will be an anonymized registry that will be accessed with a username and password through the web and will include basic demographic data, previous diagnoses, symptoms, previous treatments and during the episode, necessary interventions during admission and events. A common database will be generated from which the grouped data can be displayed and the corresponding statistical analyzes performed. The data will be available from the beginning of the project to the health authorities and to the participants in the registry. The registry will remain active for at least 2 years in order to collect data retrospectively from patients under previous follow-up in consultations, and to incorporate information on evolution and complications in the short and medium term.
COV20/00420 Fundación para la formación e investigación sanitarias de la región de Murcia (FFIS) Juan Ramón Gimeno Blanes ISCIII Registro
Epidemiological study and clinical-molecular implications of angiotensin in the prognosis of SARS-Cov-2 infection
Maria Sonia Gaztambide Saénz
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biocruces Bizkaia (IIS Biocruces)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Epidemiological surveillance, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The aim is to establish the association and impact between COVID-19 infection and chronic treatment with ACEI or ARAII, in terms of a torpid-fatal clinical course. These drugs increase the expression of ACE2, the vehicle of entry to target cells in acute respiratory syndrome by SARS CoV-2. The aim is to establish the relationship between viral load and genetic predisposition by identifying polymorphisms and their expression linked to this enzyme, related to diseases such as: diabetes, hypertension, and stroke and their treatments; trying to develop clinical trials to identify more efficient therapies in a population with high mortality.
COV20/00421 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Biocruces Bizkaia (IIS Biocruces) Maria Sonia Gaztambide Saénz ISCIII Registro
Interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and the human respiratory epithelium: sequestration of endocytosis and exocytosis pathways
José María Carvajal González
Universidad de Extremadura
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The pathways of a pathogen into our body is based on the breakdown of our physiological barriers. In In the case of the respiratory tract, the epithelium is one of the first barriers that the human body presents. The viral transfer of This epithelium has two alternatives: 1) the paracellular space, which would involve disassembling the tight junctions and adherents between neighboring cells, and 2) performing an intracellular transport process, taking the virus for their benefit intracellular traffic routes. This project aims to 1 study how the virus enters our body through the epithelial cells of the human airways. On the other hand the release of new viruses to the lumen of the pathways Respiratory may be due to virus exocytosis. This process would require the use of the secretory pathways they use. cells naturally. This project in its objective 2 will study the exocytosis of SARS-CoV2 in epithelial cells of the human airways. In addition, the development of Objective 1 and 2 will conclude with the development of two platforms for screening, allowing to search for drugs that block the entry or exit of the virus directly into epithelia of the respiratory tract.
COV20/00429 Universidad de Extremadura José María Carvajal González ISCIII
Decoy-ACE2: Use of catalytically inactivated soluble ACE2 as an anti-COVID-19 drug.
Alberto Marina Moreno / Vicente Rubio Zamora
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, CIBER (Hospital Clinic, Barcelona)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
We seek to inhibit the cellular entry of the coronavirus by administering large amounts of soluble (non-cell bound) viral receptor (ACE2) to act as a "decoy". We will inactivate by directed mutagenesis the carboxypeptidase activity of ACE2, without removing the catalytic Zn2+ with possible structural functions and without interfering with the stability of the protein or its interaction with the viral spicule, and we will produce it using baculovirus/insect cells (system that we use routinely). We will purify wild or mutant ACE2 by affinity chromatography exploiting an artificial eliminable label. We will prove that the mutant forms of ACE2 are catalytically inactive, stable, and that they bind to the binding region of the viral protein S. We will evaluate in cell cultures (collaboration with Jesús Rodríguez Díaz, Dept. of Microbiology, Hospital Clínico-University of Valencia) the potency of the mutated forms to inhibit the infection of viral inocula. We will determine (crystallography or cryoEM) structures of ACE mutant complexes/S binding domain.
COV20/00437 Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, CIBER (Hospital Clinic, Barcelona) Alberto Marina Moreno / Vicente Rubio Zamora ISCIII
Clinical characterization of COVID-19 infection: Prognostic stratification and complications
Susana García Gutiérrez
Asociación del Instituto de Investigación en Servicios de Salud-Kronikgune
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Epidemiological surveillance, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Objectives: 1.-Create risk stratification scales for poor evolution of patients infected with SARS-CoV-19, and evolutionary profile of patients; 2.-Assess effectiveness of treatment and diagnostic tests; 3-Evaluation of accessibility, equity, variability and costs. Methods: Information extracted manually / automatically from the electronic medical history of parameters such as epidemiological history, onset of symptoms, clinical manifestations, tests performed, treatments and evolution up to 3 months after discharge. Statistical analysis: using classic survival models, logistic regression, generalized linear models, and also analysis using artificial intelligence techniques that assess the risk of poor evolution. Health care costs are valued. Decision making applications will be derived as a product.
COV20/00459 Asociación del Instituto de Investigación en Servicios de Salud-Kronikgune Susana García Gutiérrez ISCIII Registro
Effect of drug consumption before and during SARS-COV-2 infection on the evolution of patients with COVID-19. A population-based cohort study
Adolfo Figueiras Guzmán
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
There are significant inconsistencies and lack of evidence on the effect of treatment with antihypertensive drugs of the ACEI and / or ARAII type and some NSAIDs and this could be a risk factor for severity and even mortality due to COVID-19. This favors rumors and errors in information, which can negatively affect Public Health and decision-making. Therefore, with this study we intend to assess whether previous consumption of certain medications (ACE inhibitors, ARAII) conditions a greater susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection; and to identify those treatments received before and after infection that are associated with a better evolution and greater survival. For this, population records from Galicia will be used, using the HEXIN big data platform.
COV20/00470 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) Adolfo Figueiras Guzmán ISCIII Registro
Evolution of the inflammatory profile and redox status in COVID-19 patients: Possible therapeutic targets?
Eduardo Tamayo Gómez
Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid (HCU Valladolid)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
The risk of patients with COVID19 increases with age as does the redox status and the inflammatory component. The hypothesis of this study is that in COVID19 patients there is an inflammatory profile associated with the severity of the disease that evolves depending on the patient's ability to stabilize their redox status. The objectives of this study are to perform a clinical biological and molecular characterization of Covid19 disease and to establish one of the innovative therapeutic targets and biomarkers of prognostic clinical activity. and even death that can significantly reduce the mortality trend that currently our country is suffering.
COV20/00491 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid (HCU Valladolid) Eduardo Tamayo Gómez ISCIII Registro
Antiviral design for SARS based on polypharmacology
Victor Guallar
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
It is essential to design antivirals capable of simultaneously inhibiting various coronaviruses, thus introducing a series of molecules that can act as the first line of shock in mutations of SARS-CoV-2 and in future pandemics. For this, it is essential to locate targets with high similarity, structurally well characterized, and perform virtual screening of millions of compounds, task that is only possible with the massive use of supercomputing. With this objective, we have formed a team with extensive experience in development and massive application of software in pharmacological studies, as well as chemical synthesis and medical chemistry. Selected compounds and synthesized will be tested in different projects already underway (to which we will transfer the molecules): the Grifols-IrsiCaixa consortium and the UK's national synchrotron centre, Diamond.
COV20/00505 Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) Victor Guallar ISCIII
Evaluation of the Specific Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2
Ramón Gimeno Martínez
Fundación del Institut Mar d'Investigacions Médiques (FIMIM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Control of SARS-CoV-2 infection is based on the development of an immune response effective against the virus and in the development and maintenance of memory T-lymphocytes that can be activated if the virus reappears. The generation of memory T-lymphocytes is also necessary to ensure the effectiveness of vaccination strategies. Using cellular techniques (ELISPOT, flow cytometry) we will study the characteristics of the immune response in patients who have resolved the infection, regardless of its clinical manifestations. In addition, we will analyze the evolution of the infection and immune response in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases to study whether immunosuppressive treatments (biological or pharmacological) may have had some positive impact or negative, in the course of the infection and in the establishment of the immunological memory.
COV20/00508 Fundación del Institut Mar d'Investigacions Médiques (FIMIM) Ramón Gimeno Martínez ISCIII Registro
Prognostic variables. Consumed resources and hospital cost of patients entered by SARS-CoV-2 infection, according to their fragility
Eva María Andrés Esteban
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
At the present time, COVID-19 has generated the greatest public health crisis, putting the health system at serious risk of collapse. Thus, in mid-March it was necessary to resort to the national state of emergency and impose a house confinement that will continue until at least mid-April, with a high probability of extension. During this time, all the services of our hospitals, and especially the emergency and intensive care services, are fully restored, exceeding 100% of the existing capacity. In this chaos, tents and pavilions are being set up to serve the increasing number of patients with mild, moderate or severe symptoms of the disease. Furthermore, the prognosis, as well as the clinical presentation, is highly variable, with no empirical evidence to corroborate these differences. In this project we want to stratify the infected population according to different stages of fragility, tempting to study the difference in evolution as well as in the use of hospital resources.
COV20/00519 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid Eva María Andrés Esteban ISCIII Registro
Retrospective cohort study to assess the effect of NSAIDs and ACE inhibitors on the prognosis of symptomatic patients with COVID-19
Raquel Cobos Campos
Asociación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Bioaraba
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
The aim of this project is to determine if patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, treated with drugs that increase the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2, ARBs and / or NSAIDs) are more at risk of poor evolution of the disease (pneumonia, ARDS and cardiac involvement), mortality or hospital admission than patients not treated with these drugs. A retrospective study of all patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 virus infection in Alava is proposed. All patients with confirmed infection will be followed up from the first contact with the health system until its resolution (test negative) or death, if applicable. The data will precede the electronic clinical history of each patient.
COV20/00527 Asociación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Bioaraba Raquel Cobos Campos ISCIII Registro
Pre-clinical mouse models for the study of COVID-19 and trial of therapeutic strategies
Sagrario Ortega Jiménez
Fundación del Sector Público Estatal Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III (CNIO)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies, Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
The ultimate goal of this proposal is to develop a genetically modified mouse, capable of being infected by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We propose two models. The first consists of a knock-in model in which the murine Ace2 gene is replaced by the coding sequence of its human counterpart. We know that Ace2 knockout mice develop phenotypes that may not be rescued by expression of the human protein. Therefore, and in parallel, we propose the generation of a transgenic model, by means of a BAC that contains all the regulatory sequences of the expression of the murine Ace2 gene, and in which the coding sequence of such gene is replaced by that of the human gene (cDNA). In both models, concomitant with the expression of the human ACE2 protein, the fluorescent protein tdTomatoo will be expressed, in order to easily detect and isolate the cells susceptible to being infected by the SARS-CoVi-2 virus.
COV20/00532 Fundación del Sector Público Estatal Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III (CNIO) Sagrario Ortega Jiménez ISCIII
Infection, hospitalization, ICU admission, and death from SARS-CoV-2 in a population cohort
Jesus Castilla Catalán
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
The objective of this project is to estimate the effect of sociodemographic characteristics, chronic diseases and other conditions on the risk of infection, hospitalization and severe forms of COVID-19. Methods: The population cohort covered by the Navarre Health Service (640,000 people) will be built from healthcare databases and epidemiological surveillance. Two sub-cohorts will be defined for specific analyzes: institutionalized people (n = 6,000) and health professionals (n = 12,000). The incidence rates of cases with clinical suspicion, infection confirmed by PCR, hospitalizations, ICU admissions, assisted ventilation and mortality will be calculated. Case fatality will also be calculated in confirmed and hospitalized cases. The predictor variables to be evaluated are sex, age, chronic diseases, pregnancy, obesity, hypertension, smoking, functional capacity, socioeconomic level, number of cohabitants, minors in the home and use of services. Antibody seroprevalence will be evaluated in a sample of patients from the sentinel physician network and / or donors.
COV20/00542 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra (IdiSNA) Jesus Castilla Catalán ISCIII Registro
Prevention of COVID19 infection by administering hydroxichlorochine in elderly institutionalised people and residential care staff. Controlled, open and randomized clinical trial (stepped-wedge) by clusters
José Miguel Morales Asensio
Fundación para la investigación de Málaga en Biomedicina y Salud (FIMABIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine chemoprophylaxis for healthcare personnel and elderly people in nursing homes: a) on the incidence of secondary cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in elderly people, and b) on the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the healthcare personnel themselves. Assess the efficacy of measures to promote infection control. Controlled, randomized, open-label, stepwise cluster study in elderly people and care professionals in 4 autonomous regions using HCQ
COV20/00565 Fundación para la investigación de Málaga en Biomedicina y Salud (FIMABIS) José Miguel Morales Asensio ISCIII
Deciphering ACE2-mediated SARS-CoV-2 lung infection
Carles Barceló Pascual
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Therapies, SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Difficulty breathing due to severe pneumonia is by far, the most life-threatening emergency symptoms reported for COVID-19. This is because the SARS-CoV-2 virus accesses host cells via the enzyme ACE2, which is most abundant in the alveolar cells of the lungs. We aim to study SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 to identify the regions/residues critical for an efficient cell entry. We also aim to determine how the genetic variants/polymorphisms of main receptor ACE2 found in Spanish population and different tissues impinge on SARS-CoV-2 infection capacity. This have a clear therapeutic application (e.g. development of ACE2 peptide comprising the critical region as a viral attachment inhibitor and prospective antibody generation) and can be easily transferred to the clinic as it could explain why different patients have a different susceptibility, symptoms, and outcome of COVID-19 depending on the ACE2 polymorphism. Finally in an unprecedented analysis of the COVID-19 disease in human lung epithelium, we will make use of CRISPR/Cas9 to study how ACE2-dependent SARS-CoV-2 infection affects epithelial organization, cells most susceptible to infection and we will confirm the previous findings in a totally translational/bench-to-bedside approach.
COV20/00571 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) Carles Barceló Pascual ISCIII
Study of the SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the respiratory tract and blood as a factor associated with the prognosis of COVID-19 in adults
Javier Sánchez Céspedes
Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de Sevilla (FISEVI)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The general objective is to analyze the influence of the SARS-CoV-2 viral load on the lower respiratory tract (sputum or invasive samples if its study is indicated), as well as blood and feces as indicators of disseminated disease, as factors associated with development of pneumonia and the evolution of the disease, measured by the need for assisted ventilation and cure or death. Virological variables will be included in an analysis together with demographic variables, comorbidities, and the clinical and radiological characteristics of pneumonia. Also, the sensitivity of the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR in nasopharyngeal smears will be evaluated. Finally, the excretion and infectivity of the virus in feces will be determined after the patients are cured.
COV20/00580 Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de Sevilla (FISEVI) Javier Sánchez Céspedes ISCIII Registro
Elaboration of alert COVID-19 transmission maps in urban spaces oriented to the application of anti-propagation measures on a detailed scale
Mª Jesús Perles Roselló
Universidad de Málaga (UM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, Socio-economic impact, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
The project aims to analyze the spatial behavior of transmission of the Covid-19 virus in urban spaces, in order to know where the main sources of infection are located, which are more virulent and evolve at a faster rate, with what factors are related, and what are the key areas of action through anti-contagion measures to stop the spread. We understand that spatial monitoring of contagion at the urban micro-scale level is key to cutting the virus transmission chain. The spatial scope of study is made up of the urban spaces of the province of Malaga, including its capital, an urban area in which results are already being obtained.
COV20/00587 Universidad de Málaga (UM) Mª Jesús Perles Roselló ISCIII
Characterization and management of Post Intensive Care Syndrome in COVID-19 patients
Gonzalo Sol Fernández
Fundació Parc Taulí
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Socio-economic impact
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
Implementation of a combined monitoring system (technological solutions and face-to-face visits) in patients who have overcome a critical episode by COVID-19 to characterize the Post-Intensive Care syndrome and detect early needs for specific treatment or physical and cognitive rehabilitation. The follow-up will be done in person at discharge from the ICU and 12 months after discharge from the ICU, and through the use of mobile applications and telephone calls 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after discharge from the ICU. A diagnostic tree will be developed to detect survivors of critical illness due to COVID-19 who present moderate-severe physical, cognitive and emotional disorders 3 months after discharge from the ICU. These patients will be offered an extraordinary face-to-face visit with a specialist at 6 months.
COV20/00595 Fundació Parc Taulí Gonzalo Sol Fernández ISCIII
An international randomised trial of additional treatments for COVID-19 in hospitalised patients who are all receiving the local standard of care (Solidarity)
Vicente Estrada & Antonio Portoles
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The aim of this core protocol is to compare the effects on major outcomes in hospital of the local standard of care alone versus the local standard of care plus one of four alternative anti-viral agent (Remdesivir, Chloroquine / OHchloroquine, Lopinavir + Ritonavir or Lopinavir / Ritonavir + Interferon). The primary objective is to provide reliable estimates on any effects of these anti-viral treatments on in-hospital mortality in moderate and in severe COVID and the secondary to assess any effects of these anti-viral treatments on hospital duration and receipt of ventilation or intensive care, and to identify any serious adverse reactions.
COV20/00612 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC) Vicente Estrada & Antonio Portoles ISCIII
Dynamic prediction of COVID-19 scenarios in the short and medium term (PREDICO)
Jorge Mira Perez
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, Socio-economic impact, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
This project aims to predict the evolution of the expansion and incidence of COVID-19, solving the main problems that the known models are facing: the disputed reliability of the available data, both due to difficulties in the detection mechanisms and to a probable abundance of asymptomatic infected people. To this end, work is being carried out on three fronts: a) on the basis of compartmental models, which provide systems of differential equations; b) with so-called Empirical Dynamic Modelling, which dispenses with equations, thus eliminating any dependence on the pre-determination of causal agents; and c) through an analysis of the Spanish social network, which will feed back into a) and b). The work in these three blocks will have continuous interconnection.
COV20/00617 Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) Jorge Mira Perez ISCIII
Genetic Determinants and Genomic Risk Biomarkers in Patients with SARS-COV-2 Coronavirus Infection
Angel Carracedo Alvarez (PI), Pablo Lapunzina (Co-PI)
Consorcio del Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red MP (CIBER)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The objective of this project is to search for risk genomic biomarkers that may predispose to more serious infection, prognostic stratification and / or response genomic biomarkers in patients who have received treatment during infusion. A complete genome association study (GWAS) will be performed in a sample of 7000 Spanish patients and a complete genome sequencing study in a group of selected patients (300), collected by a national and international consortium that includes more than 15 hospitals, complemented by a high-level research group. Clinical data (signs, symptoms, and findings) and personal and epidemiological history will be collected in a common database designed ad hoc for this project. We will thus find genetic / genomic determinants of risk and poor evolution that allow a better stratification of patients and the adaptation and optimization of therapeutic protocols.
COV20/00622 Consorcio del Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red MP (CIBER) Angel Carracedo Alvarez (PI), Pablo Lapunzina (Co-PI) ISCIII Registro
Design of molecular beacons for rapid and effective identification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA species in patient samples of COVID-19
Mario Fernández Fraga / Juan Ramón Tejedor Vaquero
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Due to the health emergency caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in view of a possible scenario of rebound or chronicity of the disease, urges the development of tools that facilitate the detection and follow-up of patients susceptible to infection by the virus SARS-CoV-2. This project aims to generate an alternative, fast and sensitive test for the detection direct from human samples of virus RNA species, in order to simplify the time, costs and experimental complexity required for the current diagnosis of COVID-19. To this end, this proposal contemplates the design of a battery of molecular beacons and the use of scalable fluorimetric analysis through the use of signal amplification by a nicking enzyme (NESA) for the purpose of identification direct, effective and low cost of different species of coronavirus RNA in human samples.
COV20/00624 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Mario Fernández Fraga / Juan Ramón Tejedor Vaquero ISCIII
Prognostic variables, resources consumed and cost in primary care of patients with COVID-19
Rosa Magallón Botaya
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Aragón (IISA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, Socio-economic impact
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Currently, COVID-19 has generated the greatest public health crisis, putting the health care system at serious risk of collapse. Thus, in mid-March it was necessary to resort to the national state of emergency and impose a house confinement that will continue, at least until mid-April, with a high probability of extension. During this time, the health services have been completely overwhelmed. In this new situation, tents and pavilions are being set up to serve the ever-increasing number of patients with mild, moderate or severe symptoms of the disease, deriving resources from other levels of care. Furthermore, the prognosis, as well as the clinical presentation, is highly variable, and there is no empirical evidence to corroborate these differences. In this project we want to stratify the infected population that does not require hospital admission, its predisposing factors, comorbidity and fragility, as well as to analyze the use of resources in PC in this pandemic in our country.
COV20/00634 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Aragón (IISA) Rosa Magallón Botaya ISCIII Registro
Treatment of patients with COVID-19 and non-severe pneumonia without hospital admission criteria: randomized clinical trial Protocol Code: COME-CLEAN EUDRACT 2020-001962-12
Carlos Guijarro Herraiz
Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of 4 active treatment regimens in monotherapy (hydroxychloroquine, Prednisone, Azithromycin, or Colchicine) vs. placebo in COVID-19 patients with non-pneumonia severe without admission criteria measured as hospital admission or death in the following 2 weeks after start of treatment; assess and compare the safety of treatment guidelines at 28 days and describe changes occurred in the perception of health status at 12 weeks and analyze the impact of various clinical and sociodemographic factors in these potential changes. Design: Clinical trial randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled. N = 1711. Analysis by intention to treat.
COV20/00644 Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón Carlos Guijarro Herraiz ISCIII
Determinants of resistance and pathogenicity in SARS-CoV-2 infection: genomic and biochemical mechanisms
Carlos López Otín / Alejandro López Soto
Universidad de Oviedo
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The clinical management of COVID-19 patients and the implementation of measures to prevent, alleviate and eventually eradicate the disease will require not only a complete characterization of the structural and biological features of the virus, but also a deep understanding of the molecular intricacies of the virus-host cell interaction. In this project we will carry out comparative studies aimed at identifying viral and host genomic features involved in pathogenicity and disease susceptibility. We will also study the role of cellular proteases involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection and explore their regulatory mechanisms, their endogenous inhibitors and their potential role in aging-associated disease vulnerability. These studies will be complemented with a CRISPR/Cas9-based screening designed to search for new cellular factors involved in the infection process and host response.
COV20/00652 Universidad de Oviedo Carlos López Otín / Alejandro López Soto ISCIII
COVID-19, immune risk profile (attached to 00416 project)
Jordi Bas Minguel
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (Fundación IDIBELL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
It is currently not known whether the minority of poorly evolving cases of COVID-19 are due to an excess or defect in the innate or adaptive immune response or to joint dysregulation. There are tools not yet applied to be able to discern between the various immunological/virological scenarios in which this infection develops. The objective of this project is to generate algorithms/indices to stratify patients by the immunological/virological risk profile applicable to the analysis of ongoing or future clinical trials with immunomodulators. Methods: 1) Capture of parameters of inflammation, coagulation, immunology and microbiology as well as general analysis in relation to the origins of the samples, demographic data and clinical evolution; 2) Measurement in 120 patients of the level of 16 cytokines and 32 lymphocyte populations for: 3) the generation of prognostic and therapeutic orientation algorithms from 2; 4) detailed identification by Nanostring® transcriptomics of the immune response pathways activated in 40 patients and thus confirm/improve the algorithm generated in 3.
COV20/00654 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (Fundación IDIBELL) Jordi Bas Minguel ISCIII
Identification and characterization of the protective T-immune response to SARS-CoV-2: Guiding successful vaccine design
Julia Garcia Prado
Fundació IrsiCaixa
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
At present we do not know if SARS-CoV-2 infection will be able to generate immunological memory at the population level. The presence of immunological T-memory is essential for the control of a new COVID-19 outbreak. Under these premises, this project proposes: 1) To identify the regions of SARS-CoV-2 recognized by the immune T response associated with protection. 2) To determine the time of generation of these responses. 3) To characterize the functionality of T responses associated to SARS-CoV-2 protection. This information is essential to successfully design and evaluate the immunogenicity of a new prototype T vaccine in a second phase. The ultimate goal is to achieve prolonged population protection against SARS-CoV-2 through vaccination.
COV20/00660 Fundació IrsiCaixa Julia Garcia Prado ISCIII
Characterization and therapeutic management of immunological hyperactivation associated with mortality in COVID-19.
Rafael Correa Rocha
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
The clinical deterioration of SARS-CoV-2 infection would be the result of a combination of virus-induced direct cytopathic effects and immunopathology induced by a cytokine release syndrome associated with the immune response to the virus. The experience that is being acquired in our centers indicates that in the most serious cases the clinical picture is mainly related to the activation of an exaggerated immune response and an uncontrolled inflammatory process, which leads to a multi-organ failure that ends in death. A recent study of 150 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Wuhan has just identified elevated ferritin and IL-6 as the main predictors of mortality, confirming that the hyperinflammation caused by the response to SARS-CoV-2 would be the main cause of mortality in COVID-19. Our project aims to make an exhaustive study of the patient's immune status: i) establishing an early monitoring of cytokines to guide the targeted and personalized use of biological drugs, in order to rescue patients with a worse evolution from a probable death; ii) studying the immunological factors associated with relative risk, progression and also the development of immunity against the virus.
COV20/00668 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM) Rafael Correa Rocha ISCIII
Registry of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with hemoglobinopathies and / or splenectomized: epidemiological surveillance and study of morbidity and mortality in risk groups.
Elena Cela de Julián
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Social sciences in the outbreak response
The registry of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pediatric patients with hemoglobinopathies with clinical severity, such as sickle cell disease (SCD) or thalassemia major (TM), among others and / or splenectomized patients, aims to collect epidemiological information relevant to the surveillance of this risk group; The aim is to study morbidity and mortality in this population in addition to quantifying the resources used by this population during the current epidemic situation (hospitalization rate, treatments used, admission rate in intensive care units, among other markers). from an observational, descriptive, multicenter and ambispective study. This study wants to study the socioeconomic impact and epidemiology of COVID-19 disease in this population group.
COV20/00675 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM) Elena Cela de Julián ISCIII Registro
Creation of the COVID19 patient cohort and samples associated with the Biobank of the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Galicia Sur (IISGS)
Eva Poveda López
Fundación Biomédica Galicia Sur
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The creation of the COVID19 patient cohort and samples associated with the IISGS Biobank in the Vigo health area provides the basis for the study of COVID-19 disease in a standardized and quality way. It will allow the execution of clinical and experimental studies to increase our knowledge and optimize the prevention, diagnosis, clinical follow-up and treatment of patients infected with SARS-COV-2 locally and globally, favoring consortia and study groups with other national centers and for the development of joint research projects. For this, a Coordination Unit of the COVID19-IISGS Cohort and a Scientific-Technical Committee have been created for the evaluation of research projects that require the use of data and samples from the cohort once they have the approval of the Relevant Ethics Committees.
COV20/00698 Fundación Biomédica Galicia Sur Eva Poveda López ISCIII Registro
Use of ozone for the reuse of personal protective equipment (PPE). O3CoVid19PPE study
Bernardino Clavo Varas
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies, Socio-economic impact
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
The fight currently taking place in Spain against CoVidl9 has many fronts. One of the most important at a strategic level is the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), which has resulted in: 1) a high percentage of infected healthcare professionals, 2) reduction in the number of operating professionals, a high percentage of infected health professionals, 2) reduction in the number of operating professionals, 3) that professionals can spread the infection. Ozone has been used for decades in the treatment and disinfection of water (waste and for public use) and air. At low concentrations it destroys most viruses in a few minutes. If this effect on CoVid19 is confirmed, ozone could be used to: 1) inactivate the virus in PPE and facilitate its rapid reuse and availability for professionals, 2) decrease the number of PPE withdrawal procedures as a risk factor. The basic idea of ​​this project was published, as a comment, in March-2020 in the JAMA magazine.
COV20/00702 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC) Bernardino Clavo Varas ISCIII
MIND/COVID-19: Mental health Impact and NeeDs associated with COVID-19: a comprehensive national evaluation in Spain.
Jordi Alonso Caballero
Fundación del Instituto Mar de Investigaciones Médicas (FIMIM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
A prospective cohort study of three groups: (1) COVID-19 cases or close contacts recently isolated or quarantined; (2) healthcare workers; and (3) the general population, including both adults and children/adolescents. Recruitment through epidemiologic surveillance services, hospitals, primary care centers in 6 Spanish Autonomous Communities (groups 1 & 2), a panel survey (group 3 - adults), and snowball sampling through social media (group 3 - children/adolescents). Web-based surveys at baseline and 6-month follow-up assess: current living and employment status; COVID-19 infection status; mental health (post-traumatic stress, panic, depression, anxiety, alcohol use, suicidality; services use); psychological functioning; health and quality of life. Specific modules focus on impact of isolation or quarantine (group 1) and care for COVID-19 patients (group 2). Children/adolescents receive adapted modules. Smartphone-based daily brief surveys among groups 1 & 2 will provide additional assessment of main outcomes in the two weeks following baseline assessment.
COV20/00711 Fundación del Instituto Mar de Investigaciones Médicas (FIMIM) Jordi Alonso Caballero ISCIII Registro
Study of the dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic with physical-mathematical epidemiological models. Monitoring, control strategies, simulations and surveys
Antonio Guirao Piñera
Universidad de Murcia
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
Research initiated on the dynamics of growth of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic will be continued using physical-mathematical epidemiological models. The study will be conducted on official data on the number of patients. The following will be investigated: phases of the epidemic (exponential growth, peak and decline); severity according to peak height and width; growth rate and reproductive number; effect of uncertainty on the number of infected persons. The scientific basis for the design of the most suitable containment strategies according to parameter optimization (not only containment) will be proposed. Simulations will be carried out in different scenarios of the incidence and affected curves, which will help to anticipate control measures, and to understand the risk of importing cases and outbreaks.
COV20/00736 Universidad de Murcia Antonio Guirao Piñera ISCIII
Design and development of peptide inhibitors of SARS CoV2 virus entry for human use
Bruno Sainz Anding
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Herein we are proposing the use of a low throughput peptide-screening assay to identify peptides that can inhibit SARS-CoV2 virus entry. The rationale is logical, the technology developed to identify these peptides, the feasibility of using peptides inhibitors of viral entry has been tested and proven and the translation of such findings to the clinic (e.g. clinical trials) is practical. Hence, our group is well positioned to tackle the immediate and growing need to develop novel compounds that can treat patients infected with SARS-CoV2. As principal investigator, I have a proven track record in Virology, with a particular emphasis on viral entry and the development and / or identification of compounds that inhibit viral entry. Thus, the proposal outlined below is well within my and my laboratories expertise and capabilities.
COV20/00749 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Bruno Sainz Anding ISCIII
Radiographic screening, chest inspection in patients with COVID19
Francisco Javier Albiol Colomer
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
One of the symptomatic aspects of COVID19 is the effect of pneumonia. Our group is an expert in image analysis and its treatment for combined use with radiologists. With the resources we have available, we want to help develop a radiological screening system based on artificial intelligence to help identify the severity of the pathology. During the project, the solution's exploitation capacity will be looked for, looking for leading companies in the sector as engines for the acquisition of images.
COV20/00750 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Francisco Javier Albiol Colomer ISCIII
Short and medium term therapies for the treatment of COVID-19: senolytics and vaccine development
Cayetano Von Kobbe
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies, Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D, Candidate vaccines R&D
According to the WHO, hypertension, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases, diabetes, immunosuppression, cancer, along with old age, belong to the specific risk group of people affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. As we age, our body accumulates senescent cells, which produce harmful effects on the body, and are known to play a causal role in the onset of the diseases listed above. This fact, together with known data, place senescent cells as targets to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of the infection. The main objective of this project is the specific elimination of senescent cells through the use of senolytics, in order to improve the clinical picture of those affected. The fact that some senolytics are already in the clinical phase, means that their use in patients would be faster. The development of vaccines based on cellular response, is also raised here.
COV20/00755 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Cayetano Von Kobbe ISCIII
Structural and Dynamic Characteristics of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Douglas Vinson Laurents, Miguel Mompeán García
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
A significant proportion of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome lacks homology with known proteins and appears to have no defined structure. Proteins intrinsically Disordered (IDP) are essential for viral infections, as they hijack human regulatory networks. IDPs are refractory to structural analysis using X-ray crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy. The objective of this project is to characterize the partial structure and dynamics of three disordered proteins and three peptides of the SARS-CoV-2 proteome, for example, the segment that covers residues 962-1021: FGATSAALQPEEEQEEDWLDDDSQQTVGQQDGSEDNQTTTIQTIVEVQPQLEMELTPWQ. We will use NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics, which are the only methods that provide information at the atomic level on IDPs.
COV20/00764 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Douglas Vinson Laurents, Miguel Mompeán García ISCIII
Mechanistic model based on artificial intelligence for the reuse of drugs against SARS-CoV-2 infection
Joaquín Dopazo Blázquez
Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
The rapid expansion of SARS-CoV-2, a new virus, has caught health systems without adequate therapy. Although the development of a new drug is not feasible in the short term, the solution of reusing drugs with other indications would bring closer the availability of new therapies. Computational approaches have been shown to be faster and cheaper than experimental ones. Among these, those based on mechanistic models, which allow inferring cause-effect relationships, have shown greater effectiveness than traditional solutions such as virtual screening or others. We propose the use of a mechanistic model based on artificial intelligence that has already demonstrated its effectiveness in rare diseases for the reuse of drugs for Covid-19.
COV20/00788 Fundación Pública Andaluza Progreso y Salud Joaquín Dopazo Blázquez ISCIII
Clinical utility of analysis of IL-6 signaling as an indicator of COVID-19 disease activity. Therapeutic opportunity with IL-6 trans-signaling blockers
Matilde Bustos de Abajo
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
1) Análisis de la respuesta inflamatoria mediante perfil de citoquinas en suero relacionadas con señalización de IL-6 para estratificar pacientes, valorar actividad de la enfermedad COVI-19 y seleccionar pacientes donde atenuar la respuesta inflamatoria mediante el bloqueo de IL-6. 2) Análisis de SNPs de los genes que participan en la señalización de IL-6 que puedan explicar reacciones exacerbadas (datos bioinformaticos y datos a obtener con nuestras muestras). 3) Demostrar la importancia de un bloqueo selectivo de IL-6. es decir bloquear sólo el trans-signalling de IL-6 en los pacientes donde exista una respuesta inflamatoria grave con altos niveles de receptor soluble de IL-6 (sIL-6R) y bajos sgp130 (buffer natural del trans-signaling), no se afecta la clásica de IL-6. Esto contrasta con el uso de Tociluzimab, donde se inhiben no se afecta la clásica de IL-6. Esto contrasta con el uso de Tociluzimab, donde se inhiben todas las respuestas de IL-6 con afectación de la señalización clásica regeneradora y de defensa de IL-6 en los procesos de inflamación.
COV20/00792 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Matilde Bustos de Abajo ISCIII
Clinical and immunovirological aspects of SARS-CoV2 infection in a cohort of pregnant women and newborns.
Maria Luisa Navarro Gómez
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies
National prospective multicenter study conducted in RECLIP healthcare centers. At least 150 mother-newborn couples with confirmed SARS-CoV2 infection will be tested during pregnancy. Epidemiological, clinical aspects, infection treatments, evolution will be collected. Microbiological studies of SARS-Cov-2 will be carried out in 50 couples in respiratory samples, blood, placenta, urine and feces of the newborn, breast milk, and immunological samples at the time of diagnosis of the pregnant woman and at birth in the newborn. , and prospectively up to 6 months of infant life, aimed at knowing in depth the transmission of the infection as well as the immune response that occurs in these populations against SARS-CoV-2.
COV20/00808 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM) Maria Luisa Navarro Gómez ISCIII Registro
Study of the protection of BCG and MTBVAC against SARS-COV-2 in primates
Carlos Martín Montañés
Universidad de Zaragoza
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate vaccines R&D
Study of the prophylactic activity of trained innate immunity induced by MTBVAC live attenuated vaccine compared to BCG against SARS-CoV2 in the rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) model at the Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) in the Netherlands. The present research is part of the studies that the BPRC is going to start on the protective activity by the increase of trained immunity induced by BCG against SARS-CoV2 by studying the inoculation of BCG vaccine by different routes administration (intradermal, pulmonary and intravenous).
COV20/00820 Universidad de Zaragoza Carlos Martín Montañés ISCIII
Rapid serological testing for combined detection of IgG and IgM against SARS-CoV-2
Ciara O`Sulivan
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
The project aims at the development of a rapid and easy-to-use serological test for the screening of COVID-19 and the differentiation between current and past infections. The addition of fingerpick blood sample and a final immersion of dipstick/addition of substrate is the only required end-user intervention. It is based on the detection of the IgM and IgG antibodies produced by the infected person`s immune system to fight the infection. The assay design will differ from the common format used by numerous manufacturers to eliminate the possibility of false negative results. Gold and carbon nanoparticle labels will be used for visual readout and the specific colour combination on the strips will be related to the presence of specific antibody type. A recombinant COVID-19 antigen will be prepared for the final preparation of prototype tests to be validated using patient blood samples. The assay time will be less than 15 minutes and the production cost will be 1€. The methodology will be disseminated internationally and can be easily implemented globally.
COV20/00823 Universitat Rovira i Virgili Ciara O`Sulivan ISCIII
Incidence and characterization of low / high risk of complication profiles in people >60 years with COVID-19.
Ángel Vila Córcoles
IDIAP Jordi Gol
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
Population-based cohort study, with 4-month retrospective-prospective follow-up (03/03 / 2020-30 / 06/2020), which will include 48,000 people> 60 years from Tarragona (1,500 of them institutionalized). Objectives: (i) to know the real incidence of COVID-19 infection, discriminating according to "confirmed" (PCR +) and / or "suspicious" cases (COVID19-like without PCR confirmation); (ii) identify the frequency of presentation (initial and during the evolution) of symptoms and signs of the disease in both types of patients (confirmed / suspected); (iii) characterize the clinical presentation profile (symptoms and signs) of COVID-19 infection in the population and explore models for predicting low / high risk profiles of complication (sudden worsening, need for hospitalization / ICU, death) based on possible predictive covariates (sex, age, symptoms / signs, comorbidity and previous medication).
COV20/00852 IDIAP Jordi Gol Ángel Vila Córcoles ISCIII Registro
Application of AI to the immediate prediction of time series to optimize resource management in epidemics
José Luis Aznarte Mellado
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Socio-economic impact, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Given the uncertainty generated by the health crisis, and based on the large amount of data generated every day on the COVID19 disease, we propose to apply the most modern and reliable techniques for the analysis and prediction of space-time series using / deep-learning / and others. paradigms of artificial intelligence. The objective is to immediately develop predictive systems for infections, admissions, patients in the ICU and deaths by province and autonomous community, along with other magnitudes (logistical, economic, ...) that allow for more effective orientation of the action of the Ministry of Health in this and other crises. In addition, a retrospective analysis is proposed that enables the start date of each focus of the epidemic to be determined a posteriori, as well as visualization tools and dashboards that allow useful knowledge to be extracted and decision-making to be facilitated from the data.
COV20/00856 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) José Luis Aznarte Mellado ISCIII
Dual Vaccinia MVA virus for immunization against SARS-CoV-2
Rafael Blasco Lozano
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, O.A., M.P.
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate vaccines R&D
For greater effectiveness and potency, an ideal vaccine should induce both a humoral and a cellular memory response. We have a methodology developed to obtain recombinant vaccinia MVA viruses that simultaneously express two antigens from two separate loci of the genome, without inactivating any virus gene that can attenuate the response. In the case of COVID-19, it seems likely that protein S induces good neutralizing antibodies but a poor cellular response, so we propose to generate vaccine candidates that enhance the T cell response by expressing, in addition to SARS glycoprotein S -CoV-2, the ns1 / 2 or N proteins. These vaccine candidates must be able to induce humoral immunity in addition to cellular immunity against conserved epitopes on intracellular proteins. Once the recombinant viruses have been generated, their immunogenic capacity will be evaluated in mouse models.
COV20/00901 Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, O.A., M.P. Rafael Blasco Lozano ISCIII
Seroprevalence against SARS-CoV-2 in pregnant women and newborns.
Javier Llorca Díaz / María Jesús Cabero Pérez
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies
Cohort study including 1,000 pregnant women and their 1,000 newborns in the Cantabria community, which will be followed for one year. Determinations of IgG and IgM antiSARS-CoV-2 will be carried out in the mother in the first pregnancy consultation, on the day of delivery and at 6 and 12 months after delivery; in the newborn on the day of birth and at 6 and 12 months. Sociodemographic information and the process of care for pregnancy and childbirth will be collected. At follow-up, somatometry and psychomotor development of the newborn will be evaluated.
COV20/00923 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) Javier Llorca Díaz / María Jesús Cabero Pérez ISCIII Registro
Regulation of macrophage extravasation by a2 adrenergic agonists in the STC associated with COVID-19
José Federico Díaz González
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Patients with severe COVID-19 develop a cytokine storm syndrome (CTS) that seriously worsens their prognosis. STC is characterized by excessive accumulation of activated macrophages that cause massive release of proinflammatory cytokines. Macrophage depletion in STC development has been reported to decrease lethality in several animal models. Data from our laboratory demonstrate that agonists of the α2-adrenergic receptors prevent the accumulation of neutrophils in the inflammatory focus and preliminary results have prevented the accumulation of neutrophils in the inflammatory focus and preliminary results have shown a similar anti-inflammatory effect in circulating monocytes. . The main objective of this project is to generate the mechanistic rationality that allows to support a2 adrenergic agonists as modulators of monocyte migration to the inflammatory focus, in order to prevent / treat COVID-19 patients who develop an STC.
COV20/00932 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC) José Federico Díaz González ISCIII
Medium and long-term forecast of the spread of COVID-19
David Expósito Singh
Universidad Carlos III
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
This project seeks to evaluate, by simulating: (1) analyzing the effect of the spread of new epidemics on a European scale as well as the effectiveness of policies to restrict the movement of individuals; (2) the impact of climatic conditions (both summer and winter) on the spread of the epidemic; (3) the effect of a potential summer and winter) on the spread of the epidemic; (3) the effect of a potential selective vaccination of the population taking into account different levels of vaccine efficacy as well as potential mutations in the virus that decrease the immunity of the group that has already been vaccinated or has suffered from the disease; (4) the efficiency of different measures of social distancing (closing of schools, closing of work or remote work for a percentage of the working class, social isolation, etc.) on the following stages of infection taking into account different possible levels of immunization collective.
COV20/00935 Universidad Carlos III David Expósito Singh ISCIII
Immunological and virological factors in COVID-19 and their correlation with the evolution to severe forms of the disease.
Mercedes García Gasalla
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
Prospective study to be carried out at the Son Espases and Son LLátzer Hospitals in Palma de Mallorca, the objective of which is to identify virological and immunological factors, as well as clinical, radiological and analytical factors, related to severe forms of COVID-19. During the months of April and May 20120, 150 patients diagnosed with mild, severe and moderate COVID-19 (50 patients in each group) will be recruited and peripheral blood measurements will be performed at baseline levels and at 2 weeks of IL1, IL6, IL8, IL10, TNFa and IL2R, from lymphocyte subpopulations and complement study, as well as semiquantitative viral load study in oropharyngeal and peripheral blood and Ac production against SARS-VOC-2. The relationship of these parameters with the epidemiological, clinical and radiological variables of mild, severe and moderate COVID-2 will be analyzed.
COV20/00943 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears (IdISBa) Mercedes García Gasalla ISCIII Registro
Observational multicenter registry of patients with SARS-COV-2 infection in Spanish UCIPs (SECIP-COVID)
Rafael González Cortes
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Prospective multicenter observational study to characterize the infection in pediatric critically ill patients with SARS-COVID-19. It is an on-line registration through an electronic form in which pediatric ICUs from all over Spain will participate. The registry is promoted and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Care throughout Spain. The registry is promoted and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Pediatric Intensive Care. Demographic, clinical upon admission, epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic, microbiological and prognostic variables will be recorded.
COV20/00944 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón (IISGM) Rafael González Cortes ISCIII Registro
EMCOVID-19: Multiple Sclerosis and COVID-19.
Luís Brieva Ruiz
Instituto Inv. Biomédica de Lleida. Fundación Dr. Pifarre (IRBLLEIDA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Therapies, SARS-CoV-2 characterization
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
MS is an autoimmune disease and its interaction with COVID-19 infection has not yet been studied. This is important for several reasons. 1) COVID-19 infection could modify the evolution of MS 2) MS could alter the response to COVID-19. The evolution of the infection according to the immunomodulatory treatment (TME) received and whether it alters the evolution of the MS has not been studied either. In this we intend to study a) how the SARS-VOC-2 contagion affects the clinical and immunological status of patients with MS based on the characteristics of their MS and the TME they take, b) how MS and treatment with TME influence in the appearance and development of SARS-COV-2 infection and c) if there are beneficial effects of some TME in the evolution of SARS-COV-2 infection or if some drugs used in the treatment of infection could be beneficial for MS treatment.
COV20/00948 Instituto Inv. Biomédica de Lleida. Fundación Dr. Pifarre (IRBLLEIDA) Luís Brieva Ruiz ISCIII Registro
Naïve T lymphocyte levels as a predictor of the efficacy of the immune response against SARS-CoV-2 and its potential vaccines
Rebeca Alonso Arias
Fundación para la Investigación e Innovación Biosanitaria en el Principado de Asturias (FINBA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
The effective immune response capacity against a new pathogen will depend primarily on the specific recognition capacity of the naTve T lymphocytes. The reduction of these cells as a consequence of physiological aging or secondary to pathology could be responsible for the inadequate control of infection against SARS-COV-2. In patients with a certain genetic or pathophysiological component, an exaggerated and uncontrolled inflammatory response may occur, perhaps as a compensatory mechanism, which, together with other risk factors, leads to a fatal outcome. Defining the lymphocyte profile that characterizes patients with different degrees of involvement by SARS-CoV-2 will allow predicting those at higher risk of different degrees of involvement by SARS-CoV-2 will allow prediction of those at increased risk of complications or who may not benefit of vaccination once it is available.
COV20/00968 Fundación para la Investigación e Innovación Biosanitaria en el Principado de Asturias (FINBA) Rebeca Alonso Arias ISCIII Registro
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of workers in health devices. International multicenter study: The COVID-19 HEROES study
María Fe Bravo Ortiz
Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital La Paz (IdiPAZ)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Socio-economic impact
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
Although outbreaks of previous infectious diseases such as SARS have generated mental health problems in affected communities, the health emergency caused by SARS-CoV-2 is reaching an unprecedented impact, bringing health systems like the Spanish one to collapse. The data from China emphasize the importance and urgency of examining the psychosocial impact of COVID-19. This urgency is even greater in the case of people with a higher level of risk, among which are workers of sanitary devices. Given the magnitude of this public health problem and the exposure to the pandemic and its derivatives suffered by healthcare workers, this prospective, multi-center, 12-month follow-up cohort study identifies stressors and protective factors, in order to inform health policies immediately.
COV20/00988 Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital La Paz (IdiPAZ) María Fe Bravo Ortiz ISCIII Registro
Disruption of viral transport processes mediated by microtubules
José Fernando Díaz Pereira
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
SARS-CoV-2 depends on microtubules for its internalization and release process, therefore microtubules can be an effective target to stop its replication. since they are involved in important cellular processes essential for growth and proliferation, essential for viral replication. Tools are available to visualize the movement of microtubular transporters bound to viral model peptides and thus assess their response to minuscule concentrations of drugs as well as the world's largest library of drugs directed against tubulin. A screening of the library will be performed in the evaluation system developed looking for drugs that inhibit this transport and viral replication at tolerable doses.
COV20/01007 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) José Fernando Díaz Pereira ISCIII
Determination of phenotypes predictive of complications in COVID-19 and evaluation of the efficacy of immunosuppressive treatments
Jesús Rodríguez Baño
Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de Sevilla (Fisevi)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The objective of the project is (1) to identify phenotypes predictive of the need for mechanical ventilation in the initial evaluation of patients and their evolution in the first days of admission, and (2) to evaluate the efficacy and safety of immunosuppressive treatments used in patients without mechanical ventilation with elevated markers of macrophage activation syndrome. They will be carried out through retrospective multicentre cohort studies, with advanced statistical analyzes for observational studies.
COV20/01031 Fundación Pública Andaluza para la Gestión de la Investigación en Salud de Sevilla (Fisevi) Jesús Rodríguez Baño ISCIII Registro
SARS-COV-2 diagnosis by phi29 polymerase amplification
Felipe Cortés Ledesma / Luis Blanco Dávila
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III (CNIO)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Diagnostics
The project aims the validation of a reliable method for diagnosis of SARS-COV-2 infection. This novel method will allow the improved detection of the viral RNA molecule by means of a virus-specific linear probe that becomes circularized only in the presence of the viral RNA. Once the probe becomes circular, an engineered form of phi29 DNA polymerase (CSIC patent licensed to 4basebio) will start copying the circular template by generating an unlimited synthesis reaction defined as "rolling-circle replication" (RCR), which depends on the unique and robust strand-displacement synthesis capacity of this phi29 DNA polymerase variant. This peculiar mode of synthesis, a hallmark of the isothermal DNA amplification of full genomes used worldwide, could be easily detected as a readout of the presence of SARS-COV-2 genomic RNA.
COV20/01036 Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III (CNIO) Felipe Cortés Ledesma / Luis Blanco Dávila ISCIII
Safety of Breastfeeding (BF) in SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) Confirmed Infection
Adelina Pellicer Martínez
Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital La Paz (IdiPAZ)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Currently, there are no formal studies on the efficacy of BF in the transfer of protective factors against SARS_COV-2, and its safety, understood as the exclusion of it as a source of virus spread and cause of disease in the infant. The LM is fundamental for the correct development of the most vulnerable neonatal populations. This cohort study will evaluate if there is transmission of the virus through LM (using highly sensitive technology) and if it depends on the viral load. In addition, it will investigate the transfer of immune / inflammatory factors and microbiological markers potentially associated with Covid-19 severity.
COV20/01046 Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital La Paz (IdiPAZ) Adelina Pellicer Martínez ISCIII Registro
Study of contamination of surfaces and personal protective equipment by patients with severe respiratory infection by coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) of symptomatic patients treated
Oriol Roca
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Vall d'Hebron (VHIR)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
The use of high-flow nasal cannulas (CNAFs) in SARS-CoV-2 disease (the causative agent of COVID-19) may be limited by the risk of aerosol generation that has been associated with increased risk of transmission of airborne pathogens. Our objective will be to determine the degree of contamination of the surfaces and personal protective equipment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 disease treated with CNAF or mechanical ventilation (MV) that require admission to the Intensive Medicine Service. Smears will be taken from surfaces and from personal protective equipment (PPE) and RT-qPCR will be performed to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, RT-qPCR positive samples were cultured in Vero E6 cells to determine the presence of infectious virus.
COV20/01054 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Vall d'Hebron (VHIR) Oriol Roca ISCIII
Simulation and evaluation of the transmission dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Spain
Óscar Gálvez González
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance, Artificial intelligence
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
This project aims to build an own and realistic model of society to study the transmission dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Spain. The model is based on the random movement to transmission dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Spain. The model is based on the random movement through the Metropolis Monte Carlo method of a large number of individuals (from 100,000 to 1,000,000) who interact in certain interconnected scenarios whose parameterization tries to describe the different social collectivities of people (work , school, family, etc.). An expanded SIR model will be used, for the characteristics of the individuals and by means of an adequate calibration with the available data, the values ​​of the effective number of reproduction and generation time of the virus in each social layer will be obtained, assessing the validity of possible scenarios and measures to control the epidemic.
COV20/01081 Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) Óscar Gálvez González ISCIII
CoviNanoVax: Design of a mRNA vaccine based on polymeric nanoparticles targeting dendritic cells.
Salvador Borrós/ Cristina Fornaguera
Universidad Ramón Llull (URL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Vaccines
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate vaccines R&D
CoviNanoVax arose from our previous experience in the development of polymeric nanosystems loaded with genetic material selectively targeting dendritic cells (DCs). These nanosystems will be used here as vaccines for the prevention of CoVid19. A coding mRNA will be encapsulated for the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antigenic proteins, so that once the nanoparticles are injected into a healthy patient, they will selectively target and transfect DCs. As an mRNA encoding only the antigenic proteins, and taking into account that retrotranscriptase will not be present, the safety of the vaccine will be very high and, at the same time, since the mRNA is a highly antigenic macromolecule, it will develop a specific immune response to immunize healthy but susceptible people and protect them against future SARS-CoV-2 infections.
COV20/01100 Universidad Ramón Llull (URL) Salvador Borrós/ Cristina Fornaguera ISCIII
Clinical trial for the Prevention of Coronavirus Infection in Healthcare professionals (EPICOS)
Julia del Amo Valer
Fundación Estatal, Salud, Infancia y Bienestar Social, F.S.P. (fcsai)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of Tenofovir (TDF) (245 mg) / Emtricitabine (FTC) (200 mg) single tablet daily dose, Hydroxychloroquine (HC) single tablet daily dose (200 mg), and dose daily TDF (245 mg) / FTC (200 mg) plus HC (200 mg) or placebo, for 12 weeks in: (1) decreased incidence of symptomatic disease and (2) decreased clinical severity of infection by coronavirus (COVID-19) in hospital health personnel aged 18 to 65 years exposed to coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in Spain.
COV20/01112 Fundación Estatal, Salud, Infancia y Bienestar Social, F.S.P. (fcsai) Julia del Amo Valer ISCIII
Registry of patients with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases with SARS-CoV2 infection.
Ricardo Blanco Alonso / Miguel Ángel González-Gay
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The project tries to generate a registry of all patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV2 infection and previously diagnosed rheumatic disease. For this, data from the ECHR of SARS-CoV2 + patients and rheumatological diseases will be collected in relation to their underlying disease, their previous treatment, the treatment that was being used when the symptoms of the infection began, the course of the disease until its resolution, including the appearance of complications, the therapies used as treatment and the presence of risk factors. The objective is to subsequently analyze the data obtained in order to determine what is the influence of rheumatic diseases in the course of infection and whether the therapies administered can be beneficial or harmful in terms of prophylaxis and / or less or greater severity of the infection.
COV20/01138 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL) Ricardo Blanco Alonso / Miguel Ángel González-Gay ISCIII Registro
Changes in lung function tests in patients with CoVid-9 pneumonia
Jaime Signes-Costa Miñana
Fundación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia (INCLIVA)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
The project consists of a prospective, observational, multicenter study that will evaluate changes in lung function (forced spirometry, measurement of static lung volumes using plethysmography and pulmonary carbon monoxide diffusion test) that patients admitted with pneumonia will present. by CoVid19 according to the level of severity at 4 and 26 weeks after discharge from hospital. Restrictive pulmonary abnormalities will be confirmed by imaging tests (high resolution chest CT). The presence of immune response phenomena that lead to pulmonary fibrosis will be related to demographic, clinical variables and a series of biological markers, some of them already described as co-participants in the pathogenesis of pulmonary interstitial diseases, specifically the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.
COV20/01209 Fundación del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia (INCLIVA) Jaime Signes-Costa Miñana ISCIII Registro
Mathematical modeling and prediction of incidence of COVID-19 outbreaks in Europe
Manuel de la Sen
Universidad del País Vasco
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
We will develop a series of mathematical models that describe the current epidemic of coronavirus COVID19, with different levels of sophistication: SIR, SEIR, SSEEIIR, with various delays and infectious structures adapted to the updated medical literature, according to medical studies that specify the parameters of the local situation. . The adjustment method of the various parameters will be performed using linear regression (normal equation) and machine learning (gradient descent). We will take into account the impact of the social distancing imposed in various states, as well as other control strategies, in order to measure its effectiveness and determine the best measures to prevent future COVID outbreaks in the future.
COV20/01213 Universidad del País Vasco Manuel de la Sen ISCIII
Structural analysis of SARS-CoV-2 membrane proteins for the design of new inhibitors of viral assembly
Marcial Vilar
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization, Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
Highly pathogenic human respiratory coronaviruses of the SARS family (SARS-CoV, MERS and SARS-CoV-2) cause acute lethal disease characterized by responses exuberant inflammatory and lung damage. The fundamental step of virus replication and dissemination is its complete assembly in the intermediate region between the ER and the Golgi (ERGIC), which depends on protein-protein interactions between structural viral proteins, mainly intramembrane interactions. However, the complexity of this type of interactions and the lack of structural information has to date made it impossible to understand how CoV viruses are assembled and to design therapeutic tools that prevent this. With the achievement of this project we will provide structural information of these interactions to the scientific and pharmaceutical community as a first step to achieve their inhibition and the subsequent viral assembly.
COV20/01265 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Marcial Vilar ISCIII
Dynamic calculation of the SARS-CoV-2 capsid for destruction by resonance (VirionBreak)
Fermín Luis Navarrina Martínez
Universidad de la Coruña (UC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Therapies
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
The objective of the project is to carry out a dynamic structural analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus capsid in order to obtain its own frequencies and modes of vibration, and determine the characteristics of a radio frequency emission that may cause its collapse. These results will define the design parameters of an emitting device (probably microwave in the SHF and EHF bands of the electromagnetic spectrum) that allows destroying the virus capsid totally or partially by induced resonance. In your case, the construction of a prototype and its subsequent manufacture could be carried out in a short time and with low costs. The device could be used for prophylactic purposes immediately for disinfecting inert material and contaminated biological waste. In case the vibration frequencies and the energy necessary to cause the destruction of the capsid are innocuous, the same principle could also be applied for therapeutic treatment.
COV20/01275 Universidad de la Coruña (UC) Fermín Luis Navarrina Martínez ISCIII
Th1 / Th2 / Th17 / Treg response and TLRs / KIR receptors in clinical evolution of COVID19
Alejandro Vallejo Tiller
Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: Epidemiological surveillance
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
The immune response is crucial in patients from 5-7 days of symptom evolution. At that time, certain patients trigger an exaggerated immune response that exacerbates their clinical condition (cytokine storm), while others progress without known cause. Being able to analyze the Th1, Th2, Treg and Th17 response in these patients on admission could have predictive value for subsequent disease severity. An exacerbated activation of the Th1 response and low Th2 could produce this described cytokine storm. The Treg and Th17 response could also modulate that response. In parallel, the initial control of SARS-CoV-2 infection is also limited by the expression of Toll receptors as receptors (TLR) expressed on monocytes and dendritic (TLR-7 and TLR-8). Likewise, the KIR receptors of NK cells are important for the elimination of viral infections.
COV20/01304 Fundación de Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (IRYCIS) Alejandro Vallejo Tiller ISCIII
Congenital immunity errors and predisposition to SARS-Cov-2 infection and COVID-19 severity. International coordinated action of complete exomic sequencing
Rebeca Pérez de Diego
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
SARS-Cov-2 infection is mild or even asymptomatic in many patients, but can cause severe disease (COVID-19), primarily in patients older than 50 years, especially those with comorbidities. There are, however, young patients without risk factors with severe forms of the disease. Some of these patients may have congenital immunity errors (diseases often with incomplete penetrance). The main objective is the sequencing of the complete exome, using massive sequencing techniques, in patients under 50 years of age in Spain without comorbidities or risk factors. The project is part of an international consortium, of which we are one of the participating groups (, in which the information will be shared to carry out population studies that allow progress towards precision medicine in patients with COVID-19.
COV20/01333 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ), Madrid Rebeca Pérez de Diego ISCIII Registro
Congenital immunity errors and predisposition to SARS-Cov-2 infection and COVID-19 severity. International coordinated action of complete exomic sequencing
José Carlos Rodríguez Gallego
Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC)
Funder: ISCIII
Topic call: COVID-19 disease characterization
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
SARS-Cov-2 infection is mild or even asymptomatic in many patients, but can cause severe disease (COVID-19), primarily in patients older than 50 years, especially those with comorbidities. There are, however, young patients without risk factors with severe forms of the disease. Some of these patients may have congenital immunity errors (diseases often with incomplete penetrance). The main objective is the sequencing of the complete exome, using massive sequencing techniques, in patients under 50 years of age in Spain without comorbidities or risk factors. The project is part of an international consortium, of which we are one of the participating groups (, in which the information will be shared to carry out population studies that allow progress towards precision medicine in patients with COVID-19.
COV20/01334 Fundación del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Canarias (FIISC) José Carlos Rodríguez Gallego ISCIII Registro
Combating 2019-nCoV: Advanced Nanobiosensing Platforms for POC Global Diagnostics and Surveillance -CoNVaT
Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2, Barcelona, Spain
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Combating 2019-nCoV: Advanced Nanobiosensing platforms for POC global diagnostics and surveillance
CoNVaT Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICN2, Barcelona, Spain EC
Epiconcept, France
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
Multidisciplinary European network for research, prevention and control of the COVID-19 Pandemic
I-MOVE-COVID-19 Epiconcept, France EC
Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Rapid interaction profiling of 2019-nCoV for network-based deep drug- repurpose learning (DDRL
RiPCoN Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany EC
APEPTICO Forschung und Entwicklung GmbH
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Exploration of safety, tolerability and clinical efficacy of Solnatide IMP in patients infected with the 2019 new coronavirus
Solnatide APEPTICO Forschung und Entwicklung GmbH EC
Identification of biomarkers that predict severity of COVID-19 patients [Supplement added: Sex as a biological variable supplement, COVID-19 Variant Network]
David J Kelvin
University of Nova Scotia
Funder: CIHR
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China has infected over 75,000 people and has caused close to 2,000 deaths. One of the major problems with this outbreak is that emergency rooms, hospitals and ICU wards are overwhelmed with patients. In an effort to find a test for rapidly determining who should be admitted to the hospital and who should be placed in ICU, we have undertaken an international study to find a set of biomarkers that can be used to help Emergency Room doctors to make decisions on whether a patient will become severe. We have established an international team based in China, Vietnam, Spain, Italy, Mozambique, Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, Cote D' Ivoire and Canada. This team will examine patients peripheral blood for biomarkers that predict the course of disease as mild or severe. The results of the study will be used to make a device that can be used in any situation and rapidly give results to predict the course of coronavirus infections.
170357, 171495, 175580 University of Nova Scotia David J Kelvin CIHR
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Children Potentially Infected by SARS-CoV-2 Presenting to Pediatric Emergency Departments
Stephen B Freedman
University of Calgary
Funder: CIHR/Alberta Innovates
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
The manifestations of COVID-19 in children are not yet well understood, and may be atypical when compared to adults. We propose to carry out a two-year global prospective study that will enroll and follow-up children with suspected COVID-19 from 50 participating emergency departments (ED) across 19 countries. Patient epidemiological and demographic information, clinical characteristics, and disease outcomes, will be collected at the time of ED admission, during the course of illness, and at three weeks and three months after enrollment, using WHO-compliant case report forms. Statistical analysis of the collected data will allow for the identification of risk factors associated with children having confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, and/or severe COVID-19 outcomes. In order to enable rapid implementation, this study will be built as a parallel study that borrows the infrastructure from an ongoing study - the called Pediatric Emergency Research Network (PERN)-Pneumonia study, which has ethics approval, a centralized database, data sharing agreements, and established study teams that are actively enrolling children in 70 sites worldwide. Our multidisciplinary team of investigators includes pediatric infectious disease and emergency medicine clinicians, epidemiologists, statisticians, and public health leaders (from PHAC and the CDC), all with extensive experience pertaining directly to the research topic. As data will be shared in real-time with appropriate national and international authorities, this study will enable policymakers to make rapid evidence-based adaptations to case screening and management procedures that will then allow for the earlier identification of children at high risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 outcomes. Furthermore, the establishment of this global multi-site study will be the first trial of a rapid PERN response to a novel virus, which, applying lessons-learned, can be urgently reactivated for future public health emergencies.
170706 University of Calgary Stephen B Freedman CIHR/Alberta Innovates
Clinical Terapheutical Trial (TT): hidroxicloroquina, azitromicina y tocilizumab
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Clinical Terapheutical Trial (TT): hidroxicloroquina, azitromicina y tocilizumab
unknown Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona ISCIII
Plasma with antibodies from already cured patients
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro de Majadahonda
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Plasma with antibodies from already cured patients TT: plasma con anticuerpos de pacientes ya curados
unknown Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro de Majadahonda ISCIII
TT: Comparing efficacy between hidroxicloroquina, lopinavir-ritonavir y combination of hidroxicloroquina y azitromicina
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital La Paz de Madrid (IdiPaz)
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
TT: Comparing efficacy between hidroxicloroquina, lopinavir-ritonavir y combination of hidroxicloroquina y azitromicina
unknown Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital La Paz de Madrid (IdiPaz) ISCIII
TT Comparing efficacy between remdesevir, ritonavir/lopinavir, hidroxicloroquina e interferón beta.
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Madrid
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
TT Comparing efficacy between remdesevir, ritonavir/lopinavir, hidroxicloroquina e interferón beta.
unknown Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Madrid ISCIII
Preventive Trial (PT): quimiopreventivo weekly doses of oral mefloquina
Hospital Universitario de Elche
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Preventive Trial (PT): quimiopreventivo weekly doses of oral mefloquina
unknown Hospital Universitario de Elche ISCIII
PT Defibrotide ( anticoagulante) to prevent Lung SDS
Instituto Murciano de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IMIB)
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
PT Defibrotide ( anticoagulante) to prevent Lung SDS
unknown Instituto Murciano de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IMIB) ISCIII
TT: Sevoflurano as anesthesia for patient who need intubation.
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA),
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
TT: Sevoflurano as anesthesia for patient who need intubation.
unknown Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA), ISCIII
PCR: Quick diagnostic test based on nanotecnología techniques
Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Nanociencia (IMDEA-Nanociencia).
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
PCR: Quick diagnostic test based on nanotecnología techniques
unknown Instituto Madrileño de Estudios Avanzados en Nanociencia (IMDEA-Nanociencia). ISCIII
Preclinical Research (PR): SARS-COV2 proteins into microspheres to upgrade immune respond
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Preclinical Research (PR): SARS-COV2 proteins into microspheres to upgrade immune respond
unknown Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ISCIII
TT and PT: Hidroxicloroquina for pregnant women infected by SARS-CoV-2. Hidroxicloroquina for healthy PW as COVID19 preventive treatment. Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in preventing infection and reducing viral load and disease severity in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnant women in Spain
Clara Menéndez Santos
ISGlobal (Barcelona)
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
TT and PT: Hidroxicloroquina for pregnant women infected by SARS-CoV-2. Hidroxicloroquina for healthy PW as COVID19 preventive treatment.Efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in preventing infection and reducing viral load and disease severity in SARS-CoV-2 infected pregnant women in Spain It is unclear how SARS-CoV-2 affects pregnant women and their offspring, as well as which factors may influence obstetrical disease and outcomes. This will be a randomized, double blinded, placebo-equivalent controlled multicentre trial aiming to assess the effect of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in reducing maternal viral load and the efficacy of HCQ to prevent incident SARS-CoV-2 infection. Pregnant women of any gestational age, parity and age, undergoing pre-natal follow up at four maternity hospitals with a positive PCR test, or who are contacts of a confirmed case, will be recruited and randomised 1:1 to receive HCQ orally (400 mg/day for 3 days, followed by 200 mg/day for 11 days) or ascorbic acid orally (500 mg for 3 days, then 250 mg/day for 11 days). Women will be followed up for the duration of the intervention when PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 will be repeated, and up to delivery, when the pregnancy outcome will be registered, a cord blood sample and a neonatal throat swab will be collected after birth to be tested for SARS-CoV-2
unknown ISGlobal (Barcelona) Clara Menéndez Santos ISCIII
PCR: modification by isothermal which allow to reduce meaningfully diagnostic time
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA),
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies
PCR: modification by isothermal which allow to reduce meaningfully diagnostic time PCR: modificación de la PCR mediante isotermia, que permite reducir el tiempo del diagnóstico desde las 4 horas a los 45 minutos
unknown Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria del Hospital Clínico de Valencia (INCLIVA), ISCIII
Steve Webb and Allen Cheng
Monash University
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
REMAP-CAP for COVID 19REMAP-CAP is an existing multi-site international adaptive platform trial that was predesigned to adapt in the event of a pandemic.ObjectivesGenerate evidence that can be applied to clinical practice during the pandemic, regarding the impact of multiple candidate interventions to reduce mortality or reduce the length of intensive care unit admission or both in critically ill patients with COVID-19 infection
unknown Monash University Steve Webb and Allen Cheng APPRISE
Proof of concept: Surface optical visualization system in order to identify virus residues
Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
Proof of concept: Surface optical visualization system in order to identify virus residues
unknown Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla ISCIII
Identification of immunoglobulin antibodies (IgG) thanks to the use of nanosensors
Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica de Cádiz (INIBICA)
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Identification of immunoglobulin antibodies (IgG) thanks to the use of nanosensors
unknown Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Biomédica de Cádiz (INIBICA) ISCIII
Searching for new antiviral drugs repurposing by supercomputing techniques
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC),
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Searching for new antiviral drugs repurposing by supercomputing techniques
unknown Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC), ISCIII
Nonspecific immunity to SARS-CoV-2 by MTBVAC plus BCG tuberculosis vaccine
Universidad de Zaragoza.
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Nonspecific immunity to SARS-CoV-2 by MTBVAC plus BCG tuberculosis vaccine
unknown Universidad de Zaragoza. ISCIII
SARS-CoV2 Air Transmission: Innovative Technologies for Hospital virus detection Transmisión de SARS-CoV2 por el aire: detección en hospitales y tecnologías innovadoras
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
SARS-CoV2 Air Transmission: Innovative Technologies for Hospital virus detection No existen actualmente metodologías eficaces para detectar virus en el aire. Nuestro grupo ha optimizado recientemente métodos basados en filtros capaces de retener la comunidad completa de virus en el aire. SARS-CoV2 es estable en el aire durante al menos 3h y es muy eficaz en la transmisión, pero su diseminación aérea no se ha estudiado. Proponemos utilizar esta metodología para detectar SARS-CoV2 en hospitales y realizar un estudio longitudinal de la prevalencia del virus en espacios hospitalarios. En paralelo, desarrollaremos nanopartículas como métodos colorimétricos de detección sencillos, aplicables a hospitales, para monitorizar rápidamente la presencia de virus captados en el aire. Desarrollaremos sensores laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) como un método de detección directa de partículas de SARS-CoV2 y otros virus en el aire, sin necesidad de procesar las muestras
unknown Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas ISCIII
Early diagnosis of COVID19 through isolation of exomes in suspected cases
Instituto Aragones en Cincias de la Salid
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Early diagnosis of COVID19 through isolation of exomes in suspected cases
unknown Instituto Aragones en Cincias de la Salid ISCIII
SARS-COV-2 diagnosis by phi29 polymerase amplification
Felipe Cortés Ledesma / Luis Blanco Dávila
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III
Funder: ISCIII
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
SARS-COV-2 diagnosis by phi29 polymerase amplification The project aims the validation of a reliable method for diagnosis of SARS-COV-2 infection. This novel method will allow the improved detection of the viral RNA molecule by means of a virus-specific linear probe that becomes circularized only in the presence of the viral RNA. Once the probe becomes circular, an engineered form of phi29 DNA polymerase (CSIC patent licensed to 4basebio) will start copying the circular template by generating an unlimited synthesis reaction defined as "rolling-circle replication" (RCR), which depends on the unique and robust strand-displacement synthesis capacity of this phi29 DNA polymerase variant. This peculiar mode of synthesis, a hallmark of the isothermal DNA amplification of full genomes used worldwide, could be easily detected as a readout of the presence of SARS-COV-2 genomic RNA
unknown Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas Carlos III Felipe Cortés Ledesma / Luis Blanco Dávila ISCIII
Navigating the new normal: Shifting household activity spaces in the UK, Spain and US during the COVID-19 pandemic
Hansen, Dr Susan  Senior Lecturer in Psychology, and Chair of Visual & Arts-based Methods Group
Middlesex University London, Psychology
Funder: British Academy
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
This research proposal builds on a recent project which solicited video tours of the homes of people during the COVID-19 pandemic. These videos give an insight into the ways that people in households around the world negotiated the radical restrictions of their activities during the initial lockdown period, and how they reconfigured their domestic spaces to accommodate functions that previously occurred outside the home. The current study aims to build on this project by shifting the focus to the ways that households are now adjusting to the relaxation of lockdown restrictions in the UK, Spain and the USA. We seek to explore the challenges of adjusting to ‘the new normal’; the ways that people are orienting to the novel set of social and spatial norms that characterise this crucial transitional period of the pandemic; and the ways that household activity spaces and boundaries are now being redrawn, renegotiated, and extended.
COV19\200643 Middlesex University London, Psychology Hansen, Dr Susan  Senior Lecturer in Psychology, and Chair of Visual & Arts-based Methods Group British Academy
Decentralisation of health systems and subnational variation in COVID-19 responses in OECD countries
Kleider, Dr Hanna  Lecturer in Public Policy
King's College London, Department of Political Economy
Funder: British Academy
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
Existing work on policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmingly concentrated on the national level, but more often than not responsibility for public health lies with the regional level of government. By wrongly attributing all authority to the national level, this “methodological nationalism” risks producing some misleading claims. In contrast to existing work, this project therefore analyses the divergence in regional policy responses across five OECD countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Divergence in responses can be the result of policies being tailored to specific regional contexts, but given the highly interdependent nature of the COVID-19 context, uncoordinated policy decisions taken might have severe negative externalities on other jurisdictions. This project seeks to find out whether divergence is the result of a lack of coordination or does whether it reflects a coordinated decision to allow divergence?
COV19\201043 King's College London, Department of Political Economy Kleider, Dr Hanna  Lecturer in Public Policy British Academy
Mitigating the effects of national crisis: the case for a dedicated Civil Defence or Emergency Situations organisation in the United Kingdom
Thornton, Dr Rod  Senior Lecturer, Security Studies
King's College London, Defence Studies Department, School of Security Studies
Funder: British Academy
The United Kingdom was found wanting when the covid-19 pandemic struck. The military had to step in to provide support. Its personnel, for instance, planned and built temporary hospitals, took over the NHS logistics system and ran the vast majority of mobile testing facilities in the country (92 out of 96). The UK government was lucky in that, almost uniquely, a large number of military personnel were available in early 2020. It may not be so lucky next time. Other European countries, though, do not rely on luck. Virtually every one of them has a standing Civil Defence or Emergency Situations body whose sole function it is to deal with sudden national emergencies. This project examines, by comparing and contrasting with other European states badly affected by the pandemic (Italy, Russia and Spain), and which utilised their Civil Defence bodies, whether the UK needs such a body of its own.
COV19\201075 King's College London, Defence Studies Department, School of Security Studies Thornton, Dr Rod  Senior Lecturer, Security Studies British Academy
Sex as a Biological Variable Supplement - Identification of biomarkers that predict severity of COVID-19 patients
Andrew, Melissa Kathryn; Kelvin, Alyson Ann; Kelvin, David J.; Marshall, Jean Sylvia; McNeil, Shelly Ann,
Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia)
Funder: CIHR
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The outbreak of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China has infected over 75,000 people and has caused close to 2,000 deaths. One of the major problems with this outbreak is that emergency rooms, hospitals and ICU wards are overwhelmed with patients. In an effort to find a test for rapidly determining who should be admitted to the hospital and who should be placed in ICU, we have undertaken an international study to find a set of biomarkers that can be used to help Emergency Room doctors to make decisions on whether a patient will become severe. We have established an international team based in China, Vietnam, Spain, Italy, Mozambique, Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt, Morocco, Cote D' Ivoire and Canada. This team will examine patients peripheral blood for biomarkers that predict the course of disease as mild or severe. The results of the study will be used to make a device that can be used in any situation and rapidly give results to predict the course of coronavirus infections.
Supplement to P00038 Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia) Andrew, Melissa Kathryn; Kelvin, Alyson Ann; Kelvin, David J.; Marshall, Jean Sylvia; McNeil, Shelly Ann, CIHR
imPURE Injection Moulding Repurposing for Medical Supplies enabled by Additive Manufacturing
National technical University of Athens (EL)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown National technical University of Athens (EL) EC (Horizon)
CO-VERSATILE Adaptive and resilient production and supply chain methods and solutions for urgent need of vital medical supplies and equipment
SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control (HU)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown SZTAKI - Institute for Computer Science and Control (HU) EC (Horizon)
RESERVIST Repurposing manufacturing lines for providing medical and other products and services in case of spiking demand times
Centre Scientifique & Technique de l’Industrie Textile Belge (BE)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown Centre Scientifique & Technique de l’Industrie Textile Belge (BE) EC (Horizon)
Eur3ka EUropean Vital Medical Supplies and Equipment Resilient and Reliable Repurposing Manufacturing as a Service NetworK for Fast PAndemic Reaction
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa (IT)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa (IT) EC (Horizon)
ESSENCE Empathic platform to personally monitor, Stimulate, enrich, and aSsist Elders aNd Children in their Environment
Politecnico di Milano (IT)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Politecnico di Milano (IT) EC (Horizon)
VASCOVID Portable platform for the assessment of microvascular health in covid-19 patients at the intensive care
Institut de Ciències Fotòniques - ICFO (ES)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Institut de Ciències Fotòniques - ICFO (ES) EC (Horizon)
ENVISION Intelligent plug-and-play digital tool for realtime surveillance of COVID-19 patients and smart decision making in Intensive Care Units
Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversität Frankfurt am Main (DE)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Johann Wolfgang GoetheUniversität Frankfurt am Main (DE) EC (Horizon)
COVID-X COVID eXponential Programme
F6S Network Ltd (IE)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown F6S Network Ltd (IE) EC (Horizon)
INNO4COV-19 Boosting Innovation for COVID-19 Diagnostic, Prevention and Surveillance
Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia - INL (PT)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
unknown Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia - INL (PT) EC (Horizon)
COVIRNA A diagnostic test to improve surveillance and care of COVID-19 patients
Luxembourg Institute of Health (LU)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
unknown Luxembourg Institute of Health (LU) EC (Horizon)
COVINFORM COronavirus Vulnerabilities and INFOrmation dynamics Research and Modelling
Synyo GmbH (AT)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
BEHAVIOURAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE OUTBREAK RESPONSES – Policymakers and public health experts unanimously recognise the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable persons: even in countries with well-developed responses, the outbreak and its repercussions imperil the basic well-being of social groups whose livelihoods are already precarious, while the uneven distribution of suffering threatens to aggravate inequality and division. One complicating factor here is the intersectional nature of health and socioeconomic vulnerabilities. Another is the complexity of risk in contemporary socioecological systems. The COVINFORM project will draw upon intersectionality theory and complex systems analysis in an interdisciplinary critique of COVID-19 responses on the levels of government, public health, community, and information and communications. The project will conduct research on three levels: 1) on an EU27 MS plus UK level, quantitative secondary data will be analysed and models will be developed; 2) Within 15 target countries, documentary sources on the national level and in at least one local community per country will be analysed; 3) in 10 target communities, primary empirical research will be conducted, utilising both classical and innovative quantitative and qualitative methods (e.g. visual ethnography, participatory ethnography, and automated analysis of short video testimonials). Promising practices will be evaluated in target communities through case studies spanning diverse disciplines (social epidemiology, the economics of unpaid labour, the sociology of migration, etc.) and vulnerable populations (COVID-19 patients, precarious families, migrating health care workers, etc.). The project will culminate in the development of an online portal and visual toolkit for stakeholders in government, public health, and civil society integrating data streams, indices and indicators, maps, models, primary research and case study findings, empirically grounded policy guidance, and creative assessment tools.
101016247 Synyo GmbH (AT) EC (Horizon)
PERISCOPE Pan-European Response to the ImpactS of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics
Università degli Studi di Pavia (IT)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
BEHAVIOURAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE OUTBREAK RESPONSES – The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been deep and wide. In spite of unprecedented efforts to understand the COVID-19 disease and its causative virus SARS-CoV-2, months after the emergence of the first local case in Europe (San Matteo hospital, Pavia, 21st February 2020) significant knowledge gaps persist. While social and natural scientists managed to develop new research and shed light on the dynamics of the outbreak and the most effective possible containment measures, governments have been increasingly faced with the need to adopt urgent decisions. Against this background, PERISCOPE plans to contribute to a dramatically deeper understanding of the dynamics of the outbreak, by means of an intense multi-disciplinary research, both theoretical and experimental, and the consideration of different viewpoints: clinic and epidemiologic; humanistic and psychologic; socio-economic and political; statistical and technological. The overarching objectives of PERISCOPE are to map and analyse the unintended impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak; develop solutions and guidance for policymakers and health authorities on how to mitigate the impact of the outbreak; enhance Europe’s preparedness for future similar events; and reflect on the future multi-level governance in the health as well as other domains affected by the outbreak. In pursuing this objective, PERISCOPE sheds new light on the unintended and indirect consequences of the outbreak and the related government responses, with the intention to preserve evidence-based policymaking by collecting an unprecedented amount of data and information on the social, economic and behavioural consequences of the current pandemic. At the same time, PERISCOPE will produce new information on the conditions that led to the impact of the pandemic, the differences in “policy mix” adopted at the national level in EU and associated countries, and the behavioural impacts of both the outbreak and the policies adopted.
101016233 Università degli Studi di Pavia (IT) EC (Horizon)
SHARE-COVID Non-intended health, economic and social effects of the COVID-19 epidemic control decisions: Lessons from SHARE
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften (DE)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Social sciences in the outbreak response
BEHAVIOURAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE OUTBREAK RESPONSES – The non-intended consequences of the epidemic control decisions to contain the COVID-19 pandemic are huge and affect the well-being of European citizens in terms of economics, social relationships and health: Europe is experiencing the largest recession since WWII; social contacts have been interrupted; people avoid seeking medical treatment in fear of infection. The overarching objective of this project is to understand these non-intended consequences and to devise improved health, economic and social policies. In our policy recommendations, we strive to make healthcare systems and societies in the EU more resilient to pandemics in terms of prevention, protection and treatment of the population 50+, a most vulnerable part of the population. The project aims to identify healthcare inequalities before, during and after the pandemic; to understand the lockdown effects on health and health behaviours; to analyse labour market implications of the lockdown; to assess the impacts of pandemic and lockdown on income and wealth inequality; to mitigate the effects of epidemic control decisions on social relationships; to optimise future epidemic control measures by taking the geographical patterns of the disease and their relationship with social patterns into account; and to better manage housing and living arrangements choices between independence, co-residence or institutionalisation. The project pursues a transdisciplinary and internationally comparative approach by exploiting the data sources of the SHARE research infrastructure. It covers all EU MS. The project’s team represents medicine, public health, economics and sociology and has worked together since the creation of SHARE. It is experienced in translating data analysis into concrete policy advice. The project’s policy recommendation are targeted at policy makers in the Commission and in national ministries as well as at national and international NGOs and social organisations.
unknown Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften (DE) EC (Horizon)
RESPOND Improving the Preparedness of Health Systems to Reduce Mental Health and Psychosocial Concerns resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stichting VU (NL)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
BEHAVIOURAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE OUTBREAK RESPONSES – The mission of RESPOND is 1) to identify critical resilience factors and specific vulnerable groups at risk of immediate and long-term adverse mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) To improve the resilience, wellbeing and mental health of frontline health and care workers and other vulnerable groups by implementing scalable World Health Organization (WHO) programmes, and 3) to steer future policy decisions by understanding and disentangling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and different public health containment and subsequently relaxation strategies on mental health and wellbeing in vulnerable groups across Europe’s different health systems. RESPOND is centred around core questions regarding the short and long-term impacts of the pandemic on mental health and health inequalities on vulnerable groups within the general population, including frontline workers. In the first immediate delivery phase, an impressive set of existing longitudinal datasets are examined for resilience factors and risk factors. Furthermore, the responsiveness of health systems and identification of best practice responses that protect resilience, mental health and wellbeing are assessed in eight EU countries. The long-terms effects are determined of the pandemic and the control measures on demand for (mental) health services in health registers in Sweden, Lombardy and Barcelona and the scalable WHO SH+/PM+ stepped care programmes adapted for COVID-19 will be implemented and evaluated both in frontline workers and vulnerable groups. RESPOND provides policy recommendations within 3 months on vulnerability factors for developing poor mental health resulting from current containment and mitigation measures. Further lessons learnt and evidence-based policy recommendations will be made available during the project’s lifetime through Policy Briefs in month 6, 12, 18, 24 and 36 for immediate consideration and use by all EU member states.
101016127 Stichting VU (NL) EC (Horizon)
ORCHESTRA Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to SARSCoV-2 Pandemic
Università degli Studi di Verona (IT)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown Università degli Studi di Verona (IT) EC (Horizon)
unCoVer Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19
Institute of Tropical Medicine - ITM (BE)
Funder: EC (Horizon)
unknown Institute of Tropical Medicine - ITM (BE) EC (Horizon)
DECISION A miniaturised disposable molecular diagnostics platform for combatting coronavirus infections
GNA Biosolutions (DE)
Funder: EC (IMI)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
DIAGNOSTICS To develop a low-cost, miniaturised, disposable molecular diagnostic system that will make it possible to test patients with laboratory quality performance almost anywhere in 15 minutes or less.
unknown GNA Biosolutions (DE) EC (IMI)
CARE Corona accelerated R&D in Europe
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale - INSERM (FR)
Funder: EC (IMI)
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
To identify candidates among existing drugs that could be effective as treatments (drug repurposing), and develop new drugs specially designed to tackle the SARS-CoV2 virus, in order to deliver treatments for the current outbreak, as well as future coronavirus outbreaks.
unknown Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale - INSERM (FR) EC (IMI)
MAD-CoV 2 Modern approaches for developing antivirals against SARS-CoV 2
Statens Veterinaermedicinska Anstalt (SE)
Funder: EC (IMI)
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
To develop new COVID-19 treatments by engineering human tissue to test new antiviral treatments in the laboratory.
unknown Statens Veterinaermedicinska Anstalt (SE) EC (IMI)
Identification of COVID-19 genetic risk factors
Julian Gough
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Funder: UKRI
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Application of novel phenotype prediction algorithm to DNA data from direct-to-consumer tests collected via online participation and to participants from the UK, Italian and Spanish Biobanks who have tested positive for coronavirus, with aim to identify genetic risk factors
C19-IUC-292 MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Julian Gough UKRI
COVID19 BEAMitup (Diagnostic test SARS-CoV-2 and surrogate biological standard for sanitization validation)

Funder: EC (EIT)
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
Innovation: Project BEAMitup aims at providing a tool to evaluate hygiene in food-related environments, by validating if a rapid test used for bacteria can be adapted to the detection of viruses on surfaces. For this a platform will be developed to help food companies to quickly detect the presence of Coronavirus on food processing surfaces. Expected Results: A Consortium consisting of research, academia and the industry from five European countries, plans to develop a platform in the form of an automated testing device which will be installed directly at food processing facilities, providing results in less than one hour with no need for complex instrumentation or specialized personnel. The flexibility of this technology allows the incorporation of a varied group of tests within the food industry, including other emerging viruses. This simple, fast and inexpensive test kit could well be used in the industry as well as at e.g. artisanal level.
Unknown EC (EIT)
Digital Control Centre for COVID-19
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (ES)
Funder: EC (EIT)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Innovation: A virtual control centre for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 that will be under the supervision of an expert infectious disease specialist. Expert can independently assess, validate, or augment the patient treatment plan to support optimal outcomes and target most seriously ill patients to be prioritised for specialist supervision. Acquired learnings about different patient needs will inform an artificial intelligence algorithm to provide predictions for patients who are likely to experience the worst outcomes. Expected Results: The project has already demonstrated positive impact with a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases demonstrating a 50% reduction in mortality rate
Unknown Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (ES) EC (EIT)
RAPID - RApid Prototyping In 3D
University College of London (UK)
Funder: EC (EIT)
Innovation: Improving the delivery of COVID-19 interventions in the built environment, such as cycling or walking schemes. RAPID will use rapid prototyping in 3D to support city decision-making and citizen engagement around changes and interventions to the built environment in response to COVID-19 mobility restrictions, de-escalation phases and social distancing. Expected Results: Rapid will result in more informed decision-making and more engaged citizens leading to greater acceptance of new ways of moving around a city through participatory redesign of public spaces. Engaging citizens in these decisions is more likely to get their support than simply imposing new approaches. Whilst the focus of RAPID is the response to the current COVID-19 crisis, it will have value beyond as cities explore new urban designs in response to changing behaviours.
Unknown University College of London (UK) EC (EIT)
#GoSAFE: mobility across the world being safe
Engineering (IT),
Funder: EC (EIT)
Innovation: The aim of #GoSAFE is to establish an interoperability model to enable cross border mobility during COVID-19 crisis, based on: (1) Solid national back offices providing information on people infected and (2) the GoSAFE BioSurveillance Kit BSK. The #GoSafe passport is a token or a tag (that can be physical or virtual). Once the user will log in to a generic system of a mobility operator, he/she will ask both for the ticket and at the same time for the virtual token for the assessment of his/her health status with respect to COVID-19. No other data of any other people will be requested from the application. Expected Results: GoSAFE’s main goal is to create the conditions and the standards for an EU free COVID-19 passport, in other words a, ‘#GoSafe passport’ that gives the holder the right to travel safely among different countries. The approach is totally privacy-preserving.
Unknown Engineering (IT), EC (EIT)
Tecnalia (ES
Funder: EC (EIT)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Innovation: INNOV-ventilator is a purely pneumatic (air-powered) ventilator. It is simple and safe to operate using existing equipment and is also much easier to manufacture than a traditional ventilator. The INNOV-Ventilator functionalities are easily upgraded into commonly used sensors and display technologies. Expected Results: The outbreak of COVID-19 has left many health-systems struggling, due to a shortage of key medical equipment, including ventilators. The global shortage of ventilators has even meant that many patients have been denied critical care. The accelerated the advancement of the air-powered INNOV-VENTILATOR, which is simple to use and manufacture, can help ensure broader access to life-saving ventilators around the world.
Unknown Tecnalia (ES EC (EIT)
Tecanlia (ES);
Funder: EC (EIT)
Innovation: Inclusiv-Ebike will develop and demonstrate a new concept of rickshaw e-bikes capable of promoting safety and comfort by extending inclusiveness to fragile and vulnerable who have experienced decreased mobility.Inclusiv-Ebike promotes a new era of personalised transport capable of promoting inclusion and assuring social distancing, transport sustainability and healthy aging. Expected Results: Inclusiv-Ebike will improve safety, comfort and accessibility. It will also contribute to the increase use of eBikes within cities, directly affecting the wellbeing of individuals and at the same time assuring social distancing measures.
Unknown Tecanlia (ES); EC (EIT)
Genetic Tools and Citizen Science for SARS-Cov2 Detection in Environmental Samples: Fomites and Water
University of Oviedo
Funder: EOSC
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Unknown University of Oviedo EOSC
Crowdfight COVID-19
Crowdfight COVID-19
Funder: EOSC
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
Unknown Crowdfight COVID-19 EOSC
Immune and Omics Cell Atlas of COVID-19 patients with pre-existing autoimmunity and immunodeficiency
Roser Vento
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Funder: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
This work aims to provide knowledge about the immunological, transcriptome and epigenome state of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with pre-existing immunological disorders. We will characterize the overall local (nasal swab) and systemic (peripheral blood) immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in a spectrum of patients with primary immunodeficiency and autoimmune disease. Knowledge generated from this study will be key to understand the underlying immunopathogenesis and host susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
CV005 Wellcome Sanger Institute Roser Vento Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
COVID-19 ICU-CARE COVID-19 ICU-CARE – A ground-breaking ICU bed-side COVID-19 trachea flushing system that can cut healthcare costs and reduce COVID-19 spread between ICU patients and staff
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
When the severely ill COVID-19 patients are admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for respiratory support (breathing with the support of a mechanical ventilator), it is crucial that the upper airways of these patients are being suctioned many times daily to remove secretion and mucus, in order to prevent lung infections. If not removed efficiently, there is >50% likelihood of mortality. Unfortunately, the suctioning techniques today have 2 major limitations 1) it cant remove secretions efficiently and thereby preventing lung infections and 2) it induces a very high risk of COVID-19 spread amongst ICU patients and staff, as secretion is suctioned outside the patients body. AW Technologies aims to solve these problems with TrachFlush – a patented suctioning assist system. As an add-on to standard mechanical ventilation systems used in the ICU, TrachFlush automatically flushes ALL secretion out of the airways and has already shown to cut cost and to reduce contamination in a small feasibility study on general ICU patients. The aim of this project is to take TrachFlush to market and battle the COVID-19 outbreak. In collaboration with experts from 5 leading hospitals from Denmark, Italy, Holland and Spain, this COVID-19 ICU-CARE project concerns a large-scale clinical study to reach TRL 8 and aims to demonstrate: 1) a 90% efficient secretion removal and implicit reduction in lung infections, 2) a 90% reduction in ICU nurse workload and, 3) elimination of any contamination between patients and staff – on COVID-19 patients! When we reach these goals, we can help EU battle the COVID-19 outbreak. The business opportunity is huge. Our market is €3,6Bn and will reach €4,5Bn by 2025. Via a recently signed distribution agreement with an ICU ventilator manufacturer, we aim for rapid market penetration and a market share of 5,3%, a turnover of €100M, an EBITDA of €57M and additional employment of 22 people by 2025. We foresee a total budget of €1.7M for this project
ResPoNCE: Respecting People with disabilities’ Needs and rights in Crisis and Emergency
Professor Eilionoir Flynn
National University of Ireland, Galway
Funder: HRB Ireland/Irish Research Council
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
A new project supported by the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council will look at decisions made during the pandemic in several European countries and their impact on people with disabilities. The research will provide guidance for decision-making bodies to help them maintain their obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. What is the issue? Strategic decisions made by countries and healthcare systems in the pandemic may not always support the rights of people with disabilities. What will the research project do? Using a framework developed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, the project will analyse laws, policies and guidelines that emerged in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland, Spain, UK, Italy, Sweden and Germany. What will the impact be? This project will provide guidance to governments, medical councils and healthcare professionals in order to maintain obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Lead researcher Professor Eilionoir Flynn, Established Professor at the School of Law and Director of the Centre for Disability Law and Policy at NUI Galway, says: “Emerging research findings, including from the International Disability Alliance and other disability groups, demonstrate that disabled people globally are disproportionately impacted by the current pandemic. Not only are disabled people at greater risk of contracting the virus and experiencing adverse effects (especially those living in institutional settings) but they are also disproportionately affected by restrictions in access to community services and supports. This research will help us to understand in more depth how countries can respond to the challenge in ways that protect the human rights of disabled people."
unknown National University of Ireland, Galway Professor Eilionoir Flynn HRB Ireland/Irish Research Council
Les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur la santé mentale des mères et des nourrissons [Translation: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of mother and infants]
Dr Maria Foraster
Institut de Barcelone pour la santé globale
Funder: AXA
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
La situation vécue parles individus pendant une pandémie, qui peut inclure le confinement, la distanciation sociale et les craintes liées à l'insécurité économique, peut avoir des effets négatifs sur la santé mentale susceptibles d’être particulièrement nocifs pourles femmes enceintes,les jeunes mères et leur progéniture. Comprendre cet impact surla santé mentale est crucial pour la gestion adéquate des mesures de confinement de ces populations vulnérables, pendant la crise actuelle et les épidémies futures. C'est l'objectif des études de la lauréate du prix du Fonds AXA pour la Recherche, le Dr Maria Foraster, dont la recherche évalue les effets de la pandémie de COVID-19 surla santé mentale et le bien-être des mères et des nouveau-nés. [Google Translate: The situation experienced by individuals during a pandemic, which may include containment, social distancing and fears related to economic insecurity, can have negative effects on mental health issues that may be particularly harmful to pregnant women, young mothers and their offspring. Understanding this impact on mental health is crucial for the proper management of containment measures for these vulnerable populations, during the current crisis and epidemics futures. This is the objective of the studies of the winner of the AXA Fund for Research Prize, Dr Maria Foraster, whose research assesses the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and well-being of mothers and newborns.]
unknown Institut de Barcelone pour la santé globale Dr Maria Foraster AXA
Pronostic précoce des infections au COVID-19 via l'apprentissage automatique [Translate: Early prognosis of COVID-19 infection through machine learning]
Dr Santiago Mazuelas
Centre basque de mathématiques appliqués (BCAM)
Funder: AXA
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
L'épidémie de COVID-19 de 2020 a révélé des infections qui entraînent des résultats particulièrement variés : certains patients restent asymptomatiques pendant l'infection, d'autres présentent des symptômes modérés pendant quelques semaines, tandis que d'autres encore souffrent de complications aiguës voire critiques. Cet éventail de résultats pose un défi majeur pour le confinement lié au COVID-19, car les mesures de protection les plus efficaces lorsque des infections sont détectées varient significativement pour chaque type de patient. Pour relever ce défi, le Dr Santiago Mazuelas, prix du Fonds de recherche AXA au Centre basque de mathématiques appliquées (BCAM) en Espagne, développera des techniques d'apprentissage automatique pour le pronostic précoce des infections à COVID-19 qui prédisent la gravité future des infections en utilisant les données de santé obtenues au moment de la détection de l'infection. [Google Translate: The 2020 COVID-19 outbreak revealed infections that have particularly varied outcomes: some patients remain asymptomatic during infection, others have moderate symptoms for a few weeks, while still others suffer from acute complications even critical. This range of results poses a major challenge for COVID-19-related containment, as the most effective protective measures when infections are detected vary significantly for each type of patient. To meet this challenge, Dr Santiago Mazuelas, AXA Research Fund Prize winner at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in Spain, will develop machine learning techniques for the early prognosis of COVID-19 infections that predict future severity infections using health data obtained at the time of infection detection.]
unknown Centre basque de mathématiques appliqués (BCAM) Dr Santiago Mazuelas AXA
Coping with the Pandemics: What Works Best to Reduce Anxiety & Depression
Dr Joaquim Radua
Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
Funder: AXA
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
La pandémie et le confinement de la Covid-19 pourraient augmenter l'anxiété et les symptômes dépressifs chez les individus. Bien que les experts en santé recommandent plusieurs comportements pour faire face à de tels symptômes, comme limiter trop l'exposition trop fréquente aux informations sur la pandémie, les preuves scientifiques de leur efficacité font encore défaut. Pour combler cette lacune, le Dr Joaquim Radua, boursier AXA de l'Institut espagnol d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), se concentre sur les associations entre les comportements d'adaptation et l'anxiété et les symptômes dépressifs qui en découlent. Ses conclusions aideront à produire des recommandations conçues pour améliorer le bien-être émotionnel lors de situations exceptionnelles telles que la crise de santé publique mondiale 2020. [Google Translate: The Covid-19 pandemic and containment could increase anxiety and depressive symptoms in individuals. Although health experts recommend several behaviors to deal with such symptoms, such as limiting too frequent exposure to information about the pandemic, scientific evidence for their effectiveness is still lacking. To fill this gap, Dr Joaquim Radua, AXA Fellow of the Spanish Institute for Biomedical Investigations August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), focuses on the associations between coping behaviors and anxiety and depressive symptoms that arise. His findings will help produce recommendations designed to improve emotional well-being in situations exceptional events such as the 2020 global public health crisis.]
unknown Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS) Dr Joaquim Radua AXA
Células Mesenquimales Alogénicas en neumonía severa por COVID-19 refractaria a primera línea de tratamiento. Ensayo clínico I/II [Google Translate: Allogeneic Mesenchymal Cells in severe pneumonia due to COVID-19 refractory to first line of treatment. Clinical trial I / II]
Luis Fernando López Cortés, Carmen de La Fuente Martos, Jesús Rodríguez Baño
Fundación Promoción Social
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
COVID-0001-2020 Fundación Promoción Social Luis Fernando López Cortés, Carmen de La Fuente Martos, Jesús Rodríguez Baño Junta de Andalucia
Estudio Salutem: uso de hidroxicloroquina en profilaxis pre-exposición a SARSCoV-2 en trabajadores sanitarios.[Google Translate: Salutem study: use of hydroxychloroquine in pre-exposure prophylaxis to SARSCoV-2 in healthcare workers.]
Julián Olalla Sierra
Andalusian Public Foundation for Health and Biomedicine Research
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
COVID-0002-2020 Andalusian Public Foundation for Health and Biomedicine Research Julián Olalla Sierra Junta de Andalucia
Valor de las concentraciones plasmáticas de IL-6, dímeros-D, y LDH para predecir el deterioro clínico en pacientes infectados por COVI-19. [Google Translate: Value of plasma concentrations of IL-6, D-dimers, and LDH to predict clinical deterioration in COVI-19 infected patients.]
Luis Fernando López Cortés
Fundacion Publica Analuza para la Gestion de la Investigacion en Salud de Sevilla
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
COVID-0005-2020 Fundacion Publica Analuza para la Gestion de la Investigacion en Salud de Sevilla Luis Fernando López Cortés Junta de Andalucia
Linfohistiocitosis hemofagocítica secundaria (HLHs) - Monitorización precoz de tormenta de citoquinas en pacientes hospitalizados con SARS-COV-2. [Google Translate: Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLHs) - Early monitoring of cytokine storm in hospitalized patients with SARS-COV-2.]
Olaf Neth, Laura Fernandez Silveira
Fundacion Publica Analuza para la Gestion de la Investigacion en Salud de Sevilla
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
COVID-0006-2020 Fundacion Publica Analuza para la Gestion de la Investigacion en Salud de Sevilla Olaf Neth, Laura Fernandez Silveira Junta de Andalucia
Ensayo clínico Fase I/II multicéntrico, aleatorizado y controlado para evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento con plasma hiperinmune obtenido de pacientes convalecientes de la infección por COVID-19.[Google Translate: Phase I / II multicenter, randomized and controlled clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of treatment with hyperimmune plasma obtained from patients convalescing from COVID-19 infection.]
Jesús Rodríguez Baño, Salvador Oyonarte Gómez, Julian Olalla Sierra, Salvador López Cárdenas, Jose Antonio Girón González, Alberto Romero Palacios, Ismael Aomar Millán, Inmaculada Poyato Ayuso, Jesús Santos González, Concepción López Robles, Juan Macías Sánchez
Fundación Promoción Social
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
COVID-0008-2020 Fundación Promoción Social Jesús Rodríguez Baño, Salvador Oyonarte Gómez, Julian Olalla Sierra, Salvador López Cárdenas, Jose Antonio Girón González, Alberto Romero Palacios, Ismael Aomar Millán, Inmaculada Poyato Ayuso, Jesús Santos González, Concepción López Robles, Juan Macías Sánchez Junta de Andalucia
El efecto de la quimioprofilaxis con Hidroxicloroquina ante la epidemia de COVID19 en personal de riesgo.[Google Translate: The effect of hydroxychloroquine chemoprophylaxis in the face of the COVID19 epidemic in risk personnel.]
Juan Trigo Moreno
Andalusian Public Foundation for Health and Biomedicine Research
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
COVID-0009-2020 Andalusian Public Foundation for Health and Biomedicine Research Juan Trigo Moreno Junta de Andalucia
Prevención y tratamiento con Calcifediol del síndrome respiratorio agudo (SARS) inducido por Coronavirus COVID-19. Estudio COVIDIOL.[Google Translate: Prevention and treatment with Calcifediol of acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) induced by Coronavirus COVID-19. COVIDIOL study.]
José López
Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
COVID-0011-2020 Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba José López Junta de Andalucia
Secuenciación del genoma del virus SARS-CoV-2 para el seguimiento y manejo de la epidemia del Covid-19 en Andalucía y la generación rápida de biomarcadores pronósticos y de respuesta a tratamiento [Google Translate: Sequencing of the genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus for the monitoring and management of the Covid-19 epidemic in Andalusia and the rapid generation of prognostic biomarkers and response to treatment]
Joaquín Dopazo, Nicola Lorusso, Francisco Javier García León, José María Navarro Mari, Federico García García
Fundación Promoción Social
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
COVID-0012-2020 Fundación Promoción Social Joaquín Dopazo, Nicola Lorusso, Francisco Javier García León, José María Navarro Mari, Federico García García Junta de Andalucia
Ensayo clínico de Sarilumab en adultos hospitalizados con COVID-19 que presentan Síndrome de liberación de citoquinas (ENSAYO SARICOR). [Google Translate: Sarilumab Clinical Trial in Hospitalized Adults With COVID-19 Presenting Cytokine Release Syndrome (SARICOR ASSAY).]
Julián de la Torre
Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba
Funder: Junta de Andalucia
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
COVID-0013-2020 Fundacion para la Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba Julián de la Torre Junta de Andalucia
Una terapia innovadora contra el SARS-CoV-2 basada en ARN [Google Translate: An innovative therapy against RNA-based SARS-CoV-2]
Universitat Popeu Fabra
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universitat Popeu Fabra CRUE Santander
Rapid, ultraspecific, and portable SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics based on CRISPR-Cas technologies and commercial immunochromatographic assay strips
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown CSIC CRUE Santander
Detección, infección y modelización de SARS-CoV-2 mediante analisis en estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales y bioindicadores marinos [Google Translate: Detection, infection and modeling of SARS-CoV-2 through analysis in sewage treatment plants and marine bioindicators]
Universidad de Vigo
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad de Vigo CRUE Santander
Evaluación de perfiles espectrales de muestras biológicas humanas para la mejora del diagnóstico y monitoreo de la enfermedad CoVid19 [Google Translate: Evaluation of spectral profiles of human biological samples for improved diagnosis and monitoring of CoVid19 disease]
Universitat de Girona
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universitat de Girona CRUE Santander
Dispositivo diagnostico 'Point of Care' para la deteccion RAPida de la COVID19 [Google Translate: Diagnostic device 'Point of Care 'for RAPID detection of COVID19]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad Complutense de Madrid CRUE Santander
El empleo juvenil en España ante la crisis de la COVID-19: impacto en la desigualdad laboral por género desde un enfoque interseccional [Google Translate: Youth employment in Spain in the face of the COVID-19 crisis: impact on labor inequality by gender from an intersectional approach]
Universitat de Lleida
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat de Lleida CRUE Santander
Violencia de género y respuestas sociosanitarias durante la crisis por COVID-19 [Google Translate: Gender violence and responses health during the crisis by COVID-19]
Universitat d’Alacant
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat d’Alacant CRUE Santander
Desarrollo de una vacuna contra SARS-COV-2 mediante micro/nanoesferas de muNS-Mi [Google Translate: Development of a vaccine against SARS-COV-2 using muNS-Mi micro / nanospheres]
José Martínez Costas
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
unknown Universidade de Santiago de Compostela José Martínez Costas CRUE Santander
Ensayo clínico FaseI/II, multicéntrico, aleatorizado y controlado, para valorar la seguridad y la eficacia de la administración intravenosa de células Troncales Mesenquimales Adultas Alogénicas de Tejido adiposo expandidas en pacientes con pneumonía severa por COVID-19 [Google Translate: Phase I / II, multicenter, randomized and controlled clinical trial to assess the safety and efficacy of intravenous administration of expanded Allogeneic Adipose Tissue Adult Mesenchymal Stem cells in patients with severe pneumonia due to COVID-19]
Universidad de Sevilla
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universidad de Sevilla CRUE Santander
Multidisciplinary approach to blocking SARS-CoV-2 entry through antivirals and Decoy-ACE2 fragments
Universitat de València
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universitat de València CRUE Santander
CARdiovascular GENetic risk score for Risk Stratification of patients positive for SARS-CoV-2 (COvid 19) virus
Universitat de Girona
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Universitat de Girona CRUE Santander
Estudio Clínico de tratamiento con Andrografólido en Pacientes con Infección por CORonavirus SARS-CoV-2 [Google Translate: Clinical Study of Treatment with Andrographolide in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 CORonavirus Infection]
Universidad de Navarra
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universidad de Navarra CRUE Santander
Nuevos tejidos profilácticos eficientes contra SARS-COV-2 basados textiles no-tejidos modificados con grafeno y derivados [Google Translate: New efficient prophylactic fabrics against SARS-COV-2 based non-woven textiles modified with graphene and derivatives]
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
unknown Universidad Autónoma de Madrid CRUE Santander
ParIMpacto de la Pandemia En el TUrismo de España: implicaciones en el EMpleo de las mujeres en un sector Femenino [Google Translate: ParImpact of the Pandemic on the TUrismo of Spain: Implications for the Employment of Women in a Female Sector]
Unviersidad Complutense de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Unviersidad Complutense de Madrid CRUE Santander
El cuidado importa. Impacto de género en las cuidadoras/es de mayores y dependientes en tiempos de la Covid‐19 [Google Translate: Care matters. Gender impact on caregivers of the elderly and dependents in times of Covid-19]
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat Rovira i Virgili CRUE Santander
Los ROstros del COvid-19. Género e Impactos Socioeconómicos [Google Translate: The ROsters of COvid-19. Gender and Socioeconomic Impacts]
Universitat de València
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat de València CRUE Santander
Impacto de GÉnero del TEletrabajo y rutinas de Confinamiento: más allá de lo obvio [Google Translate: Gender Impact of Telework and Lockdown Routines: Beyond the Obvious]
Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona CRUE Santander
Detección precoz de vulnerabilidad al trastorno de estrés postraumático en poblaciones altamente expuestas al COVID-19 [Google Translate: Early detection of vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder in populations highly exposed to COVID-19]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona CRUE Santander
Desarrollo de herramientas de análisis de la fiabilidad de la evaluación en la universidad debida al confinamiento por COVID19 [Google Translate: Development of analysis tools for the reliability of the evaluation in the university due to confinement by COVID19]
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universidad Autónoma de Madrid CRUE Santander
SERS-based Lateral flow point of care immunoassay for ultrasensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2
Universidade de Vigo
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidade de Vigo CRUE Santander
Dinámica de la respuesta inmunitaria como predictor del curso evolutivo de la enfermedad COVID-19. Implicaciones para la toma de decisiones terapéuticas. [Google Translate: Dynamics of the immune response as a predictor of the evolutionary course of the COVID-19 disease. Implications for therapeutic decision making.]
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universidad Autónoma de Madrid CRUE Santander
Severity Subgroup Discovery and Classification on COVID-19 Real World Data through Machine Learning and Data Quality assessment
Universitat Politècnica de València
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
unknown Universitat Politècnica de València CRUE Santander
Ciencias de Datos para la lucha contra el COVID-19 [Google Translate: Data Sciences for the fight against COVID-19]
Universitat Jaume I
Funder: CRUE Santander
unknown Universitat Jaume I CRUE Santander
IMPacto y SEROprevalencia de la enfermedad COVID-19 [Google Translate: IMPacto and SEROprevalence of COVID-19 disease]
Universitat de Girona
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universitat de Girona CRUE Santander
Explorando el impacto de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 en la Atención Primaria de Salud [Google Translate: Exploring the impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Primary Health Care]
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha CRUE Santander
Desarrollo de una vacuna, MVACOVID-19, expresando a antigenos del SARS-COV2 [Google Translate: Development of a vaccine, MVACOVID-19, expressing SARS-COV2 antigens]
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
unknown CSIC CRUE Santander
Nanotech-based PCR-free SARS-COV2 quantitative detection kit
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad Autonoma de Madrid CRUE Santander
Descubrimiento de repuestas immunologicas extremadamente protectoras a SARS-COV2 [Google Translate: Discovery of extremely protective immune responses to SARS-COV2]
Universidad de Alcala
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad de Alcala CRUE Santander
Caracterizacion de las manifestaciones cutaneas en pacientes COVID-19 y su asociacion con la infeccion y la reaccion inmune o con la reaccion a farmacos usados en tratamiento: mecanismos subyacentes ingresados por Enfermedad [Google Translate: Characterization of cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19 patients and their association with infection and immune reaction or with the reaction to drugs used in treatment: underlying mechanisms admitted by disease]
Universidad de Alcala
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad de Alcala CRUE Santander
Epidemiologia genomica y monitorizacion en tiempo real del SARS-CoV2 en Galicia [Google Translate: Genomic epidemiology and real-time monitoring of SARS-CoV2 in Galicia]
Universidade de Vigo
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
unknown Universidade de Vigo CRUE Santander
Calibrado inteligente de Algoritmos para Covid19 [Google Translate: Smart Calibration of Algorithms for Covid19]
Universitat de Lleida
Funder: CRUE Santander
unknown Universitat de Lleida CRUE Santander
Viglilancia automatizada de cuestiones clave sobre la COVID19 en publicacions cientificas [Google Translate: Automated surveillance of key issues about COVID19 in scientific publications]
Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
Funder: CRUE Santander
unknown Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia CRUE Santander
Cooperative Forecasting
Universidade de Coruna
Funder: CRUE Santander
unknown Universidade de Coruna CRUE Santander
CRISPR Screen to Identify Druf-Repurposing Host Targets for SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universitat Pompeu Fabra CRUE Santander
Bases moleculares de la infeccion por SARS-CoV2 en pacientes pediatricos y su relacion con la enfermedad de Kawasaki. Identificacion de nuevos biomarcadores y dianas terapeuticas [Google Translate: Molecular bases of SARS-CoV2 infection in pediatric patients and its relationship with Kawasaki disease. Identification of new biomarkers and therapeutic targets]
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universidad Francisco de Vitoria CRUE Santander
Efectos de la condiciones vitales y socioeconomicas y de biomarcadores de contaminantes inmunodepresores en el estasdo inmunitario basal, la repuesta a la infeccion por SARS-Cov-2 ya la evolucion clinica de la COVID-19 [Google Translate: Effects of vital and socioeconomic conditions and biomarkers of immunosuppressive pollutants on the baseline immune state, the response to infection by SARS-Cov-2 and the clinical evolution of COVID-19]
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona CRUE Santander
Deteccion Rapida de Inmunoglobulinas (IgA secretora, IdGs e IgMs) para el dianostico precoz del SARS-CoV-2 mediante un biosensor portatil de grafeno. [Google Translate: Rapid Detection of Immunoglobulins (secretory IgA, IdGs and IgMs) for the early diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 by means of a portable graphene biosensor.]
Universidad de Granada
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad de Granada CRUE Santander
Nuevo sistema de diagnositico radiologico pulmonar para COVID-19 [Google Translate: New pulmonary radiological diagnosis system for COVID-19]
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad Carlos III de Madrid CRUE Santander
Impacto del SARS-CoV2 en personal sanitario asintomatico o con sintomas leves. Identificacion de nuevos biomarcadores y mecanismos patogenicos [Google Translate: Impact of SARS-CoV2 on asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic health personnel. Identification of new biomarkers and pathogenetic mechanisms]
Universidad de Cadiz
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Universidad de Cadiz CRUE Santander
Evaluacion de la nicotina como inhibidor del receptor ACE2 para uso profilactivo en profesionales sanitarios y contactos del COVID19 [Google Translate: Evaluation of nicotine as an ACE2 receptor inhibitor for prophylactic use in healthcare professionals and COVID19 contacts]
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universitat Internacional de Catalunya CRUE Santander
ACE-2-derived peptide superbinders with enhanced efficacy for inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Universidad Publica de Navarra
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universidad Publica de Navarra CRUE Santander
Desarollo de un modelo 3D de infeccion por SARS-CoV-2 de organoides primarios pulmonares humanos como plataforma de ensayo para nuevas terapias anti-COVID19 [Google Translate: Development of a 3D model of infection by SARS-CoV-2 of human primary lung organoids as a test platform for new anti-COVID19 therapies]
Universidad de Zaragoza
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universidad de Zaragoza CRUE Santander
Desarollo y validacion de sistemas diagnosticos para el cribado y la deteccion rapida y confiable de pacientes con infeccion de COVID-19 [Google Translate: Development and validation of diagnostic systems for the screening and rapid and reliable detection of patients with COVID-19 infection]
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universitat Politecnica de Valencia CRUE Santander
Analisis de Anticuerpos COVID-19 en el Sistema Universitario Espanol [Google Translate: Analysis of COVID-19 Antibodies in the Spanish University System]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad Complutense de Madrid CRUE Santander
High Performance Anti Viral Protection of Personal Protective Equipment using Nanoparticles
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
unknown Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha CRUE Santander
Dispositivo portatil y de bajo coste para la amplificacion isoterma RT-LAMP y deteccion Electroquimica de SARS-CoV-2 [Google Translate: Low cost and portable device for isothermal RT-LAMP amplification and Electrochemical detection of SARS-CoV-2]
Universidad de Oviedo
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Universidad de Oviedo CRUE Santander
COVID-19 movilidades en territorios turisticos: cambios de pautas y su efecto sobre la salud disica y mental de visitantes y residentes [Google Translate: COVID-19 mobilities in tourist territories: changes in guidelines and their effect on the physical and mental health of visitors and residents]
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Funder: CRUE Santander
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Universitat Rovira i Virgili CRUE Santander
COVI-PHI, a simple and rapid SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic test
Felipe Cortés, Luis Blanco
Funder: CaixaImpulse
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Only genetic tests have sufficient sensitivity to reliably diagnose COVID-19 infection in early and asymptomatic (yet contagious) stages of the disease, but they constitute current bottleneck for massive testing due to the need for specialized equipment. This imposes a spatial and temporal separation of sample collection, testing and decision-making that limits our capacity for disease contention by rapid identification and isolation of infected individuals. COVI-PHI is a simple genetic test that, by operating at room temperature, is adaptable to point-of-care testing and individual portable devices without compromising sensitivity and reliability. By decentralizing COVID-19 diagnosis, COVI-PHI will boost the capacity of primary care centers and even private end users to take quick and effective decisions on individual confinement measures. This will radically improve our capacity to control future outbreaks and minimize economic impact. Furthermore, the versatility of the method should allow its adaptation to the diagnosis of additional emerging infectious diseases. COVI-PHI is a novel method based on the extraordinary DNA synthesis and strand displacement capacity of Qualiphi®, an engineered version of phi29 DNA polymerase invented and commercially developed by members of the team, which is applied here for the detection and amplification of SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA. As proof of concept, we have already validated the capacity of COVI-PHI to specifically detect target RNAs of synthetic origin in an ideal and controlled laboratory setting. We have obtained spectacular levels of on-target amplification with a complete absence of background; encouraging results that strongly vouch for the specificity and sensitivity of the method. hanks to the support of CaixaImpulse, we will fully optimize COVI-PHI, and adapt it to the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in real clinical samples, with the goal of validating, certifying and distributing point-of-care testing kits and devices to Spanish and other Health Systems. Taking into account the emergency situation, we will also launch a spin-off company in parallel that should be able to converge with the development of the product, and thus ensure its fastest possible implementation. Non-financial support from CaixaImpulse will also prove instrumental for establishing solid links between R&D activities, clinical validation and business/regulatory development activities.
unknown CNIO Felipe Cortés, Luis Blanco CaixaImpulse
Preferences Expressed Through Twitter
Francesco Sarracino
Funder: Luxembourg National Research Fund
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection, Social sciences in the outbreak response
Preferences, attitudes, and well-being affect people’s economic decisions and their effective adherence to policies. Arguably, the COVID-19 pandemics changed these factors, but we do not know the direction of the changes nor how permanent they are. Today more than ever, decision makers need timely information on these factors to effectively introduce policies to exit from the crisis, promote economic recovery, and support social cohesion. This project addresses this urgent need by informing about how people’s preferences, attitudes, and well-being changed during the COVID-19 crisis, and whether such changes are permanent or transitory. We use sentiment analysis on data sourced from Twitter to provide real-time tracking of the social change triggered by the pandemics. In this way we aim to provide timely information and to avoid delays typical of conventional large scale surveys. We will track the changes of life satisfaction, mental stress, trust in others and in institutions, loneliness, uncertainty about the future, populism, and attitudes towards globalization. The project will produce a time-series database for each of these aspects in Luxembourg and 5 European countries severely affected by the crisis (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and United Kingdom). The data will go from December 2019 to December 2020. We believe that timely data releases produced by our project will be a useful tool to inform economic and social policies, and an important contribution to public and scientific debate at European level.
unknown STATEC Francesco Sarracino Luxembourg National Research Fund
No title
Dr. Cristina Eguizábal
Biocruces Health Research Institute of Bilbao
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Thus, from the Biocruces Health Research Institute of Bilbao, Dr. Cristina Eguizábal, will coordinate a multicenter team that includes the Transfusion Center of the Community of Madrid, the Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid and the Hospital Clínico de Valencia, to create a "National bank" of cell therapy (lymphocytes) of donor patients who have passed Covid-19, to study acquired immunity and the use of these lymphocytes, specifically the so-called natural killer (NK), as a treatment for patients infected with coronavirus with moderate-severe prognosis. In addition, the project will be "open", that is, the samples will be available to researchers who require it.
unknown Biocruces Health Research Institute of Bilbao Dr. Cristina Eguizábal Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
No title
Dr. José María Aguado
12 de Octubre University Hospital
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
In another study, which will be carried out at the 12 de Octubre University Hospital in Madrid, under the coordination of Dr. José María Aguado, head of the Infectious Diseases Unit, the scope and duration of acquired immunity (neutralizing antibodies ) by Covid-19 patients hospitalized and who have recovered. This study will allow to define the protection conferred by these neutralizing antibodies developed by patients who have been infected by Covid-19 and how they interfere with the evolution of the disease. In addition, it will try to clarify whether eventual infections by other variants of coronavirus could be equally protective.
unknown 12 de Octubre University Hospital Dr. José María Aguado Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
No title
Dr. Marisa Crespo-Leiro
A Coruña Health Research Institute
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
The third work that will be funded by the Fundación Mutua Madrileña will try to demonstrate whether statins, a common drug for cholesterol control taken by between 20 and 40% of the adult population, could have a protective effect on the evolution of Covid-19 infection. To this end, from the A Coruña Health Research Institute, where this trial will be carried out, the team of cardiologist Marisa Crespo-Leiro will analyze the influence of statin treatment on cardiovascular disease and the immune and inflammatory response of patients with Covid -19. It should be remembered that in patients with Covid-19, the cardiovascular system is particularly affected, which increases their risk of mortality.
unknown A Coruña Health Research Institute Dr. Marisa Crespo-Leiro Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Identificación De Biomarcadores Para La Estratificación De Gravedad En Pacientes Con Covid-19. [Google Translate: Identification of Biomarkers for Severity Stratification in Covid-19 Patients.]
César Aldecoa Álvarez-Santullano
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 53/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega César Aldecoa Álvarez-Santullano Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Caracterización De La Respuesta Inflamatoria Y Endotelial De La Infección Por Sars-Cov-2 Y Su Utilidad En El Diagnóstico Y Pronóstico De La Enfermedad Covid-19 [Google Translate: Characterization of the Inflammatory and Endothelial Response of Sars-Cov-2 Infection and Its Utility in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Covid-19 Disease]
David Andaluz Ojeda
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 108/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid David Andaluz Ojeda Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto Sobre El Sueño, El Ánimo, La Ansiedad Y Satisfacción Personal De Los Médicos Asignados A Equipos Covid [Google Translate: Impact on Sleep, Mood, Anxiety, and Personal Satisfaction of Physicians Assigned to Covid Teams]
María Del Pilar Andrés Olivera
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 57/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca María Del Pilar Andrés Olivera Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto Del Uso De Estatinas Antes Y Durante La Hospitalización En Pacientes Con Covid-19 [Google Translate: Impact of Statin Use Before and During Hospitalization in Covid-19 Patients]
Álvaro Aparisi Sanz
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 111/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Álvaro Aparisi Sanz Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Morbimortalidad A Corto Y Medio Plazo Por Covid-19 En Residencias De Mayores [Google Translate: Short- and Medium-Term Morbidity and Mortality Due to Covid-19 in Nursing Homes for the Elderly]
Ángela María Arévalo Pardal
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 104/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Ángela María Arévalo Pardal Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Identificación Precoz Del Paciente Con Neumonía Severa Por Sars-Cov-2 Para Recibir Tratamiento Con Células Madre Mesenquimales [Google Translate: Early Identification of the Patient With Severe Pneumonia Due to Sars-Cov-2 to Receive Treatment with Mesenchymal Stem Cells]
Julia Barbado Ajo
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 98/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Julia Barbado Ajo Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Retos Post-Covid-19: Aplicación De Inteligencia Artificial En El Estudio De Las Alteraciones Del Olfato/Gusto Y Sus Secuelas. [Google Translate: Post-Covid-19 Challenges: Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Smell / Taste Alterations and Their Aftermath.]
Johanna Barón Sánchez
Complejo Asistencial De Zamora
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 84/A/20 Complejo Asistencial De Zamora Johanna Barón Sánchez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Características Y Evolución De Los Pacientes Covid-19 Atendidos En Un Centro De Salud Urbano [Google Translate: Characteristics and Evolution of Covid-19 Patients Attended in an Urban Health Center]
Karen Ruth Barroso López
Gerencia De Atención Primaria De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 127/B/20 Gerencia De Atención Primaria De Salamanca Karen Ruth Barroso López Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De Variaciones Inmunogenéticas En Genes Hla Y Kir Para Su Validación Como Factores Predictivos Y De Pronóstico En Pacientes Con Covid-19 [Google Translate: Study of Immunogenetic Variations in Hla and Kir Genes for their Validation as Predictive and Prognostic Factors in Patients with Covid-19]
Francisco José Boix Giner
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 70/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Francisco José Boix Giner Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Telemedicina En El Seguimiento De Pacientes Sometidos A Trasplante Hematopoyético: Una Necesidad Durante La Pandemia Covid-19 Y Una Oportunidad Para Mejorar La Calidad De Vida Y Optimizar Los Recursos Sanitarios. [Google Translate: Telemedicine in the Follow-up of Patients Undergoing Hematopoietic Transplantation: A Necessity During the Covid-19 Pandemic and an Opportunity to Improve Quality of Life and Optimize Health Resources.]
Mónica Cabrero Calvo
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 125/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Mónica Cabrero Calvo Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Caracterización Inmunofenotípica De Los Pacientes Ingresados En El Caule Y Afectados Por Sarscov-2. [Google Translate: Immunophenotypic Characterization of Patients Admitted to the Caule and Affected by Sarscov-2.]
Sara María Calleja Antolín
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 110/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León Sara María Calleja Antolín Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De La Respuesta Inmune Y Factores Pronósticos Asociados En La Infección Por Sars-Cov-2 [Google Translate: Study of the Immune Response and Associated Prognostic Factors in Sars-Cov-2 Infection]
Cristina Carbonell Muñoz
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 33/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Cristina Carbonell Muñoz Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio Del Efecto De Los Inhibidores Del Sistema Renina-Angiotensina-Aldosterona (Sraa) En Los Pacientes Covid-19 [Google Translate: Study of the Effect of Inhibitors of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (Sraa) in Covid-19 Patients]
Pablo Catalá Ruiz
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 113/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Pablo Catalá Ruiz Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio Epidemiológico De La Infección Y Enfermedad Covid-19 En Pacientes Pediátricos Con Cardiopatía, Y De La Cardiopatía Asociada Al Síndrome Inflamatorio Multisistémico En Relación Con La Enfermedad Covid-19 En Pacientes Pediátricos. [Google Translate: Epidemiological Study of Covid-19 Infection and Disease in Pediatric Patients with Heart Disease, and of Heart Disease Associated with Multisystemic Inflammatory Syndrome in Relation to Covid-19 Disease in Pediatric Patients.]
Fernando Centeno Marfaz
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 105/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Fernando Centeno Marfaz Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Telemonitorizacion Para El Seguimiento De Pacientes Covid-19 En Atención Primaria [Google Translate: Telemonitoring for the Follow-up of Covid-19 Patients in Primary Care]
Rosa María Conde Vicente
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 121/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Rosa María Conde Vicente Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Diagnóstico Por Imagen En La Covid-19: Uso De La Ecografía En El Punto De Atención (Pocus) Y La Tomografía Con Energía Dual (Dect). Doble Propuesta Para La Mejora De La Estratificación Y El Seguimiento De Los Pacientes. [Google Translate: Imaging Diagnosis in Covid-19: Use of Point of Attention Ultrasound (Pocus) and Dual Energy Tomography (Dect). Double Proposal for Improving Patient Stratification and Follow-up.]
Luis Corral Gudino
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 68/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Luis Corral Gudino Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De Palencia Sobre El Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 (Estudio Palco) [Google Translate: Palencia Study on Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 (Palco Study)]
José Ignacio Cuende Melero
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Palencia
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
GRS COVID 58/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Palencia José Ignacio Cuende Melero Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto Del Confinamiento Y La Pandemia Por Sars-Cov2 En Variables Antropometricas Y Atencion Sanitaria En Pacientes Con Obesidad Morbida Sometidos A Cirugia Bariatrica, Un Nuevo Modelo Asistencial. [Google Translate: Impact of Confinement and the Sars-Cov2 Pandemic on Anthropometric Variables and Health Care in Patients With Morbid Obesity Undergoing Bariatric Surgery, A New Care Model.]
Daniel Antonio De Luis Román
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 36/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Daniel Antonio De Luis Román Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Evolución De La Infección Por Sars Cov-2 En Residencias De Ancianos Seleccionadas Del Área De Salud De León [Google Translate: Evolution of Sars Cov-2 Infection in Selected Nursing Homes of the León Health Area]
Cristina Díez Flecha
Gerencia Atención Primaria De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 118/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria De León Cristina Díez Flecha Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Biomarcadores De Inflamación En Lágrima Como Indicadores Predictivos De Gravedad Y Evolución En La Infección Por Covid-19. [Google Translate: Biomarkers of Inflammation in Tears as Predictive Indicators of Severity and Evolution in Covid-19 Infection.]
Carlos Jesús Dueñas Gutiérrez
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 04/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Carlos Jesús Dueñas Gutiérrez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Afectación Cardiaca En Trabajadores Del Causa Infectados Por Coronavirus. Estudio Ccc (Cardiocoronaviruscausa) [Google Translate: Heart Disease in Coronavirus Infected Workers of the Cause. Ccc study (Cardiocoronavirus cause)]
Rocío Eiros Bachiller
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 26/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Rocío Eiros Bachiller Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Desarrollo De Un Metodo Simple Para La Detección Genómica Y Simultánea De Gripe Y Sars-Cov-2 [Google Translate: Development of a Simple Method for the Genomic and Simultaneous Detection of Influenza and Sars-Cov-2]
José María Eiros Bouza
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
GRS COVID 60/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega José María Eiros Bouza Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Desarrollo De Un Procedimiento Rápido De Diagnóstico De Virus Sarscov-2 Basado En Retrotranscripción, Amplificación Isotérmica Y Lectura Visyal. [Google Translate: Development of a Rapid Diagnostic Procedure for Sarscov-2 Virus Based on Retrotranscription, Isothermal Amplification, and Visyal Reading.]
Teodor Emilov Mentov
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
GRS COVID 80/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos Teodor Emilov Mentov Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto De La Pandemia Por Covid-19 En La Gestión De Cuidados De Los Pacientes Hospitalizados [Google Translate: Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Care Management of Hospitalized Patients]
Mercedes Fernández Castro
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 29/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Mercedes Fernández Castro Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Desarrollo De Una Metodología Molecular Para La Detección Inequívoca De Partículas Víricas Infectivas Del Sars-Cov-2 Para La Ayuda En La Evaluación Del Pronóstico De Pacientes Con Covid-19 [Google Translate: Development of a Molecular Methodology for the Unequivocal Detection of Infective Viral Particles of Sars-Cov-2 to Help in the Evaluation of the Prognosis of Patients with Covid-19]
Isabel Fernández Natal
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 93/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León Isabel Fernández Natal Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Prevalencia De Enfermedad Originada Por Covid-19 Y Factores De Riesgo Relacionados Con Morbi-Mortalidad. Diagnóstico Clínico Y/O Pruebas Complementarias En Una Residencia De Ancianos Altamente Afectada, En El Área De Salud De Medina Del Campo Urbano. Seguimiento Por Atención Primaria Y Derivaciones Hospitalarias. [Google Translate: Prevalence of Disease Originated by Covid-19 and Risk Factors Related to Morbi-Mortality. Clinical Diagnosis And / Or Complementary Tests In A Highly Affected Nursing Home In The Medina Del Campo Urbano Health Area. Follow-up By Primary Care And Hospital Referrals.]
Hilda Fernández Ovalle
Gerencia Atención Primaria Valladolid Este
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 66/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria Valladolid Este Hilda Fernández Ovalle Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Prevalencia De Infección Por Sars-Cov-2 Y Factores Asociados, En Trabajadores Y Residentes De Residencias De Ancianos Del Área De Salud De León [Google Translate: Prevalence of Infection by Sars-Cov-2 and Associated Factors, in Workers and Residents of Nursing Homes of the León Health Area]
José Pedro Fernández Vázquez
Gerencia Atención Primaria De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 72/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria De León José Pedro Fernández Vázquez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Papel De Los Antipsicoticos En La Prevencion Y Baja Afectacion De La Infección Por Covid19 [Google Translate: Role of Antipsychotics in the Prevention and Reduction of Covid19 Infection]
Manuel Ángel Franco Martín
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 95/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Manuel Ángel Franco Martín Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Analisis De La Correlacion Clinico-Serologica De La Infección Por Covid-19 En Residencias De Mayores [Google Translate: Analysis of the Clinical-Serological Correlation of Covid-19 Infection in Nursing Homes]
Jesús Galán De La Calle
Gerencia De Atención Primaria Valladolid Oeste
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 109/B/20 Gerencia De Atención Primaria Valladolid Oeste Jesús Galán De La Calle Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Identificación De Tratamientos Farmacológicos Previos Protectores Frente A Mortalidad Por Covid-19 En Residencias De Ancianos: Proyecto Res-Covid [Google Translate: Identification of Previous Pharmacological Protective Treatments Against Mortality Due to Covid-19 in Nursing Homes: Res-Covid Project]
María del Carmen García Casas
Gerencia Atención Primaria Valladolid Este
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 83/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria Valladolid Este María del Carmen García Casas Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Aprendizaje Natural Ante Una Nueva Enfermedad: Covid-19 [Google Translate: Natural Learning Faced With A New Disease: Covid-19]
María Elena García García
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
GRS COVID 85/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos María Elena García García Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Cardiovid: Estudio De La Incidencia De Eventos Cardiovasculares Adversos Tras El Alta En Pacientes Que Han Superado La Covid-19. [Google Translate: Cardiovid: Study of the Incidence of Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Discharge in Patients Who Have Overcome Covid-19.
Pablo Elpidio García Granja
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 114/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Pablo Elpidio García Granja Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Identificación De Tratamientos Farmacológicos Previos Frente A Complicaciones Por Covid-19 [Google Translate: Identification of Previous Pharmacological Treatments Against Complications by Covid-19]
Luis García Ortiz
Gerencia De Atención Primaria De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 120/B/20 Gerencia De Atención Primaria De Salamanca Luis García Ortiz Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Coagulopatía En El Enfermo Con Covid 19.Valoración De La Utilidad De La Heparina En El Pronóstico Y Tratamiento De Los Pacientes Con Enfermedad Grave [Google Translate: Coagulopathy in patients with Covid 19: Assessment of the usefulness of heparin in the prognosis and treatment of patients with severe disease]
José Ramón González Porras
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 13/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca José Ramón González Porras Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto Epidemiologico De La Pandemia Covid19 En La Atención Hospitalaria Y Relación Con Los Centros Sociosanitarios [Google Translate: Epidemiological Impact of the Covid19 Pandemic on Hospital Care and Relationship with Social Health Centers]
Ana María Haro Pérez
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 22/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Ana María Haro Pérez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Elaboración De Un Modelo De Datos Armonizados Bajo El Standard Omop Para La Recogida Y Gestión De Información De Los Pacientes Covid-19 [Google Translate: Development of a Harmonized Data Model under the Omop Standard for the Collection and Management of Information from Covid-19 Patients]
Jesús María Hernández Rivas
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
GRS COVID 23/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Jesús María Hernández Rivas Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Análisis Comparativo Del Consumo De Fármacos Para El Tratamiento Del Coronavirus Sars-Cov2 En Los Hospitales De Castilla Y León [Google Translate: Comparative Analysis of the Consumption of Drugs for the Treatment of Coronavirus Sars-Cov2 in the Hospitals of Castilla y León]
Francisco Magno Herrera Gómez
Complejo Asistencial De Zamora
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 10/A/20 Complejo Asistencial De Zamora Francisco Magno Herrera Gómez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Tabaquismo Como Factor De Riesgo Para La Covid-19 [Google Translate: Smoking As A Risk Factor For Covid-19]
Lourdes Lázaro Asegurado
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 27/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos Lourdes Lázaro Asegurado Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Epidemiología Y Tendencias De La Hospitalización Psiquiátrica Durante La Pandemia Por Covid-19 [Google Translate: Epidemiology and Trends in Psychiatric Hospitalization During the Covid-19 Pandemic]
Carlos Llanes Álvarez
Complejo Asistencial De Zamora
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 05/A/20 Complejo Asistencial De Zamora Carlos Llanes Álvarez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Profilaxis Con Hidroxicloroquina Y Cloroquina En La Infección Del Sars-Cov-2 [Google Translate: Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine Prophylaxis in Sars-Cov-2 Infection]
Jaime López De La Iglesia
Gerencia Atención Primaria De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 69/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria De León Jaime López De La Iglesia Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio Observacional Prospectivo Del Cribado De La Infección Por Sars-Cov.2 (Covid19) En Pacientes Con Cáncer Sometidos A Tratamiento Potencialmente Inmunosupresor [Google Translate: Prospective Observational Study of Sars-Cov.2 (Covid19) Infection Screening in Cancer Patients Undergoing Potentially Immunosuppressive Treatment]
Ana López González
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 56/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León Ana López González Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Agrupación De Endotipos Y Fenotipos Del Síndrome De Distrés Respiratorio Agudo (Sdra) Producido Por La Enfermedad Del Coronavirus De 2019 (Covid-19),En Pacientes Críticos Del Área De Palencia [Google Translate: Grouping of Endotypes and Phenotypes of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Produced by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), in Critical Patients in the Palencia Area]
JuanB. López Messa
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Palencia
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 103/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Palencia JuanB. López Messa Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Identificación De Biomarcadores Pronósticos De Alerta Temprana Para Sars - Cov - 2 En El Ámbito Rehospitalario (Cov-Triage-System) [Google Translate: Identification of Early Warning Prognostic Biomarkers for Sars - Cov - 2 in the Rehospital Setting (Cov-Triage-System)]
Francisco Martín Rodríguez
Gerencia De Emergencias Sanitarias
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 7/A/20 Gerencia De Emergencias Sanitarias Francisco Martín Rodríguez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De La Influencia De La Variabilidad De Los Genes Ace2 E Il6 En La Infección Por Covid19 [Google Translate: Study of the Influence of the Variability of the Ace2 and Il6 Genes in Covid19 Infection]
José Pablo Miramontes González
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 91/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega José Pablo Miramontes González Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De Prácticas Nutricionales En El Paciente Crítico Con Diagnóstico De Enfermedad Covid-19 En Castilla Y León. [Google Translate: Study of Nutritional Practices in Critical Patients with a Diagnosis of Covid-19 Disease in Castilla y León.]
Diana Monge Donaire
Complejo Asistencial De Zamora
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 126/A/20 Complejo Asistencial De Zamora Diana Monge Donaire Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Evaluación De La Función Inmunomoduladora In-Vitro De Células Mesenquimales De Placenta Humana En La Inmunidad Innata Y Adaptativa De Pacientes Infectados De Covid-19. [Google Translate: Evaluation of the In-Vitro Immunomodulatory Function of Human Placenta Mesenchymal Cells in the Innate and Adaptive Immunity of Covid-19 Infected Patients.]
Judith Montánchez Mateo
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
GRS COVID 128/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De León Judith Montánchez Mateo Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto De Un Plan Formativo En Ecografía Pulmonar A Médicos De Familia En El Diagnóstico De Pacientes Con Sospecha De Infección Por Covid-19 En Atencion Primaria. Proyecto Ecovid-19 Ap [Google Translate: Impact of a Training Plan in Pulmonary Ultrasound for Family Physicians in the Diagnosis of Patients With Suspected Covid-19 Infection in Primary Care. Ecovid-19 Ap project]
Marta Moya De La Calle
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 17/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Marta Moya De La Calle Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Variabilidad En La Organización De Los Recursos Hospitalarios Y En Las Terapias Farmacológicas Empleadas Durante La Pandemia Por Sars-Cov-2 En Castilla Y León: Estudio Transversal Retrospectivo [Google Translate: Variability in the Organization of Hospital Resources and in the Pharmacological Therapies Used During the Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic in Castilla y León: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study]
Álvaro Muñoz Galindo
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 49/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Álvaro Muñoz Galindo Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Aplicación Del Mindfulness On Line Como Soporte Emocional Para Trabajadores Sanitarios Sometidos A Sobrecarga Laboral [Google Translate: Application Of Mindfulness Online As Emotional Support For Health Workers Subjected To Work Overload]
Irene Muñoz León
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 90/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Irene Muñoz León Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Influencia De Los Antipsicóticos Sobre La Infección Y Mortalidad Por Covid-19 De Personas Mayores De 60 Años Viviendo En Residencias. [Google Translate: Influence of Antipsychotics on Covid-19 Infection and Mortality in People Older than 60 Years Living in Residences.]
Juan Luis Muñoz Sánchez
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 129/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Juan Luis Muñoz Sánchez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Caracterización De La Memoria Celular Y Humoral En Respuesta A Covid-19 [Google Translate: Characterization of Cellular and Humoral Memory in Response to Covid-19]
Antonio Orduña Domingo
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
GRS COVID 43/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Antonio Orduña Domingo Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Mind/Covid-19: Medición Del Impacto En Salud Mental Y Necesidades Asociadas Con Covid-19 [Google Translate: Mind / Covid-19: Measuring The Impact On Mental Health And Needs Associated With Covid-19]
José María Pelayo Terán
Hospital El Bierzo
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 32/A/20 Hospital El Bierzo José María Pelayo Terán Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Analgesia Perioperatoria En Situación De Crisis Sarscov-2. Influencia En Los Pacientes Covid-19 [Google Translate: Perioperative Analgesia in Situation of Crisis Sarscov-2. Influence On Covid-19 Patients]
María A. Pérez Herrero
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 37/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid María A. Pérez Herrero Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Tratamiento Ambulatorio De Covid-19 Con Corticiodes En Fase De Neumonía Leve Si Necesidad De Ingreso Como Oportunidad De Modificar El Curso De La Enfermedad [Google Translate: Outpatient Treatment Of Covid-19 With Corticiodes In Mild Pneumonia Phase If Admission Needed As Opportunity To Modify The Course Of The Disease]
Ana Pueyo Bastida
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 25/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Burgos Ana Pueyo Bastida Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De Validación Entre Dos Pruebas De Detección Rápida (Rdt) De Anticuerpos Contra La Infección Por Sars-Cov-2 [Google Translate: Validation Study Between Two Rapid Detection Tests (Rdt) For Antibodies Against Sars-Cov-2 Infection]
Antonio Quiroga Fernández
Gerencia De Asistencia Sanitaria El Bierzo
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
GRS COVID 87/A/20 Gerencia De Asistencia Sanitaria El Bierzo Antonio Quiroga Fernández Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Grasa Corporal Como Factor Asociado A Gravedad En La Infección Por Sars-Cov-2 [Google Translate: Body Fat As A Factor Associated With Severity In Sars-Cov-2 Infection]
Sofia Reguero Celada
Gerencia Atención Primaria De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
GRS COVID 74/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria De León Sofia Reguero Celada Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio De La Relación Entre Las Características Habitacionales De Las Viviendas Y La Transmisión Intrafamiliar Del Sars-Cov2 En Castilla Y León [Google Translate: Study of the relationship between housing characteristics and intrafamily transmission of Sars-Cov2 in Castilla y León]
Sandra Robles Pellitero
Gerencia Atención Primaria De León
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 03/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria De León Sandra Robles Pellitero Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Impacto Y Abordaje De Salud Mental De Los Pacientes Afectos De Covid Sus Familiares Y De Los Profesionales Sanitarios Que Los Atienden [Google Translate: Impact And Mental Health Approach Of Covid Patients Their Relatives And The Health Professionals Who Treat Them]
Carlos Roncero Alonso
Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
GRS COVID 59/A/20 Complejo Asistencial Universitario De Salamanca Carlos Roncero Alonso Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Diseño Y Evaluación De Un Modelo Automático Basado En Machine Learning Para Predecir La Mortalidad En Pacientes Con Covid-19 [Google Translate: Design And Evaluation Of An Automatic Model Based On Machine Learning To Predict Mortality In Patients With Covid-19]
Tomás Ruiz Albi
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
GRS COVID 09/A/20 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega Tomás Ruiz Albi Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Estudio Del Uso De Ramipril En Pacientes De Riesgo Con Covid-19. Análisis A Partir Del Ensayo Clínico Rastavi [Google Translate: Study of the use of Ramipril in patients at risk with Covid-19. Analysis from the Rastavi Clinical Trial]
Sandra Santos Martínez
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 115/A/20 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Sandra Santos Martínez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Manejo De La Enfermedad Por Sarscov-2 (Covid-19): Estudio Restrospectivo De Interacciones Farmacológicas Y Factores Genéticos En El Tratamiento Con Hidroxicloroquina En Adultos Mayores” [Google Translate: Management of Sarscov-2 Disease (Covid-19): A Retrospective Study of Pharmacological Interactions and Genetic Factors in Hydroxychloroquine Treatment in Older Adults "]
Clemente Viana Miguel
Gerencia Atención Primaria De Soria
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
GRS COVID 40/B/20 Gerencia Atención Primaria De Soria Clemente Viana Miguel Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Inmunoterapia sintética contra la COVID-19 y futuras pandemias de coronavirus [Google Translate: Synthetic immunology to engineer pan-coronavirus immunity]
Luis Álvarez Vallina
Unidad de Inmunología, Fundación de Investigación 12 de Octubre
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
The destruction of natural habitats suggests the appearance of more epidemic outbreaks caused by other emerging coronaviruses in the future. The objective of this project is to develop and validate at a preclinical level a synthetic immunology strategy to generate 'pan-coronavirus' immunity, that is, not only against SARS-CoV-2, but in general against coronavirus species that use the protein ACE2 as a gateway to the human cell. The researchers will follow a very novel synthetic immunotherapy strategy: they will produce in the laboratory a new generation of molecules called spikebodies , due to their ability to block the interaction of ACE2 with the S glycoprotein ( spike ) of different coronaviruses. They will test their activity with various coronaviruses.
unknown Unidad de Inmunología, Fundación de Investigación 12 de Octubre Luis Álvarez Vallina BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Human macrophage activation in COVID-19: involvement of MAF and MAFB in the cytokine storm triggered upon SARS-CoV-2 infection and identification of novel prognostic biomarkers”
Angel L. Corbí López
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
The most severe cases of COVID-19 are associated with an exacerbated response of the immune system, which has been dubbed a 'cytokine storm', and the appearance of fibrosis in the lungs. This symptomatology is largely due to the action of a type of defensive cell, macrophages. This project aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that lead to cytokine storm and pulmonary fibrosis, and to test the hypothesis that it is possible to 're-educate' macrophages so that these same cells act in a positive sense, avoiding further injury. severe COVID-19. The authors of the project have identified, in previous work, molecules that intervene in the inflammatory and fibrotic effects of macrophages - the transcription factors MAFB and MAF - and will use them to question their hypothesis. The collaboration in the project between a research group from the CSIC and the departments of Immunology and Internal Medicine of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos will allow the analysis of possible new therapeutic approaches based on the activation of macrophages, using plasma from COVID-19 patients. In these samples, the researchers will also look for new markers based on macrophages that predict the evolution of the disease.
unknown Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) Angel L. Corbí López BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“LUng MAcrophage involvement in Lethal COVID-19 pathogenesis: an immunopathology approach to Actionable Mechanisms – LUMACOVID”
Ignacio Melero
Clínica Universidad de Navarra
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
By observing tissue samples from different organs, obtained postmortem from a score of patients shortly after their death in the intensive care unit, the authors of this project observed an exacerbated presence of macrophages. Macrophages are a key cell type in the body, for their role in trapping and destroying pathogens and eliminating dead cells. They are also essential in regulating the inflammatory response, and researchers consider them the main culprits of respiratory failure in COVID-19. Using advanced microscopy and gene expression techniques, the researchers will try to identify in this unique collection of micro-autopsy samples the mechanisms that explain the high presence and activation of macrophages.
unknown Clínica Universidad de Navarra Ignacio Melero BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Identifying SARS-CoV-2- host cell interactions exploiting CRISPR/Cas9 engineered human organoids: through the development of specific therapies against COVID19”
Nuria Montserrat
Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
To combat COVID-19 it is important to prevent the virus from entering cells, but also to understand what happens when it is already inside: what mechanisms of the cell the pathogen hijacks to replicate and continue infecting. This highly multidisciplinary project is led by researchers from three centers in different countries, who in the past months have already made key contributions to face the pandemic. The principal investigator Nuria Monserrat, an expert in developmental biology at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia, demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 also infects other organs, in addition to the lungs; Josef Penninger, from the Austrian Institute for Molecular Biotechnology, confirmed in vivo that the ACE2 protein is the main gateway to the new coronavirus cell; Ali Mirazimi, from the Karolinska Institute, in Sweden, he is an expert virologist in emerging viruses. In this project, they will study how SARS-CoV-2 infects mini-kidney cells, made by bioengineering from human stem cells. In these organs, it will be possible to open or close at will, using the CRISPR gene editing technique, the proteins that the virus uses as a gateway to cells -ACE2 and others-, and to study the consequences in each case. They will also be able to study the molecular pathways that are activated once the virus infects the cell. The use of mini-kidneys to model the SARS-CoV-2 infection thus allows accelerating a type of research that would otherwise take years - with genetically modified animal models. In this project, they will study how SARS-CoV-2 infects mini-kidney cells, made by bioengineering from human stem cells. In these organs, it will be possible to open or close at will, using the CRISPR gene editing technique, the proteins that the virus uses as a gateway to cells -ACE2 and others-, and to study the consequences in each case. They will also be able to study the molecular pathways that are activated once the virus infects the cell. The use of mini-kidneys to model the SARS-CoV-2 infection thus allows accelerating a type of research that would otherwise take years - with genetically modified animal models. In this project, they will study how SARS-CoV-2 infects mini-kidney cells, made by bioengineering from human stem cells. In these organs, it will be possible to open or close at will, using the CRISPR gene editing technique, the proteins that the virus uses as a gateway to cells -ACE2 and others-, and to study the consequences in each case. They will also be able to study the molecular pathways that are activated once the virus infects the cell. The use of mini-kidneys to model the SARS-CoV-2 infection thus accelerates a type of research that would otherwise take years - with genetically modified animal models. the proteins that the virus uses as a gateway to cells -ACE2 and others-, and to study the consequences in each case. They will also be able to study the molecular pathways that are activated once the virus infects the cell. The use of mini-kidneys to model the SARS-CoV-2 infection thus accelerates a type of research that would otherwise take years - with genetically modified animal models. the proteins that the virus uses as a gateway to cells -ACE2 and others-, and to study the consequences in each case. They will also be able to study the molecular pathways that are activated once the virus infects the cell. The use of mini-kidneys to model the SARS-CoV-2 infection thus accelerates a type of research that would otherwise take years - with genetically modified animal models.
unknown Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña Nuria Montserrat BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Modelos de ‘machine learning’ para determinar el riesgo de fallecimiento o intubación [Google Translate: Machine learning models to determine the risk of death or intubation]
Professor Concha Bielza
Artificial Intelligence Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Based on data from more than 9,000 patients treated for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Madrid hospitals of Ramón y Cajal, Fundación Jiménez Díaz and La Zarzuela, this work will develop machine learning models to predict the risk of death or of being intubated that a person has by analyzing the factors that will determine the prognosis. In addition, it will evaluate the efficiency of a treatment from comparisons of patients who have been treated with one drug or another and the relationship with the death rate. As the last objective, a Bayesian network model will be built that captures all the relationships between various variables -both clinical, as well as treatments and results- to make probabilistic reasoning about the risk of mortality, the success or not of a treatment and the why. This model will also be left open on a web platform for the entire scientific community.
unknown Artificial Intelligence Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid Professor Concha Bielza BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Una base de datos que recopila todo el conocimiento científico sobre el coronavirus [Google Translate: A database that collects all the scientific knowledge about the coronavirus]
Professor Óscar Corcho García
Polytechnic University of Madrid
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Day after day the number of scientific articles published on the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and references to new knowledge in this area increases. With the idea of ​​getting the most out of this documentation, Óscar Corcho García's project was born, focused on improving a database that already has more than 100,000 identified scientific articles. Through the use of natural language processing techniques and large-scale text mining, this database is able to establish relationships between drugs, symptoms, associated diseases and a large number of variables more applied to the coronavirus. "The initial idea arose as a result of requests from the Madrid health system that announced the end of some medications and wanted to know what others could be used," he explains. The system can now be consulted, But it needs improvements, as well as adding new publications and validating the results with experts so that it can be a very useful resource for researchers, medical personnel and managers of the health system. Members of the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS) of the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid will also participate in the development of the work.
unknown Polytechnic University of Madrid Professor Óscar Corcho García BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo para diagnosticar COVID-19 en radiografías de tórax [Google Translate: Deep Learning Algorithms to Diagnose COVID-19 on Chest X-rays]
Professor Francisco Herrera
Andalusian Interuniversity Institute in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
The objective of this project is to develop an artificial intelligence tool based on deep learning algorithms that allows identifying, by means of chest radiography, the presence of lung involvement, even in incipient stages, caused by COVID-19. This would allow an automated detection system for COVID-19 in suspected patients. It will be carried out using a database of 740 radiographs of patients from the San Cecilio de Granada University Hospital, half healthy and the other half with COVID, and will be expanded with data from other national and international hospitals. In addition, the tool will be able to distinguish between COVID and other lung diseases, such as bacterial pneumonias, other viral pneumonias, tumors, etc. In this way, Any health center that has X-rays will be able to have a COVID probability alert and start the protocols in advance. 56 members of four Andalusian and Galician hospital centers will participate in the work, and three other hospitals in the national territory and a university center will participate as collaborating entities.
unknown Andalusian Interuniversity Institute in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Professor Francisco Herrera BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Ciencias de Datos en la lucha contra COVID-19: movilidad, modelos epidemiológicos, modelos predictivos y ciencia ciudadana [Google Translate: Data Sciences in the fight against COVID-19: mobility, epidemiological models, predictive models and citizen science]
Nuria Oliver
Valencian Community Foundation ELLIS Unit of Alicante
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
This project will analyze human mobility on a large scale from mobile phone data. This seeks to measure the impact of confinement measures and to what extent it reduces mobility, as well as to identify mobility between different geographic areas of a population and within it. This will serve, for example, to determine the maximum mobility that each health department can absorb before reaching its maximum contagion rate that causes a health collapse. In addition, it will develop computational epidemiological models to determine how the pandemic would spread based on different situations and predictive models on the number of hospitalizations to prepare the necessary resources. The data used for the analysis of mobility will come from the inhabitants of the Valencian Community through a collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics. Finally, it has alarge international citizen survey that already gathers more than 300,000 responses and that seeks to understand the public perception during the health crisis. Five university centers of the Valencian Community and the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (FISABIO) will participate as collaborating entities, together with the public administration of the autonomous community.
unknown Valencian Community Foundation ELLIS Unit of Alicante Nuria Oliver BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Detección del SARS-CoV-2 en aerosol atmosférico como herramienta de vigilancia y alerta de la transmisión del COVID-19” [Google Translate: "Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in atmospheric aerosol as a surveillance and alert tool for the transmission of COVID-19"]
Juana Maria Delgado Saborit
Universitat Jaume I
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
Between the incubation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the appearance of symptoms, there is a period in which those infected are highly infectious and breathe out viral particles that could contribute to a detectable increase in said particles in the atmosphere prior to the appearance of symptoms . These viral particles have been detected in air filters collected in Italy. The objective of this project is to explore and exploit this gap between peak infectivity associated with expiration of viral particles and the presence of symptoms, to propose an alert network and facilitate the design of emergency plans and action measures that allow reducing the impact of future COVID-19 episodes in the well-being of the population and the economy. The objective of this project is to explore and exploit the lag between peak infectivity associated with expiration of viral particles and the presence of symptoms, in order to propose an alert network and facilitate the design of emergency plans.
unknown Universitat Jaume I Juana Maria Delgado Saborit BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Contaminación atmosférica y COVID-19: ¿qué podemos aprender de esta pandemia?” [Google Translate: "Air pollution and COVID-19: what can we learn from this pandemic?"]
Ignacio Fernández Olmo
University of Cantabria
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
In the first place, it tries to know to what extent the levels of the main atmospheric pollutants have changed at the regional and national level as a consequence of the drastic reduction in traffic and a partial decrease in industrial activity, caused by the restrictions derived from the implementation. of the state of alarm in Spain. Second, it tries to find associations between exposure to certain atmospheric pollutants, especially those that affect respiratory and cardiovascular function such as particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and the spread of the virus, as well as with its severity (ICU admissions and mortality rates). Finally, it tries to investigate the possible role that the PM present in ambient air can play as a vector of transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
unknown University of Cantabria Ignacio Fernández Olmo BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Análisis de la infectividad de SARS-Cov-2 en ratones transgénicos expresando la proteína ACE-2 de posibles especies portadoras del virus (visón, gato, perro, caballo, y cerdo)” [Google Translate: "Analysis of the infectivity of SARS-Cov-2 in transgenic mice expressing the ACE-2 protein of possible species carrying the virus (mink, cat, dog, horse, and pig)"]
Alfonso Gutiérrez Adán
Department of Animal Reproduction, INIA
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Animal and environmental research on the virus origin, and management measures at the human-animal interface
The objective of this project is to generate the first transgenic mouse models that reproduce human infection and models of possible species that transmit SARS-Cov-2, such as companion animals (cats and dogs) and production animals (horses, pigs and cows). , all of them selected for having an ACE-2 protein, which acts as a gateway for the virus, very similar to the human one. Mice have a version of the ACE-2 protein that differs from human, so the virus cannot enter the mouse and therefore cannot be infected by SARS-Cov-2. Therefore, to model and study COVID-19 in mice, it is necessary that they express the human ACE-2 receptor, or of the species to be studied. These transgenic mice will be used to analyze infectivity, susceptible species, and the species that transmit SARS-Cov-2 and / or the new coronaviruses that could produce future pandemics. They would also be unique models to test new drugs against COVID-19 and against possible new outbreaks of this or other coronaviruses. The research team is made up of two research groups from the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (INIA), in which experts in the production of transgenic animals as well as in zoonoses and antivirals participate.
unknown Department of Animal Reproduction, INIA Alfonso Gutiérrez Adán BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Investigation on the potential role of pets as animal reservoirs for SARS-CoV-2”
Professor Joaquim Segalés Coma
Animal Health Research Center (CReSA) of the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Animal and environmental research on the virus origin, and management measures at the human-animal interface
SARS-CoV-2 is considered a zoonotic pathogen that is basically transmitted between humans. However, there are different descriptions that indicate that pets can be exposed to the virus. Furthermore, experimental infections with cats, hamsters, and ferrets have shown that the virus can also be transmitted between animals. In all cases, the frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection of pets is virtually unknown and the existing data are based on a few descriptions worldwide. Therefore, it is important to establish whether SARS-CoV-2 can be established in domestic species and to see if they pose a potential risk that could lead to outbreaks in people. The project aims to establish the frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pets and determine their potential role in the epidemiology of COVID-19 as potential reservoirs.
unknown Animal Health Research Center (CReSA) of the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), Autonomous University of Barcelona. Professor Joaquim Segalés Coma BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Evaluating policies in Spain during the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath: The role of DSGE models with heterogeneous agents and sectors”
Juan José Dolado Lobregad
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The objective of this project, in which researchers from various institutions in the United Kingdom and the United States, in addition to Spanish, participate, is to quantitatively assess whether the measures in socio-economic policy that have been adopted in our country in the context of the pandemic (ERTE , the Minimum Vital Income, tax deductions and exemptions, etc.) are effective and manage to correct inequalities or, on the contrary, aggravate these imbalances. The team starts from the premise that the crisis is affecting the different sectors and agents in a very unequal way, in a situation that is enormously damaging for many, but in which there are also sectors and agents that are benefiting. They will use stochastic dynamic general equilibrium models for this. The objective of this project is to quantitatively evaluate whether the socio-economic policy measures that have been adopted in our country in the context of the pandemic are effective and manage to correct inequalities or, on the contrary, aggravate those imbalances.
unknown Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Juan José Dolado Lobregad BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“The Impact of COVID-19 on Income and Consumption Inequality in Spain: Real-Time Evidence from Big Data”
Ruben Durante
Universitat Pompeu Fabra e Institute of Political Economy and Governance (IPEG)
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
This project already monitors in real time banking data, anonymized and aggregated, of millions of clients (individuals and companies) of financial entities, with the aim of analyzing the evolution of their income and consumption patterns. In this way, and through massive data processing techniques, they will be able to know, for example, what percentage of people have seen their income drop during the pandemic and by what amount; or to calculate how much social inequalities would have increased if public compensations such as ERTEs or subsidies had not been implemented (subtracting those public revenues from the total, since these techniques allow filtering the data in maximum detail). The ultimate goal is to create tools or indexes that monitor these variables month by month to allow public decision-makers to take action at the moment, without having to wait for longer periods, such as those now necessary for official statistics. For this, they will have the collaboration of the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance in Rome.
unknown Universitat Pompeu Fabra e Institute of Political Economy and Governance (IPEG) Ruben Durante BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“CIVIC: Caracterización inteligente de la veracidad de información asociada a la COVID-19” [Google Translate: "CIVIC: Intelligent characterization of the veracity of information associated with COVID-19"]
Alejandro Martín García
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research, Social sciences in the outbreak response
This research team assumes that it is much easier to take fake news, hoaxes and false news as true (or even enhance their dissemination, forwarding or sharing them) than to question them, collect the information, send it for verification and wait for the answer. To achieve the highest possible accuracy and reliability in the shortest time and with the least effort, for the general public opinion, they will collect a large amount of information about COVID-19, from various verification sources around the world, and will label it as true or false to, through deep machine learning techniques (Deep Learning) and natural language processing, create an engine that is easily integrated into Internet browsers and social networks and provides, immediately, evidence about whether that statement, news or content is true or a possible hoax. The international dimension of the project is one of the keys, according to Alejandro Martín García, its principal investigator, who has incorporated research centers from China, Finland, the Netherlands and Singapore into the team, and anticipates that institutions from all over the world will do so in the next steps. The balloon.
unknown Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Alejandro Martín García BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Impacto familiar, personal y profesional de la pandemia en los profesionales de la salud en España. Estudio por cohortes” [Google Translate: “Family, personal and professional impact of the pandemic on health professionals in Spain. Cohort study "]
Teresa Moreno Casbas
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The pandemic has placed a huge burden on health professionals, who have seen their work centers and specialized units related to the disease, especially ICUs, completely overwhelmed. This has caused that a high number of them have experienced symptoms, both physical and cognitive and emotional, compatible with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; This research group estimates, according to preliminary studies, that up to 14.5% could have suffered severe symptoms. The objective of the project is to collect data from professionals who have had a relationship with COVID-19 patients to find out to what extent this experience has impacted their mental health. The data collection and processing will be carried out by a score of researchers who are in general hospitals, primary care and social health centers and universities in the Community of Madrid; Community of Valencia; Catalonia; Basque Country; Andalusia; Castilla La Mancha, Castilla y León; The Rioja; and the Balearic Islands. A follow-up and support service will also be offered, through face-to-face groups and online media, to those who need it.
unknown Instituto de Salud Carlos III Teresa Moreno Casbas BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“De la gripe de 1918 al COVID-19: representaciones y consecuencias en perspectiva comparada (Europa y América Latina)” [Google Translate: "From the 1918 flu to COVID-19: representations and consequences in comparative perspective (Europe and Latin America)"]
Maximiliano Fuentes Codera
Universitat de Girona
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The main objective of this project is to analyze the impact of the 1918 flu and the links between collective public policies against it and the discourses and processes developed from the beginning of the epidemic to the 1930s. It is about locating this pandemic in the historical development of the first half of the 20th century and, more specifically, in the context of the crisis of liberalism after the Great War. From a multidisciplinary perspective and rooted in cultural and political history, it will articulate a comparative study that includes scenarios from southern Europe (Spain, Italy and Portugal) and Latin America (Argentina, Brazil and Mexico). The project will also address the potential comparisons between what happened in the period 1918-1930 and the current responses to COVID-19, particularly those raised by populist movements and regimes in America and Europe; that is to say, it will look for possible links between the crisis of liberalism of the last century and the current one, focusing on the impact of pandemics.
unknown Universitat de Girona Maximiliano Fuentes Codera BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Redes de solidaridad en la COVID-19: comunidades emocionales, activismo de base y ayuda mutua” [Google Translate: "Solidarity Networks in COVID-19: Emotional Communities, Grassroots Activism and Mutual Aid"]
Javier Moscoso Sarabia
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The economic crisis derived from social distancing measures and the confinements decreed in many countries has increased racial, gender and economic inequalities and has had a strong impact on chronic diseases, domestic abuse and gender violence. This is the starting point of a project that will analyze the appearance, in Spain and Latin America, of new forms of community solidarity to face these problems, highlighting the role that grassroots activism and emotional communities have played in the formation of those mutual aid networks. Special attention will be paid to initiatives aimed at vulnerable groups (the elderly, children, the homeless, residents of favelas) and the knowledge acquired will be transferred to various media (research articles, books,open access , exhibitions, documents) in order to provide useful information to political-health authorities and other social agents.
unknown Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Javier Moscoso Sarabia BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“Detección y eliminación de sesgos en algoritmos de triaje y localización para la COVID-19” [Google Translate: "Detection and elimination of biases in triage and localization algorithms for COVID-19"]
Ángel Puyol González
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management, Ethics considerations for research
This project will generate a protocol that allows an ethical audit of the algorithms used in COVID-19 to prioritize admission to intensive care units (ICU) and to establish -through geolocation by mobile phone- the degree of infiltration of the virus in a specific area. The authors reason that algorithms facilitate decision-making, but their results may be unfair due to two types of biases: a) they lack complete information (for example, there is more data on men than women or certain minorities or situations are not sufficiently represented socioeconomic); and b) the decisions on which the machine learning system is built were not fair out (for example, the responsible health team decided not to admit the elderly, considering that they were less likely to survive). In the case of ICUs, it is about improving decisions when instead of prioritizing it is necessary to ration; and, in geolocation, to avoid discrimination, lack of privacy and abuse of power.
unknown Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Ángel Puyol González BBVA Foundation (Spain)
“COREVID: COronavirus Research EVIDence evaluation”
Salvador Soto Faraco
Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Social pressure to obtain solutions to the COVID-19 crisis has generated an urgent demand on researchers for certainties to guide decision-making. But generating robust evidence takes precisely time, and accelerating study timelines undermines their reliability for a number of factors - from using smaller samples to relaxing peer review or premature release of results to the media. communication - which act as biases and induce the publication of results that are, in fact, false positives. This project aims to evaluate, using recently created rigorous analytical techniques, the reliability of the studies published during the crisis to see if the explosion of scientific production that has characterized this period has led to a higher rate of weak results precisely when a solid knowledge.
unknown Escuela de Ingeniería, Universidad Pompeu Fabra Salvador Soto Faraco BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Exactitud la ecografía torácica en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de las alteraciones y/o secuelas respiratorias a medio plazo en pacientes con COVID-19 [Google Translate: Accuracy of thoracic ultrasound in the diagnosis and monitoring of respiratory alterations and / or sequelae in the medium term in patients with COVID-19]
Cristina Ramos Hernández

Funder: SEPAR (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Cristina Ramos Hernández SEPAR (Spain)
Hallazgos endoscópicos en pacientes con neumonía por SARS-COV-2 sometidos a fibrobroncoscopia: Estudio multicéntrico nacional. [Google Translate: Endoscopic findings in patients with SARS-COV-2 pneumonia undergoing fiberoptic bronchoscopy: a national multicenter study.]
María del Sol Arenas de Larriva

Funder: SEPAR (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown María del Sol Arenas de Larriva SEPAR (Spain)
Evaluación De Las Características Epidemiológicas Y Clínicas De La Infección Causada Por Sars Cov-2, En Pacientes Covid-19 Positivo E Inmunosuprimidos De La Región De La Araucanía (Chile) Y Barcelona (España). [Google Translate: Evaluation of the Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of the Infection Caused by Sars Cov-2, in Covid-19 Positive and Immunosuppressed Patients from the Araucanía Region (Chile) and Barcelona (Spain).]
Jaime Inostroza Sarmiento
Funder: MINCTCI - Chile/ANID
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management
RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The aim of RESISTIRE is to: 1) understand the impact of COVID-19 policy responses on behavioural, social and economic inequalities in the EU27, Serbia, Turkey and the UK on the basis of a conceptual gender+ framework, and 2) design, devise and pilot policy solutions and social innovations to be deployed by policymakers, stakeholders and actors in different policy domains. RESISTIRE proposes a three-cycle approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research with co-creation. The process is repeated every 6 months, each cycle producing operational results and integrating insights from the previous one. Each cycle involves: • Extensive mapping of policy and societal responses to COVID-19, secondary survey data, workshops with civil society, interviews with public authorities, and individual narratives collected from precarious and vulnerable groups, and translated into operational insights • Development of adequate responses and operational tools from a holistic perspective, with a co-design approach involving multiple stakeholders, with recommendations for actions for policymakers, stakeholders and actors in the field. • Launch of pilot actions to demonstrate the potential impact of a range of proposed solutions. • Dissemination of knowledge, development of policy recommendations and empowerment of stakeholders to exploit project results. RESISTIRE relies on a strong multi-disciplinary consortium of ten European research, innovation, and design partners, with a well-established network of healthcare stakeholders. It is designed to achieve its results through multi-disciplinary research insights, cross-sectoral co-creation, solution development and a wide dissemination strategy. The project will provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of existing problems, as well as current and future priorities and solutions. As a result, it will contribute to the reduction of inequalities arising from COVID-19 policy and how to redress them.
Primary WHO research area: 6, 9
Decoy-ACE2: Uso de ACE2 soluble inactivado catalíticamente como medicamento anti CoVid19 [Google Translate: Decoy-ACE2: Use of catalytically inactivated soluble ACE2 as anti CoVid19 drug]
Primary WHO research area: 6
P06790 30/09/2021 DOMPE FARMACEUTICI SPA Italy
What is at stake without high stake exams? Students' evaluation and admission to college at the time of COVID-19
Caterina Calsamiglia
Funder: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 inhibited face-to-face education and constrained exam taking. In many countries worldwide, high-stakes exams happening at the end of the school year determine college admissions. This paper investigates the impact of using historical data of school and high-stakes exams results to train a model to predict high-stakes exams given the available data in the Spring. The most transparent and accurate model turns out to be a linear regression model with high school GPA as the main predictor. Further analysis of the predictions reflect how high-stakes exams relate to GPA in high school for different subgroups in the population. Predicted scores slightly advantage females and low SES individuals, who perform relatively worse in high-stakes exams than in high school. Our preferred model accounts for about 50% of the out-of- sample variation in the high-stakes exam. On average, the student rank using predicted scores differs from the actual rank by almost 17 percentiles. This suggests that either high-stakes exams capture individual skills that are not measured by high school grades or that high-stakes exams are a noisy measure of the same skill.
unknown ICREA & IPEG Caterina Calsamiglia IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
The impact of covid-19 on work and time-use in the family
Libertad González
Universitat Pompeu Fabra & IZA
Funder: IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
The covid-19 pandemic led many countries to close schools and declare lockdowns during the Spring of 2020, with important impacts on the labor market. We document the effects of the covid-19 lockdown in Spain, which was hit early and hard by the pandemic and suffered one of the strictest lockdowns in Europe. We collected rich household survey data in early May of 2020. We document large employment losses during the lockdown, especially in “quarantined” sectors and non-essential sectors that do not allow for remote work. Employment losses were mostly temporary, and hit lower-educated workers particularly hard. Women were slightly more likely to lose their job than men, and those who remained employed were more likely to work from home. The lockdown led to a large increase in childcare and housework, given the closing of schools and the inability to outsource. We find that men increased their participation in housework and childcare slightly, but most of the burden fell on women, who were already doing most of the housework before the lockdown. Overall, we find that the covid-19 crisis appears to have increased gender inequalities in both paid and unpaid work in the short-term.
unknown Universitat Pompeu Fabra & IZA Libertad González IZA - Institute of Labor Economics
Diabetic nephropathy modelling in hESC-derived 3D kidney organoids
Funder: EC (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
EPIORGABOLISM is studying how SARS-Co-V2, the coronavirus responsible for the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), interacts with and infects kidney cells. Together with the lung, the kidney is one of the main organs affected by the COVID-19 disease. Dr Carmen Hurtado, researcher of EPIORGABOLISM, is currently generating human kidney organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. The use of human organoids allows to test treatments against coronavirus in an agile way, dramatically reducing the time human drug trials take. Hurtado is part of international research team has identified a drug capable of blocking the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data Scientists
Funder: EC (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
The NeEDS consortium is currently focusing on the emerging data challenges that come with the COVID-19 pandemic. In Spain, the first cases of the COVID-19 pandemic were confirmed late February 2020 and data started to be collected daily by the different regions. Data and Data Science tools turned out to be crucial to assist decision makers in this highly uncertain context. NeEDS and the scientific collaborations they enjoy were fundamental to create a working group of data scientists from different European universities, which has developed an Artificial Intelligence tool to provide short-term predictions of the pandemic’s evolution. With this novel methodology, NeEDS as contributed to the cooperative efforts coordinated by the Spanish Commission of Mathematics to support data-driven decision making related to the COVID19 pandemic. In a recent interview, Project Coordinator Dolores Romero Morales has reflected on the potential of the NeEDS expertise and the efforts of tackling these data challenges within the team. The consortium is tackling other important Data Science questions, e.g., using spatial data to support COVID19 information apps or addressing the pressing data privacy needs.
822214 COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL EC (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
Martí i Franquès COFUND
Funder: EC (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Since the emergence of COVID-19, several fellows involved in the Martí i Franquès COFUND project have been working on solutions to the current crisis. Researchers are developing an epidemiological mathematical model that infers the status of the epidemic, thereby monitoring and estimating the impact of interventions on the spread of COVID-19. In parallel, another group of researchers is implementing an original virtual screening protocol to reposition approved drugs. This would allow predicting which of them could inhibit the main protease of the virus (M-pro), a key target for antiviral drugs given its essential role in the virus replication.
713679 UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI EC (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions)
Polypharmacology-based anti-viral design
Daniel Soler
Nostrum Biodiscovery (NBD)
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Polypharmacology-based anti-viral design led by Dr Daniel Soler from Nostrum Biodiscovery in Spain, and his team. They devised an approach for addressing compounds with activity among several strains of SARS-CoV-2, SARS, and MERS. These strains will be targets of a promising hit molecule that the team expects to obtain with virtual screening and experimental assays. The scientists need high computational power and algorithms to sample a considerable number of compounds by performing virtual screens of hundreds of millions of molecules. A hierarchical approach that integrates virtual screening of vast libraries together with state-of-the-art induced-fit techniques will allow to filter the most promising compounds within a reasonable amount of time. To perform these complicated calculations and simulations, PRACE awarded the project of Nostrum Biodiscovery with 4 000 000 core hours on SuperMUC-NG, hosted by GCS at LRZ, Germany.
unknown Nostrum Biodiscovery (NBD) Daniel Soler PRACE
Jazmin Aguado-Sierra
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
CardioVascular-COVID is a project led by Dr Jazmin Aguado-Sierra from Barcelona Supercomputing Center that will shed light on the effect of anti-malarial drugs on cardiovascular systems – people with various heart diseases with different comorbidities are among the most affected by COVID-19. Researchers of Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) will also study anti-malarial and antibiotic cardiotoxicity – two main problems that require quick generation of evidence and information towards their use by clinicians. The purpose of the project is to help to improve treatment of cardiac patients, affected most severely by the disease and ultimately reducing mortality. The above is the first goal of the project, the second is to explore Venous-Arterial Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy and the North-South Syndrome on patients with profound respiratory failure. For many of them, infection with COVID-19 results in dangerous respiratory failure, requiring ventilatory support in the intensive care unit. All this requires a multidisciplinary team and for the project BSC will collaborate with the Visible Heart Laboratory, and the University of Minnesota Medical Centre. PRACE awarded 7 800 000 core hours on Joliot-Curie Rome, hosted by GENCI at CEA, France.
unknown Barcelona Supercomputing Center Jazmin Aguado-Sierra PRACE
Targeting conformational changes implicated in early events of viral entry
Francisco Javier Luque
University of Barcelona
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Targeting conformational changes implicated in early events of viral entry is a project devising another trap to catch the virus. The project is that of Prof. Francisco Javier Luque from the University of Barcelona in Spain. It has two ambitious goals. First, to disrupt viral entry by finding small molecules able to interfere with the conformational changes in the spike protein, prior to binding to the host cell. Second to characterise the structural and energetic changes, implicated in transition in both free and ligand-bound spike proteins. The team of Prof. Luque has a precise model of this collaboration between a spike and human cell receptor and found a specific inactive state. The scientists would like to find a small compound that might stabilise it. They will attempt this through binding to a pocket located at the hinge region, which defines a putative druggable cavity. This was estimated from two independent druggability predictors. These stabilisers are hiding the determinants of ACE2 binding and the disclosure of a moderate stabiliser could be a promising finding. PRACE awarded the project 15 300 000 core hours on Hawk, hosted by GCS at HLRS, Germany.
unknown University of Barcelona Francisco Javier Luque PRACE
A computational study of the reactivity in the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 to guide the design of inhibitors
Iñaki Tuñón
Universidad de Valencia
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
A computational study of the reactivity in the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 to guide the design of inhibitors is led by Prof. Iñaki Tuñón from the University of Valencia, Spain. Over two and a half months, the team will analyse the binding of the substrate and the reaction mechanisms of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus strain causing disease COVID-19). The main protease (3CLpro) is an enzyme with essential role during the replication of the virus and is therefore an attractive drug target. That is why one of the strategies for the development of potential treatments against the SARS-CoV-2 is based on the disruption of the activity of those enzymes that are vital in the replication cycle of the virus, using adequate compounds. The project led by Prof. Iñaki Tuñón is structured in three work packages and there are five expected outcomes. One of those is the definition of the binding mode of different inhibitors and to propose a chemical modification of the inhibitors to improve their binding to the 3CLpro enzyme. All this supports the overall goal of the team to use the knowledge obtained from the simulation of the catalytic process to guide the design of more potent inhibitors to block the main protease of SARS-CoV-2. These complex studies require high computational power and PRACE awarded the group with 23 000 000 core hours on the main partition of MareNostrum4, hosted by BSC, Spain, as well as 288 000 core hours on its P9/V100 partition.
unknown Universidad de Valencia Iñaki Tuñón PRACE
Identification of inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 S
Sonsoles Martin-Santamaria
Spanish Research Council (CIB-CSIC)
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Identification of inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 S protein is a PRACE-awarded project led by Dr Sonsoles Martin-Santamaria from the Spanish Research Council (CIB-CSIC), Spain. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus strain that causes the disease COVID-19 and the goal of the team is to block the binding of virus spike S to the human cell receptor ACE2, effectively stopping the virus from infecting the cell. The scientists plan to use virtual screening and computational design of peptides to find possible small molecules able to inhibit or block the S protein-mediated fusion mechanism through two processes. Firstly, targeting the protein-protein interface among the monomers (specific molecules), forming the S protein trimer. And secondly, stopping the S protein and ACE2 protein-protein interaction. The scientists will use the generic drug library (drug repurposing). If they find a promising inhibitory activity to block the coronavirus, these compounds could follow a faster and more direct way through clinical trials. The researchers will also screen antiviral libraries, databases such as ZINC, Molport, SPECS. All these processes require enormous computational power and PRACE awarded the project with 25 000 000 core hours on Marconi100, hosted by CINECA, Italy.
unknown Spanish Research Council (CIB-CSIC) Sonsoles Martin-Santamaria PRACE
A Computational study to guide the development of new SARS-CoV-2 detection hyper-spectral platforms
Juan Torras
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate therapeutics R&D
A Computational study to guide the development of new SARS-CoV-2 detection hyper-spectral platforms is led by Dr Juan Torras from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. This project focusses on the earliest and fastest detection of the coronavirus causing COVID-19 in patients as well as the understanding of its infection mechanisms. The team is convinced that the knowledge developed in this project will help to obtain novel and better SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics and diagnostics based on antibodies. At the moment PCR tests allow the detection of viral RNA and are the most widely used to diagnose COVID-19. However, according to the group, this type of tests fail in different situations. Simultaneously, antibody tests have a great advantage and they could complement PCR tests. The team proposes to study silica and gold substrates with different antibodies with classical molecular dynamics. The group will use a nanoparticle (NP) detector for comparative study among different antibodies, their orientation, and their interaction with silica and gold surfaces. In parallel, the group is working on interactions between antibodies virus spike of the HIV-1 to create novel immunosensor devices. The team is ready to use this experience, all tools, and algorithms in the new COVID-19 project to study the antibody interactions with SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein. Of course, they will use molecular dynamics, quantum mechanics, and molecular mechanics. According to the scientists, combining the new knowledge and results will help to obtain novel and better SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics and diagnostics based on antibodies. PRACE awarded the project with 40 000 000 core hours on Joliot-Curie KNL, hosted by GENCI at CEA, France.
unknown Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Juan Torras PRACE
Exploring COVID-19 Infectious Mechanisms and Host Selection Process
Modesto Orozco
Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona)
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Animal and environmental research on the virus origin, and management measures at the human-animal interface
Exploring COVID-19 Infectious Mechanisms and Host Selection Process is led by Prof. Modesto Orozco from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Spain. The main goal of Orozco’s team is to understand the evolutionary path driving the virus from a bat to humans, to forecast human sensitivity to infection, and the impact of the virus mutations on the infectivity. Also, they aim to predict new variants of the virus emerging in a second wave and their potential for infectivity. With 93% identity, the COVID-19 RNA sequence is similar to a virus found in horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus Anis), but how this virus jumped to humans is unclear. Deciphering the pathways it took is key to avoid the emergence of new infections, which are in a cryptic state in other exotic animals. The scientists aim to anticipate the virus’ next move and clarify the pathway. They want to know its mutational space, understand varying susceptibility to infection, and predict genomic changes, impacting infectiveness. The group plans molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to provide information on potential cavities in the variants of viral proteins which can be tackled by drugs. To achieve this, the team involves four computational groups (N. López-Bigas and M. Orozco at IRB, and R. Badia and J.L. Gelpí at Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and experimental groups in Marseille and Milan. They will focus on the entrance of the virus into the human cell by binding the Spike protein to human cell receptor ACE2 and perhaps to protein CD147. The group estimated that ± 80% of the mutations impacting infection are located in the receptor-binding region of the Spike. It is unclear how the virus will mutate when specific drugs or antibodies attack it. Or if the virus’ proofreading protein will be fully inactivated. Through HPC study an in-depth analysis was made of mutations and potential future mutations, ranking those that are more likely to happen. PRACE awarded the project with 6 000 000 core hours on Joliot-Curie Rome, hosted by GENCI at CEA, France.
unknown Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) Modesto Orozco PRACE
Alejandro Marti
Mitiga Solutions
Funder: PRACE
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
Epi-EWS is led by Dr Alejandro Marti from Mitiga Solutions, Spain. The idea of the project is to define, adapt and refine models that help to timely detect and contain the spread of epidemics, especially for populations on the move. Of course, the model will be adjusted to COVID-19 cases. The goal is to develop an early warning system (EWS) that will be able to provide fast detection of epidemic outbreaks, accurate predictions of the disease spread, and assessment of the outbreak’s economic impact. To achieve this general objective, it will be necessary to model the evolution of a large number of individuals related to the development (or absence thereof) of an epidemic outbreak. The scientists think that this model must take into account the habits of the individuals, their relationship with the environment, the spread of the disease, the performance of specific controls, and eventual treatment. The experts consider such a highly complex system will be complicated to build using analytical models. For this reason, they plan to use Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation (ABMS) for simulating citizens’ behaviour. The goal is to build a comparative platform – Epi-EWS (Model Aggregator Platform for Epidemics) aimed at evaluating different ABM platforms to exercise models from the Epi-EWS project and determine which alternative is better suited to COVID-19 modelling. Mitiga Solutions is a spin-off of the National Supercomputing Center in Spain. The company focuses on predicting and mitigating the impact of natural and social hazards. It is in collaboration with a large number of organisations around the world. The CEO of Mitiga is also a member of the Industrial Advisory Committee of PRACE. PRACE awarded the team of Mitiga 5 000 000 core hours on Beskow, hosted by KTH-PDC in Sweden.
unknown Mitiga Solutions Alejandro Marti PRACE
Optimización de la Atención Cardiológica Ambulatoria tras la pandemia COVID-19 –Programa TELECARDIOCHUS. Evaluación de indicadores de calidad [Google translate: Optimization of Ambulatory Cardiological Care after the COVID-19 pandemic - TELECARDIOCHUS Program. Evaluation of quality indicators]
José Ramón González Juanatey, Alejandro Virgos Lamela, Pilar Mazón Ramos, Beatriz Pais Iglesias, Alfonso Varela Román, Manuel Portela Romero and Felipe Calle Velles
Santiago de Compostela Health Research Institute Foundation, A Coruña
Funder: Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Santiago de Compostela Health Research Institute Foundation, A Coruña José Ramón González Juanatey, Alejandro Virgos Lamela, Pilar Mazón Ramos, Beatriz Pais Iglesias, Alfonso Varela Román, Manuel Portela Romero and Felipe Calle Velles Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
Incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares adversos a medio plazo en pacientes que han superado la COVID-19. Caracterización del daño miocárdico sufrido durante la COVID-19 mediante técnicas de imagen cardiaca avanzada [Google translate: Incidence of adverse cardiovascular events in the medium term in patients who have overcome COVID-19. Characterization of myocardial damage suffered during COVID-19 using advanced cardiac imaging techniques]
Diego López Otero, Ignacio Amat Santos, Javier López Pais, Alvaro Asparisi Sanz, Ana Campos Garcia, Pablo Catalá Ruiz, María Bastos Fernández, Alberto San Román Calva and Jose Ramón Gonzalez Juanatey
University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña; and Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Valladolid
Funder: Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown University Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña; and Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Valladolid Diego López Otero, Ignacio Amat Santos, Javier López Pais, Alvaro Asparisi Sanz, Ana Campos Garcia, Pablo Catalá Ruiz, María Bastos Fernández, Alberto San Román Calva and Jose Ramón Gonzalez Juanatey Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
Afectación cardiaca por SARS-COV 2 (registro Cardio-Covid19) [Google translate: Cardiac involvement by SARS-COV 2 (Cardio-Covid19 registry)]
Marcelo Sanmartín Fernandez and María Abellás Sequeiros
Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, Madrid
Funder: Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Ramón y Cajal University Hospital, Madrid Marcelo Sanmartín Fernandez and María Abellás Sequeiros Sociedad Espanola De Cardiologia
Tres Enfermedades, Dos Pandemias...¿Una Solución?. Relación Entre La Enfermedad Metabólica Hepática Grasa, La Covid-19 Y El Síndrome Metabólico [Google Translate: Three Diseases, Two Pandemics ... One Solution ?. Relationship Between Fatty Liver Metabolic Disease, Covid-19 And Metabolic Syndrome]
Rocío Aller De La Fuente
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
2234/A/2020 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Rocío Aller De La Fuente Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Cefalia Atribuible A Infección Por Covid-19 Persistente: Frecuencia, Causas Y Cambios En Neuroimagen [Google Translate: Headache Attributable To Persistent Covid-19 Infection: Frequency, Causes And Changes In Neuroimage]
David García Azorín
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
2284/A/2020 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid David García Azorín Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Construcción De Un Sistema De Triaje Para Problemas Oculares En Atención Primaria: Respuesta A La Pandemic Del Covid 19 Y Más Allá [Google Translate: Construction Of A Triage System For Eye Problems In Primary Care: Response To The Covid-19 Pandemic And Beyond]
María Isabel López Galvez
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
2192/A/2020 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid María Isabel López Galvez Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Anticuerpos Frente Al Sars-Cov-2 ¿Refleja La Carga De Enfermedad Por La Covid-19 La Realidad De La Respuesta Humoral En Los Niños? [Google Translate: Antibodies Against Sars-Cov-2 Does The Burden Of Disease From Covid-19 Reflect The Reality Of Humor Response In Children?]
Vanesa Matías Del Pozo
Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Social sciences in the outbreak response
2233/A/2020 Hospital Clínico Universitario De Valladolid Vanesa Matías Del Pozo Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Daño Pulmonar Aguido Y Crónico En Pacientes Infectados Por Covid19 Y Defectos Genéticos En El Metabolismo De La Vitamina D [Google Translate: Acute And Chronic Lung Damage In Patients Infected By Covid19 And Genetic Defects In Vitamin D Metabolism]
José Pablo Miramontes González
Hospital Universitario Río Hortega
Funder: Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
2255/A/2020 Hospital Universitario Río Hortega José Pablo Miramontes González Junta de Castilla y Leon - Consejeria de Sanidad
Saúde dos trabalhadores de delivery no contexto da pandemia do coronavírus: revisão de escopo [Google translate: Delivery workers' health in the context of the coronavirus pandemic: scope review]
Maria da Graca Luderitz Hoefel

Funder: DPI - Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil)
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection, Social sciences in the outbreak response
Introduction: The high risk exposure of workers who perform delivery in the face of new contexts of precarious work and high unemployment rates in Brazil and other countries increases the chances of accidents and other illnesses in the face of the pandemic situation. coronavirus. On the other hand, this flexibilization of work and its consequent insecurity has a direct influence on the working and living conditions of these workers and their subjection to low wages without almost any social protection or labor rights. The negative effects produced by the dominant development model in the current world, where the interest of capital overrides the well-being of the majorities, predominate in the workers' health process. In the current context of the coronavirus pandemic and the quarantine practice adopted in the various affected cities, delivery workers are increasingly involved in the transportation of food, medicines and other inputs considered essential. Goals In this context, the proposed study aims to systematize the rights and generate evidence to support recommendations to the health of delivery workers in the context of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil in a comparative analysis with the countries most affected: China, Italy, Spain, France and the United States. The contributions of this research will be able to subsidize the set of social actors involved in the worker's health such as government, organized civil society, private initiative and workers in the formulation of recommendations that incorporate the worker's health right in the responses to the coronavirus for this segment of workers. The numbers of the confinement change daily like the number of infections. Data released by the situation panel at John Hopkins University on March 30, 2020 report the existence of 723,740 confirmed cases worldwide; 34,018 deaths and 202 countries affected. The countries with the highest number of cases are China (82,156); Italy (97,689); Spain (80,110); France (40,723); United States (143,055); and in Brazil 4,256 cases have been registered. Methodology Methodologically, the study's proposal is a scope review that allows for a comparative perspective in the six chosen countries and whose contexts in terms of labor rights and worker protection policies are very diverse and may help to identify counterpoints, approaches and differences. Expected Results To build evidence on delivery workers from the perspective of the right to health considering that it is a relatively new phenomenon in contemporary societies and with gaps in knowledge about rights, health and the possible effects of exercising this activity in the context of an emergency situation public health issues of international importance.
1039482 Maria da Graca Luderitz Hoefel DPI - Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil)
Salud, democracia y libertad. Los dilemas ético-políticos de la pandemia [Google translate: Health, democracy and freedom: the ethical-political dilemmas of the pandemic]
Jordi Muñoz
University of Barcelona
Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research
Taking the advanced democracies as its starting point, this project aims to identify the nature of the dilemmas posed by the pandemic and to undertake an empirical analysis of people's preferences with respect to these dilemmas. Starting with four dilemmas (governance of the pandemic, individual freedom, the economy, and the pandemic as a global problem) the project proposes identifying a series of survey questions to identify citizens' priorities in this regard.
unknown University of Barcelona Jordi Muñoz Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Una de cal y otra de arena: reticencia de la ciudadanía a la vacunación de la COVID-19 y rechazo de la vacuna de la gripe entre los profesionales sanitarios [Google translate: "Una de cal y otra de arena": citizen suspicion of COVID-19 vaccination and rejection of the flu vaccine among health professionals]
Joaquín Hortal, Maite Cruz, Javier Padilla

Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research
This study analyzes the arguments and reasoning of groups who are hostile to vaccination with reference to a possible vaccine against COVID-19 for the general population and to the flu vaccination among health professionals. The aim is to engage in deeper analysis and discussion of ethics and public health with respect to non-vaccination, facilitating interaction between health professionals and experts via a discussion forum.
unknown Joaquín Hortal, Maite Cruz, Javier Padilla Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
La muerte en soledad desde la perspectiva de supervivientes COVID-19. Un estudio fenomenológico [Google translate: Death in solitude from the perspective of COVID-19 survivors. A phenomenological study]
Andrea Rodríguez-Prat
International University of Catalonia
Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research
A lot of people have died alone and in isolation as a result of the COVID-19 health emergency. This project sets out to explore the experience of COVID-19 survivors faced with the prospect of dying in isolation, and analyzes the ethical dimension of their experiences.
unknown International University of Catalonia Andrea Rodríguez-Prat Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Dar a luz en tiempos de pandemia COVID-19: Implicaciones éticas de la atención sanitaria a la maternidad [Google translate: Giving birth in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: Ethical implications for maternity care]
Josefina Goberna
University of Barcelona
Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
This project sets out to deepen our knowledge of the different forms of vulnerability, violence and the loss of rights that pregnant women experience in the context of the pandemic. To this end, it aims to develop a training programme to promote better education for midwives and other health professionals to help them deliver respectful care for women in the current situation.
unknown University of Barcelona Josefina Goberna Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Ética de las imágenes de la enfermedad, la muerte y el duelo en tiempos del COVID-19 [Google translate: The ethics of images of illness, death and grieving in times of COVID-19]
Rebeca Pardo, Montse Morcate
International University of Catalonia, University of Barcelona
Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research
This project aims to identify the various bioethical implications of photographic representations of the pandemic in the media and to detect the photographic narratives specific to the pandemic, both those produced by professionals and by ordinary people, including images shared on the internet.
unknown International University of Catalonia, University of Barcelona Rebeca Pardo, Montse Morcate Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Influencia de la crisis sanitaria por COVID-19 en la conflictividad ética de profesionales de cuidados intensivos de Cataluña y Lombardía. (Quali – ETIC – COVID-19 Research) [Google translate: Influence of the COVID-19 health crisis in ethical conflicts of intensive care professionals in Catalonia and Lombardy. (Quali – ETIC – COVID-19 Research)]
Anna Falcó, Loris Bonetti
University of Barcelona, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland and the Universitá degli Studi of Milan
Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research
This study sets out to identify the ethical issues in care for critically ill patients during the COVID-19 crisis from the perspective of ICU professionals. To achieve this, the researchers propose exploring the ethical values and principles that are prioritized when taking decisions regarding the care of critically ill patients, with the aim of delivering improvements to reduce the risk of ethical conflicts in health crises or pandemics.
unknown University of Barcelona, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland and the Universitá degli Studi of Milan Anna Falcó, Loris Bonetti Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Ética de la Investigación Biomédica en el contexto del COVID-19. (Calidad evaluativa del CEIm) [Google translate: The ethics of biomedical research in the context of COVID-19. (Evaluative quality of CEIm) ]
Laura Martínez
Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation
Funder: Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Ethics considerations for research
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic health crisis, this project sets out to analyze observance of the ethical principles and recommendations set out by the Drug Research Ethics Committee (CEIm) in evaluations of protocols submitted in the context of the pandemic, with the aim of understanding the discourse and practice of researchers with respect to the ethical requirements of coronavirus research.
unknown Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation Laura Martínez Víctor Grífols i Lucas Foundation
Interaction of SARS-CoV-2 virus with materials: a multi computational simulation study
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
This project proposes an atomistic modelling approach to the fundamental question of the interaction of enveloped viruses (in particular the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the Covid-19 disease), with surfaces of materials. These interactions play a key role in indirect disease transmission through surfaces of materials contaminated with virus. This is particularly relevant in the case of the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic; being the control of the disease transmission a priority everywhere. SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission mediated by contaminated surfaces has been identified in particular outbreaks, and the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is known to be a major issue. Development of more efficient disinfestation strategies to break the transmission chain or the development of virucidal materials will be possible with a fundamental knowledge of the interaction of the virus with materials. The methodology to be employed will be atomistic simulations, based on the pre-existent deep understanding of the molecular structure of the virus. It should be noted that there is a substantial activity worldwide on atomistic simulations of the interactions between the virus components and possible antiviral drugs. However, the fundamental question of the interaction of the virus with materials remains largely unstudied. The main vision of this research project is to use state-of-the-art computational chemistry tools (MD simulation and QM/MM), to predict the interaction between the molecular elements of the SARS-CoV-2 virus envelope and surfaces of materials. We will consider various materials of interest and different thermodynamic conditions. The results of the present project not only will pave the way to identify the factors that influence the adhesion of SARS-CoV-2 virus to surfaces and to investigate the possible virucidal action of materials but also, will shed the lights to study the interaction of the other enveloped viruses like Influenza virus with materials.
101026158 Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas EC
Monitorització immunològica funcional de la resposta cel·lular T i B específica enfront a la vacuna del virus SARS-CoV-2 en pacients trasplantats d'òrgan sòlid (MoniToR) [Google translate: Functional immunological monitoring of the specific T and B cell response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine in solid organ transplant patients (MoniToR)]
Dr. Oriol Bestard Matamoros, Dr. Manuel López Meseguer, Dra. Susana Gómez Ollés
Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge IDIBELL, FFundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron Barcelona
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge IDIBELL, FFundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Dr. Oriol Bestard Matamoros, Dr. Manuel López Meseguer, Dra. Susana Gómez Ollés TV3 Foundation
Seguretat i imnunogenicitat de la vacuna ARNm SARS-CoV-2 en receptors de trasplantament d'òrgan solid: estudi multicèntric [Google translate: Safety and immunogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in solid organ transplant recipients: a multicenter study]
Dra. Marta Bodro Marimont, Dra. Marta Crespo Barrio, Dra. Sònia Mirabet Pérez
Consorci Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer IDIBAPS Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona Barcelona, Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques d'Investigacions IMIM, Fundació Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau IRHSCSP
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
unknown Consorci Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer IDIBAPS Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona Barcelona, Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques d'Investigacions IMIM, Fundació Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau IRHSCSP Dra. Marta Bodro Marimont, Dra. Marta Crespo Barrio, Dra. Sònia Mirabet Pérez TV3 Foundation
Avaluació de la propagació de la Covid-19 mitjançant epidemiologia de les aigües residuals: tipatge, cribratge comunitari i risc ocupacional [Google translate: Evaluation of the spread of Covid-19 by epidemiology of wastewater: typing, community screening and occupational risk]
Dra. Sílvia Bofill Mas, Dr. Lluís Corominas Tabares, Dra. Núria Canela Canela
Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biologia, Fundació Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua ICRA, Fundació Eurecat. Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya Eurecat
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
unknown Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Biologia, Fundació Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua ICRA, Fundació Eurecat. Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya Eurecat Dra. Sílvia Bofill Mas, Dr. Lluís Corominas Tabares, Dra. Núria Canela Canela TV3 Foundation
Redirecció de la immunitat innata al pulmó per controlar la Covid-19 (REDINCOV) [Google translate: Redirection of innate immunity to the lung to control Covid-19 (REDINCOV)]
Dra. Maria J. Buzón Gómez, Dr. Enrique Martín Gayo
Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Universitat Autònoma de Madrid Facultat de Medicina
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Universitat Autònoma de Madrid Facultat de Medicina Dra. Maria J. Buzón Gómez, Dr. Enrique Martín Gayo TV3 Foundation
Desxifrant el paper de la resposta humoral en el desenvolupament de la infecció severa per SARS-CoV-2 durant la infecció natural i després de la immunització [Google translate: Deciphering the role of the humoral response in the development of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection during natural infection and after immunization]
Dr. Jorge Carrillo Molina, Dra. Júlia Vergara Alert
IFundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries IRTA CReSA
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown IFundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries IRTA CReSA Dr. Jorge Carrillo Molina, Dra. Júlia Vergara Alert TV3 Foundation
Impacte de la infecció i la vacunació materna del SARS-CoV-2 sobre els anticossos de la llet materna, els compostos bioactius de la llet i la salut maternoinfantil (MilkCORONA) [Google translate: Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and maternal vaccination on breast milk antibodies, bioactive milk compounds, and maternal and child health (MilkCORONA)]
Dra. M. Carmen Collado Amores, Dr. Francisco José Pérez Cano, Dr. Carles Lerín Martínez
Institut d’Agroquímica i Tecnologia d’Aliments de Paterna CSIC, Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació, Fundació Privada Institut per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Institut d’Agroquímica i Tecnologia d’Aliments de Paterna CSIC, Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Farmàcia i Ciències de l'Alimentació, Fundació Privada Institut per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu Dra. M. Carmen Collado Amores, Dr. Francisco José Pérez Cano, Dr. Carles Lerín Martínez TV3 Foundation
Biomarcadors proteòmics cardiometabòlics i immunitaris de la Covid-19 per a l'avaluació clínica de la infecció, la gravetat de la malaltia i les complicacions postpandèmiques de salut [Google translate: Covid-19 cardiometabolic and immune proteomic biomarkers for clinical assessment of infection, disease severity, and postpandemic health complications]
Dr. Rafael de Cid Ibeas, Dr. Josep Maria Mercader Bigas, Dr. Carles Barceló Pascual
Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol IIGTP; Broad Institute, Inc. Cambridge, Boston; Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària de les Illes Balears
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol IIGTP; Broad Institute, Inc. Cambridge, Boston; Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària de les Illes Balears Dr. Rafael de Cid Ibeas, Dr. Josep Maria Mercader Bigas, Dr. Carles Barceló Pascual TV3 Foundation
Una aproximació a la biologia de sistemes per comprendre la fisiopatologia Covid-19 i predir-ne el resultat (SISTEMA-BIO-COVID) [Google translate: An approach to systems biology to understand the pathophysiology of Covid-19 and predict its outcome (SYSTEM-BIO-COVID)]
Dr. David de Gonzalo Calvo, Dr. Jesús Francisco Bermejo Martín
Fundació Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida Dr. Pifarré IRBLL, Fundación Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca IBSAL
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Lleida Dr. Pifarré IRBLL, Fundación Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca IBSAL Dr. David de Gonzalo Calvo, Dr. Jesús Francisco Bermejo Martín TV3 Foundation
Disfunció endotelial del múscul esquelètic i debilitat adquirida a la unitat de cures intensives (DAUCI) en pacients de Covid-19; entenent el camí a la gestió i rehabilitació personalitzada a l’UCI [Google translate: Endothelial skeletal muscle dysfunction and weakness acquired in the intensive care unit (DAUCI) in Covid-19 patients; understanding the path to personalized management and rehabilitation in the ICU]
Dr. Turgut Durduran, Dr. Jaume Mesquida Febrer
Institut de Ciències Fotòniques ICFO, Fundació Parc Taulí Institut Universitari
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Institut de Ciències Fotòniques ICFO, Fundació Parc Taulí Institut Universitari Dr. Turgut Durduran, Dr. Jaume Mesquida Febrer TV3 Foundation
Diagnòstic i tractament de Sars-CoV-2 per formació de tríplex [Google translate: Diagnosis and treatment of Sars-CoV-2 by triplex formation]
Dr. Ramon Eritja Casadellà, Dra. Verónica Noé Mata, Dr. Enrique Calderón Sandubete, Dra. María Valeria Grazú Bonavía
Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya CSIC, Fundació Bosch i Gimpera Universitat de Barcelona, Fundació Pública Andalusa per a la Gestió de la Investigació en Salut de Sevilla Hospital Universitari Virgen del Rocío, Institut de Nanociència i Materials d’Aragó CSIC
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya CSIC, Fundació Bosch i Gimpera Universitat de Barcelona, Fundació Pública Andalusa per a la Gestió de la Investigació en Salut de Sevilla Hospital Universitari Virgen del Rocío, Institut de Nanociència i Materials d’Aragó CSIC Dr. Ramon Eritja Casadellà, Dra. Verónica Noé Mata, Dr. Enrique Calderón Sandubete, Dra. María Valeria Grazú Bonavía TV3 Foundation
Identificació dels factors cel·lulars essencials per a l'entrada del SARS-CoV-2 en diferents teixits humans [Google translate: Identification of the cellular factors essential for the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into different human tissues]
Dra. Meritxell Genescà Ferrer, Dr. Holger Heyn, Dr. Joaquín Burgos Cibrián
Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR; Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica. Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica CRG; Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR; Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica. Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica CRG; Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron Dra. Meritxell Genescà Ferrer, Dr. Holger Heyn, Dr. Joaquín Burgos Cibrián TV3 Foundation
Identificació i validació de biomarcadors inicials en la fase aguda de la Covid-19 predictors d'evolució (IVETTE) [Google translate: Identification and validation of initial biomarkers in the acute phase of the Covid-19 evolution predictors (IVETTE)]
Dr. Jordi Gratacós Masmitjà, Dr. Bonaventura Clotet Sala, Dra. Marta Vilaseca Casas
Fundació Parc Taulí Institut Universitari, Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Fundació Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona IRBB
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Parc Taulí Institut Universitari, Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Fundació Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona IRBB Dr. Jordi Gratacós Masmitjà, Dr. Bonaventura Clotet Sala, Dra. Marta Vilaseca Casas TV3 Foundation
Reducció de l'impacte psicosocial de la pandèmia Covid-19 en els/les treballadors/es de les residències per a persones grans o amb discapacitat [Google translate: Reduction of the psychosocial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on workers in nursing homes for the elderly or disabled]
Dr. Josep Maria Haro Abad, Dra. Ellen Marïet Sijbrandij, Dr. José Luis Ayuso Mateos
Fundació Privada Institut per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu, Vrije Universeteit Medical Center Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Amsterdam, Universitat Autònoma de Madrid Facultat de Medicina UAM
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
unknown Fundació Privada Institut per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu, Vrije Universeteit Medical Center Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Amsterdam, Universitat Autònoma de Madrid Facultat de Medicina UAM Dr. Josep Maria Haro Abad, Dra. Ellen Marïet Sijbrandij, Dr. José Luis Ayuso Mateos TV3 Foundation
Entendre el paper de la variació genètica humana i de les fenocòpies mediades per anticossos en la susceptibilitat a tenir una Covid-19 severa [Google translate: Understand the role of human genetic variation and antibody-mediated phenocopies in susceptibility to severe Covid-19]
Dra. Conxi Lázaro García, Dr. Xavier Corbella Virós
Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge - Institut Català d'Oncologia IDIBELL, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge - Institut Català d'Oncologia IDIBELL, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge Dra. Conxi Lázaro García, Dr. Xavier Corbella Virós TV3 Foundation
Noves aproximacions terapèutiques contra la Covid-19 [Google translate: New therapeutic approaches against Covid-19]
Dra. Matilde Esther Lleonart Pajarin, Dr. Eduardo Domínguez Medina
Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Fundació Institut d’Investigació Sanitària de Santiago de Compostel·la IDIS
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Fundació Institut d’Investigació Sanitària de Santiago de Compostel·la IDIS Dra. Matilde Esther Lleonart Pajarin, Dr. Eduardo Domínguez Medina TV3 Foundation
Reingrés i mort de Covid-19 després de l'alta hospitalària inicial i impacte de la vacunació de SARS-CoV-2 entre les persones que viuen amb el VIH: un estudi de cohorts dinàmiques de múltiples bases de dades, COVEDVAC.HIV [Google translate: Re-entry and death of Covid-19 after initial hospital discharge and impact of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination among people living with HIV: a study of dynamic cohorts from multiple databases, COVEDVAC.HIV]
Dr. Josep Maria Llibre Codina, Dra. Juliana Reyes Urueña
Fundació Lluita Contra la Sida i les Malalties Infeccioses i la Promoció de la Salut, Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol IIGTP
Funder: TV3 Foundation
unknown Fundació Lluita Contra la Sida i les Malalties Infeccioses i la Promoció de la Salut, Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol IIGTP Dr. Josep Maria Llibre Codina, Dra. Juliana Reyes Urueña TV3 Foundation
Impacte i seqüeles derivades de l’impuls respiratori elevat en els malalts crítics Covid-19 que requereixen ventilació mecànica: caracterització mecanística i genòmica mitjançant l’ús d’intel·ligència artificial [Google translate: Impact and sequelae of elevated respiratory impulse in critically ill Covid-19 patients requiring mechanical ventilation: mechanical and genomic characterization through the use of artificial intelligence]
Dra. Josefina López Aguilar, Dr. Rafael Fernández Fernández, Dra. Laura Amado Rodríguez
Fundació Parc Taulí Institut Universitari, Fundació Privada Althaia Manresa Xarxa Assistencial Universitària, Fundació per a la Investigació i Innovació Biosanitària en el Principat d’Astúries
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Parc Taulí Institut Universitari, Fundació Privada Althaia Manresa Xarxa Assistencial Universitària, Fundació per a la Investigació i Innovació Biosanitària en el Principat d’Astúries Dra. Josefina López Aguilar, Dr. Rafael Fernández Fernández, Dra. Laura Amado Rodríguez TV3 Foundation
Aleatorització Mendeliana per avaluar les vies genètiques causals de les formes greus de Covid-19 (GINA-COVID) [Google translate: Mendelian randomization to evaluate the causal genetic pathways of severe forms of Covid-19 (GINA-COVID)]
Dr. Jaume Marrugat de la Iglesia, Dra. Ruth Martí Lluch, Dr. Ramon Brugada Terradellas, Dra. Irene Román Degano
Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques IMIM, Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina IDIAP, Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Girona Hospital Dr. Trueta IDIBGI, Fundació d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències de la Salut UVIC
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques IMIM, Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol i Gurina IDIAP, Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Girona Hospital Dr. Trueta IDIBGI, Fundació d'Estudis Superiors en Ciències de la Salut UVIC Dr. Jaume Marrugat de la Iglesia, Dra. Ruth Martí Lluch, Dr. Ramon Brugada Terradellas, Dra. Irene Román Degano TV3 Foundation
Neurodegeneració induïda per SARS-CoV-2: organoides cerebrals com a model analític i predictiu (NeuroCOVID) [Google translate: SARS-CoV-2-induced neurodegeneration: brain organoids as an analytical and predictive model (NeuroCOVID)]
Dr. Xavier Martínez Picado, Dra. Sandra Acosta Verdugo, Dr. Arcadi Navarro Cuartiellas
Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Facultat de Salut i Ciències Experimentals UPF, Fundació BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center Barcelona FBB
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Facultat de Salut i Ciències Experimentals UPF, Fundació BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center Barcelona FBB Dr. Xavier Martínez Picado, Dra. Sandra Acosta Verdugo, Dr. Arcadi Navarro Cuartiellas TV3 Foundation
Aproximacions omnigèniques per identifcar susceptibilitat a Covid-19 [Google translate: Omnigenic approaches to identify susceptibility to Covid-19]
Dr. Marc A. Martí-Renom, Dr. Ángel Carracedo Álvarez, Dr. Pablo D. Lapunzina Badia
Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica CRG, Universitat de Santiago de Compostel·la CIMUS Centre d’Investigació en Medicina Molecular i Malalties Cròniques, Fundació per a la Investigació Biomèdica de l’Hospital Universitari La Paz IDIPAZ
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica CRG, Universitat de Santiago de Compostel·la CIMUS Centre d’Investigació en Medicina Molecular i Malalties Cròniques, Fundació per a la Investigació Biomèdica de l’Hospital Universitari La Paz IDIPAZ Dr. Marc A. Martí-Renom, Dr. Ángel Carracedo Álvarez, Dr. Pablo D. Lapunzina Badia TV3 Foundation
Monitorització del patró respiratori dels pacients amb pneumònia greu per Covid-19 mitjançant un nou dispositiu no invasiu [Google translate: Monitoring the respiratory pattern of patients with severe Covid-19 pneumonia using a new non-invasive device]
Dra. Arantxa Mas Serra, Dra. Beatriz Giraldo Giraldo
Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge Consorci Sanitari Integral IDIBELL, Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge Consorci Sanitari Integral IDIBELL, Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC Dra. Arantxa Mas Serra, Dra. Beatriz Giraldo Giraldo TV3 Foundation
Predicció del pronòstic respiratori en pacients greus amb Covid-19 mitjançant signatures metabòliques (CoRespirOmics) [Google translate: Prediction of respiratory prognosis in severe patients with Covid-19 using metabolic signatures (CoRespirOmics)]
Dr. Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz, Dr. Santiago Marco Colás
Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques IMIM, Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut Hospital del Mar d’Investigacions Mèdiques IMIM, Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC Dr. Joan Ramon Masclans Enviz, Dr. Santiago Marco Colás TV3 Foundation
Eficàcia de dosis baixes d’àcid acetilsalicílic (AAS) en la prevenció de resultats adversos perinatals en embarassades infectades per SARS-CoV-2 [Google translate: Efficacy of low doses of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in the prevention of perinatal adverse outcomes in pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2]
Dra. Clara Menédez Santos, Dra. Mar Gil Mira, Dr. Jahit Sacarlal
Fundació Privada Institut de Salut Global Barcelona IS-GLOBAL, Fundació Investigació i Desenvolupament Medicina Maternofetal i Neonatal. Hospital Universitari Torrejón de Ardoz, Eduardo Mondlane University Maputo Central Hospital
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Privada Institut de Salut Global Barcelona IS-GLOBAL, Fundació Investigació i Desenvolupament Medicina Maternofetal i Neonatal. Hospital Universitari Torrejón de Ardoz, Eduardo Mondlane University Maputo Central Hospital Dra. Clara Menédez Santos, Dra. Mar Gil Mira, Dr. Jahit Sacarlal TV3 Foundation
Enginyeria genètica i cel·lular en sistemes model basats en organoides: com explorar les condicions sistèmiques que empitjoren la Covid-19 (SYSTORG) [Google translate: Genetic and cellular engineering in organoid-based model systems: how to explore systemic conditions that worsen Covid-19 (SYSTORG)]
Dra. Núria Montserrat Pulido, Dr. Josef Penninger, Dr. Ali Mirazimi
Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC; Institute of Molecular Biotechnology Penninger Lab, Viena; Karolinska Institutet Stockholm LABMED
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya IBEC; Institute of Molecular Biotechnology Penninger Lab, Viena; Karolinska Institutet Stockholm LABMED Dra. Núria Montserrat Pulido, Dr. Josef Penninger, Dr. Ali Mirazimi TV3 Foundation
Epidemiologia genòmica de SARS-CoV-2 a Catalunya: vigilància virològica i control de brots [Google translate: Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Catalonia: virological surveillance and outbreak control]
Dr. Marc Noguera Julián, Dra. Elisa Martró Català
Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol IIGTP
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
unknown Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa, Fundació Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol IIGTP Dr. Marc Noguera Julián, Dra. Elisa Martró Català TV3 Foundation
Composició de la microbiota com a predictor de riscos en pacients amb càncer infectats amb el coronavirus 2 de la síndrome respiratòria aguda greu (SARS-CoV-2) [Google translate: Composition of the microbiota as a predictor of risks in cancer patients infected with coronavirus 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2)]
Dr. Paolo Nuciforo, Dr. Víctor Raúl Moreno Aguado
Fundació Privada Institut d'Investigació Oncològica Vall d'Hebron VHIO; Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge IDIBELL. Institut Català d'Oncologia ICO
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Privada Institut d'Investigació Oncològica Vall d'Hebron VHIO; Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge IDIBELL. Institut Català d'Oncologia ICO Dr. Paolo Nuciforo, Dr. Víctor Raúl Moreno Aguado TV3 Foundation
Funció reproductiva masculina en pacients Covid-19 [Google translate: Male reproductive function in Covid-19 patients]
Dr. Rafael Oliva Virgili, Dr. Daniel Moreno Mendoza, Dr. Melchor Carbonell Socias, Dr. Ignasi Roig Navarro, Dra. Beatriz Candás Estébanez
Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Fundació Puigvert IRHSCSP, Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Facultat de Biociències, Hospital de Barcelona Inst. Sanitàries SCIAS Barcelona
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Fundació Puigvert IRHSCSP, Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Facultat de Biociències, Hospital de Barcelona Inst. Sanitàries SCIAS Barcelona Dr. Rafael Oliva Virgili, Dr. Daniel Moreno Mendoza, Dr. Melchor Carbonell Socias, Dr. Ignasi Roig Navarro, Dra. Beatriz Candás Estébanez TV3 Foundation
Caracterització i modulació de xarxes neurals per promoure resiliència a la pandèmia de Covid-19 [Google translate: Characterization and modulation of neural networks to promote resilience to the Covid-19 pandemic]
Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone García, Dr. David Bartrés Faz
Fundació Institut Guttmann Hospital de Neurorehabilitació, Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Fundació Institut Guttmann Hospital de Neurorehabilitació, Universitat de Barcelona Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone García, Dr. David Bartrés Faz TV3 Foundation
Plataforma de biologia sintètica d’alt rendiment per a la vigilància i el desenvolupament de teràpies contra el coronavirus actual i futurs [Google translate: High-performance synthetic biology platform for surveillance and development of current and future coronavirus therapies]
Dr. Amal Rahmeh, Dr. Rafael Sanjuan Verdeguer, Dra. Maria Salgado Bernal
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i de la Vida UPF, Institut de Biologia Integrativa de Sistemes Paterna CSIC, Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Universitat Pompeu Fabra Facultat de Ciències de la Salut i de la Vida UPF, Institut de Biologia Integrativa de Sistemes Paterna CSIC, Fundació Privada Institut de Recerca de la Sida-Caixa IrsiCaixa Dr. Amal Rahmeh, Dr. Rafael Sanjuan Verdeguer, Dra. Maria Salgado Bernal TV3 Foundation
Síndrome inflamatòria multisistèmica associada a Covid-19 en nens (MIS-C): bases genètiques, epigenètiques i immunopatogèniques [Google translate: Covid-19-associated multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C): genetic, epigenetic, and immunopathogenic bases]
Dr. Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalo de Liria, Dr. Eduardo López Granados, Dr. Gerardo Ferrer Aguilar, Dra. Aurora Pujol Onofre
Fundació Institut d'Investigació Germans Trias i Pujol Hosptial Universitari IIGTiP, Fundació per a la Investigació Biomèdica de l’Hospital Universitari La Paz IDIPAZ, Fundació Institut de Recerca Contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras, Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge IDIBELL
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut d'Investigació Germans Trias i Pujol Hosptial Universitari IIGTiP, Fundació per a la Investigació Biomèdica de l’Hospital Universitari La Paz IDIPAZ, Fundació Institut de Recerca Contra la Leucèmia Josep Carreras, Fundació Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge IDIBELL Dr. Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalo de Liria, Dr. Eduardo López Granados, Dr. Gerardo Ferrer Aguilar, Dra. Aurora Pujol Onofre TV3 Foundation
Eficàcia i efectes adversos neurològics de la vacunació contra la Covid-19 en pacients immunodeprimits per l’esclerosi múltiple [Google translate: Efficacy and neurological adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccination in immunocompromised patients with multiple sclerosis]
Dr. Albert Saiz Hinarejos, Dra. Thaís Armangué Salvador, Dr. Luis Antonio Querol Gutiérrez
Consorci Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques A. Pi i Sunyer, Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona IDIBAPS; Fundació per a la Recerca i la Docència Hospital Sant Joan de Déu; Fundació Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau IRHSCSP
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
unknown Consorci Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques A. Pi i Sunyer, Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona IDIBAPS; Fundació per a la Recerca i la Docència Hospital Sant Joan de Déu; Fundació Institut de Recerca de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau IRHSCSP Dr. Albert Saiz Hinarejos, Dra. Thaís Armangué Salvador, Dr. Luis Antonio Querol Gutiérrez TV3 Foundation
La interacció entre els sistemes ACE2 i AXL per predir la gravetat i els resultats de la malaltia Covid-19 [Google translate: The interaction between the ACE2 and AXL systems to predict the severity and outcomes of Covid-19 disease]
Dra. María José Soler Romeo, Dr. José Tomás Ortiz Pérez, Dr. Albert Morales Muñoz
Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Consorci Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona IDIBAPS, Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona CSIC
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Consorci Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona IDIBAPS, Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona CSIC Dra. María José Soler Romeo, Dr. José Tomás Ortiz Pérez, Dr. Albert Morales Muñoz TV3 Foundation
SARS-CoV-2 i altres virus respiratoris en la infància: diferents enfocaments per definir models predictius per al seu diagnòstic i evolució epidemiològica [Google translate: SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses in childhood: different approaches to define predictive models for their diagnosis and epidemiological evolution]
Dr. Antoni Soriano Arandes, Dra. Clara Prats Soler
Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
unknown Fundació Institut de Recerca Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron VHIR, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Escola Superior d'Agricultura de Barcelona Dr. Antoni Soriano Arandes, Dra. Clara Prats Soler TV3 Foundation
Un nou concepte terapèutic d’antiviral pancoronavirus per fer front a infeccions presents i futures: degradació dirigida a la proteasa viral conservada 3CLpro [Google translate: A new therapeutic concept of antiviral pancoronavirus to deal with present and future infections: degradation directed to the conserved viral protease 3CLpro]
Dr. Santiago Vázquez Cruz, Dra. Lieve Naesens
Fundació Bosch i Gimpera. Universitat de Barcelona, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department of Microbiology Immunology
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
unknown Fundació Bosch i Gimpera. Universitat de Barcelona, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Department of Microbiology Immunology Dr. Santiago Vázquez Cruz, Dra. Lieve Naesens TV3 Foundation
Cap a la comprensió dels mecanismes moleculars de la mutagènesi letal al SARS-CoV-2 [Google translate: Towards an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of lethal mutagenesis in SARS-CoV-2]
Dra. Núria Verdaguer Massana, Dra. Celia Perales Viejo
Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona CSIC, Fundació Jiménez Díaz Institut Investigació Sanitària Madrid
Funder: TV3 Foundation
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona CSIC, Fundació Jiménez Díaz Institut Investigació Sanitària Madrid Dra. Núria Verdaguer Massana, Dra. Celia Perales Viejo TV3 Foundation
Antonio Serrano Hernandez
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN HOSPITAL Antonio Serrano Hernandez Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Tomas Chivato Perez
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown UNIVERSIDAD SAN PABLO - CEU (MADRID) Tomas Chivato Perez Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Buenaventura Anciones Rodríguez
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
unknown HOSPITAL NUESTRA SEÑORA DEL ROSARIO Buenaventura Anciones Rodríguez Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Alberto Gómez Carballa
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown IDIS (INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA) Alberto Gómez Carballa Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Alba Cecilia Ruiz Gaitan
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate vaccines R&D
unknown IIS LA FE (FUNDACIÓN PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN DEL HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO LA FE) Alba Cecilia Ruiz Gaitan Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Ana Isabel Sánchez Fructuoso
Funder: Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Candidate vaccines R&D
unknown IDISSC (INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA DEL HOSPITAL CLÍNICO SAN CARLOS) Ana Isabel Sánchez Fructuoso Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Spain)
Detección Inmediata de la infección por SARS-CoV-2 mediante prueba de aire exhalado basada en sensores Opto-Mecánicos (DISOM) [Google translate: Immediate Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Using Exhaled Air Test Based on Opto-Mechanical Sensors (DISOM)]
Eduardo Gil Santos
Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology (CSIC)
Funder: BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
unknown Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology (CSIC) Eduardo Gil Santos BBVA Foundation (Spain)
Natural Killer cells and the Immunogenetics of COVID-19
Paul John Norman

Funder: NIH
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies, Clinical characterization and management, Candidate therapeutics R&D
Summary To ensure a successful and sustained response to the COVID-19 crisis it becomes imperative that the functional implications of the considerable genotypic and phenotypic variation in natural human immunity are understood. Natural killer (NK) cells have major roles in controlling the innate and adaptive immune response to viral infections, including herpesviruses, HIV-1, influenza, and SARS. NK cells comprise a significant part of the front-line defense against pathogen invasions and are present at large numbers in lung tissues. NK cell effector functions, including cytokine release and cytotoxicity, are modulated by interactions of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) with class I human leukocyte antigens (HLA) expressed on tissue cells. Across individuals, there is enormous diversity in the number and nature of viable receptor and ligand pairs and within individuals, there is a multitude of NK cell subsets distinguished by their receptors. Previous studies of epidemic diseases have identified clear relationships between this diversity and susceptibility, resistance or control of infection. Likely reflecting exposure throughout human history to multiple, diverse and geographically discrete pathogens, the HLA and KIR genes are highly variable across individuals and population groups. These genetic variations have direct impact on NK cell functions and the response to infection. Allotype-dependent interactions of KIR with HLA inform, modulate and diversify NK cells in their role of identifying and eliminating virus-infected tissue cells. Consideration of the full extent of this variation across human populations is thus critical to understanding, diagnosing and treating SARS-CoV-2 infection, and for developing and testing vaccines. The overarching hypothesis that we will investigate is that genetic variation of HLA and KIR can determine the course of immunity following SARS-CoV-2 infection, leading to severe COVID-19 in some individuals. The first Aim of our study will examine a large multi-ethnic cohort of 11,500 SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, to determine the association of HLA and KIR genetic diversity with severity of disease. The cohorts are drawn from the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, including Brazil, Italy, Spain, UK and the USA. NK cells recognize infected cells through loss of ligands for inhibitory receptors or gain of ligands for activating receptors. Many viruses are known to exploit any or all of these mechanisms to evade immune detection. The second Aim will examine the role of SARS-CoV-2 derived proteins in evading NK cell driven immune responses, and how this varies across all known HLA and KIR allotype interactions. NK cells can be activated by antibodies that are bound to virus segments on the surface of infected cells, and we have shown this activity is also dependent on HLA and KIR diversity. The final Aim will therefore examine the role of antibody-dependent elimination of SARS-CoV-2 infected cells, and the impact of KIR and HLA polymorphism on this response. Validating our approach, our preliminary findings already identified one potential therapeutic target. Our findings will thus have immediate consequence for identifying individuals most at risk for developing severe COVID-19, for developing both universal and personalized treatment, and to aid in vaccine design.
1R01AI158410-01A1 Paul John Norman NIH
Analysis of factors associated to hospitalisation times/rates in COVID patients in Spain (with the University of Valladolid, Spain)
Dr Oscar Reuda (co-author)
MRC Biostatistics Unit
Funder: UKRI
Primary WHO research area: Clinical characterization and management
Modelling of probabilities of hospitalisation and ICU in Castiile and Leon, Spain
C19-IUC-394 MRC Biostatistics Unit Dr Oscar Reuda (co-author) UKRI
BRACE (UK): BCG Vaccination to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in healthcare workers
John L Campbell, Adilia Warris
MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter
Funder: UKRI
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
From the Centre website: The BRACE trial aims to recruit 10,000 healthcare workers who work in a healthcare setting or have face-to-face contact with patients in the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, Spain, and Brazil. The results of this trial will help us find out whether, in current and future novel viral outbreaks, BCG vaccination could be used as an early intervention to protect healthcare workers and other high-risk groups. In the UK, the trial is a collaboration between Exeter Medical School’s Clinical Trials Unit and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne, Australia. Professor John Campbell, Professor of General Practice and Primary Care here in University of Exeter is the principal investigator in the UK for the BRACE trial, with Professor Adilia Warris, Co-Director of the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology and Professor in Paediatric Infectious Diseases, as deputy principal investigator.
C19-IUC-409 MRC Centre for Medical Mycology at the University of Exeter John L Campbell, Adilia Warris UKRI
RBDCOV RBD Dimer recombinant protein vaccine against SARSCoV2
HIPRA Scientific (ES)
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Candidate vaccines R&D
HIPRA Scientific (ES) EC
Interaction of SARS-CoV-2 virus with materials: a multi computational simulation study
Funder: EC
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
Objective This project proposes an atomistic modelling approach to the fundamental question of the interaction of enveloped viruses (in particular the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the Covid-19 disease), with surfaces of materials. These interactions play a key role in indirect disease transmission through surfaces of materials contaminated with virus. This is particularly relevant in the case of the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic; being the control of the disease transmission a priority everywhere. SARS-CoV-2 virus transmission mediated by contaminated surfaces has been identified in particular outbreaks, and the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces is known to be a major issue. Development of more efficient disinfestation strategies to break the transmission chain or the development of virucidal materials will be possible with a fundamental knowledge of the interaction of the virus with materials. The methodology to be employed will be atomistic simulations, based on the pre-existent deep understanding of the molecular structure of the virus. It should be noted that there is a substantial activity worldwide on atomistic simulations of the interactions between the virus components and possible antiviral drugs. However, the fundamental question of the interaction of the virus with materials remains largely unstudied. The main vision of this research project is to use state-of-the-art computational chemistry tools (MD simulation and QM/MM), to predict the interaction between the molecular elements of the SARS-CoV-2 virus envelope and surfaces of materials. We will consider various materials of interest and different thermodynamic conditions. The results of the present project not only will pave the way to identify the factors that influence the adhesion of SARS-CoV-2 virus to surfaces and to investigate the possible virucidal action of materials but also, will shed the lights to study the interaction of the other enveloped viruses like Influenza virus with materials.
[No title]
Ingrid Veninger

Funder: York University
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
Ingrid Veninger, Cinema and Media Arts, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design – Each of 10 female filmmakers self-isolating in Australia, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Germany and the United States, will produce a 10-minute cinematic “chapter” in response to COVID-19, joining them together in a 100-minute film that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Ingrid Veninger York University
Communication and physical/social distancing: Using mind genomics cartography to inform and drive social policy
Nick Bellissimo

Funder: Ryerson University
Primary WHO research area: Social sciences in the outbreak response
Nick Bellissimo, professor in the School of Nutrition, is taking an international approach to explore how members of the public are responding to public health recommendations about physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We have little knowledge regarding the population's thoughts around the situation, implementation practices, and communication strategies regarding physical distancing,” says Bellissimo. “There are still misconceptions and often a lack of compliance.” Bellissimo will apply an emerging science—Mind Genomics—to these questions. Using methods rooted in statistics, market research, and experimental psychology, Bellissimo will examine voluntary compliance behavior and how to optimize this through targeted messaging. His objective is to use consumer research tools that drive purchase decisions to motivate and drive changes in social behaviour, and to map these results. By mapping population ‘mindsets’ surrounding physical distancing, the research team will produce information that can help local authorities adjust messaging to improve compliance to recommendations during the current and expected second wave of the COVID-19 virus worldwide. Bellissimo will explore mindsets and solutions in Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Israel, Palestine, India, and Germany. This follows work he has already done in Canada and the United States. Bellissimo is working with Howard R. Moskowitz, external link, creator of Mind Genomics. To learn more about this project, read the Office of the Vice President, Research and Innovation’s article “Researchers propose way of improving communication around physical distancing” that was originally published on April 15, 2020.
Nick Bellissimo Ryerson University
Övervakning av emergenta patogener och antibiotikaresistens i akvatiska ekosystem [Google translate: Surveillance of Emerging Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistances in Aquatic Ecosystems]
Magnus Simonsson
Funder: FORMAS
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics
Microorganisms come to the sewage treatment plants via our faeces. There is some purification, but a large part is released and taken on to waterworks and the sea. Many viruses and bacteria are pathogenic and pose a risk. In several publications, we have shown that viruses penetrate the treatment plants and cause disease. This mainly applies to norovirus that causes winter vomiting. The project will follow the path of microorganisms through the water system. In this project, Germany (leading the project), France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Israel, Mozambique and Uganda are collaborating. The participants will sample incoming and outgoing water in the treatment plants, watercourses and in sediments at the mouths of the watercourses and in mussels in coastal areas. For Sweden, this will take place in the western Göta Älv region. During the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, it has been established that the virus is found in our treatment plants. The amount of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater is an indicator of how many are carriers of the virus. European participants must measure the amount of SARS-CoV-2 in various treatment plants. With these data, we will then build a model that calculates the number of cases of covid-19 infection in society. The microorganisms that reach the sea pose a risk when we grow and eat mussels and oysters. Mussels and oysters filter water and accumulate both viruses and bacteria. Oysters that are eaten raw often cause quite often disease outbreaks, which are mainly caused by norovirus. Mussels, on the other hand, are usually cooked, which reduces the risk of infections. Noroviruses are stable and remain in oysters and mussels for a long time. Bacteria, on the other hand, are stored for a particularly long time but are used as a marker for microbiological quality in oysters and mussels. This method is not very reliable as viruses and bacteria behave differently. Mussels and oysters, on the other hand, behave similarly and the project participants have chosen to collect samples from coastal mussels to examine levels of viruses and bacteria. Sweden is leading this part of the project and allanorovirus analyzes will be performed at the National Food Administration's laboratory. Bacteria are used in the waterworks to control microbiological quality, and here too bacteria are not a good marker for virus presence. The project will therefore investigate whether there are better markers for the risk that we believe is greatest, namely gastric disease virus. Some microorganisms will get stuck in sediments on their way to the sea and can thus form a reservoir. Microorganisms can be released, especially during heavy rains. The amount and composition of microorganisms in the water will therefore be weather dependent. Climate change leads to more extreme weather, therefore we will collect samples in extreme weather, to analyze how this affects the presence of microorganisms in water systems. sediment. In order to obtain comparable results, we must initially learn from each other and harmonize both sampling and analyzes. Today, many people die due to multi-resistant bacteria and we are without active antibiotics. In the project, we will therefore follow how antibiotic-resistant genes migrate in the water systems, but also between different bacteria when these are found in dense populations. To investigate this, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) will be used. The method makes it possible to examine all genes that give rise to antibiotic resistance. The same method, NGS, will be used at the National Food Administration to examine the presence of different types of norovirus in a representative sample of samples. This is important as norovirus changes siggenetically very rapidly and gives rise to repeated norovirus pandemics. Not as serious as covid-19 but millions of people are affected and globally about 200,000 people die each year. Examining the path of microorganisms through our water systems in a systematic way will provide data, which can be used to calculate the risks of waterworks production. The fact that the project is carried out in a number of different countries also means that we can compare how different climates, everything from tropical tillarida, affects the presence of microorganisms in the various water systems. The results will lead to scientific publications but also have direct practical significance. An interest group, consisting of international health organizations, authorities and waterworks, will therefore be formed. Sweden is represented here by Svensk Vatten, organizer of Swedish cleaning and waterworks.
Livsmedelsverket Magnus Simonsson FORMAS
EU-RESPONSE European Research and Preparedness Network for Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D, Social sciences in the outbreak response
The overall objective of this 5-year project is to build a multinational, adaptive European COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases trial network, based on existing initiatives, experience and expertise, allowing European expansion of DisCoVeRy (WP1) and the establishment of a COVID19 adaptive platform trial (WP2). The DisCoVeRy trial, designed as a multi-arm adaptive repurposing trial, initiated in France, has the potential to expand to many other European countries with appropriate support in terms of multinational funding and trial management capacity. This will complete the evaluation of repurposed drugs, while building a European clinical trial network which, together with other European networks such as the Solidarity trial, will design and run a new European platform trial. EU-RESPONSE will swiftly generate robust evidence for drug repurposing or registration, through a modular trial framework allowing most European hospitals to participate at their preferred level of commitment, thus building a network of investigation sites within European and associated countries. Cooperation with other European platforms, in particular the RECOVER consortium platform will be achieved through a joint coordination mechanism aligned with European and national policies (WP3), ensuring a coordinated strategy for the European COVID-19 Adaptive Platform Trials, their complementarity in providing access for requests for a new domain or arm, their synergy and cross-fertilization through the development of a common toolbox for the development and the management of Adaptive Platform Trials. Joining forces in Europe and with international partners, it will contribute to the global clinical trial capacity for urgently meeting the expectations of society and developers. It will also boost multinational cooperation in Europe and promote the establishment of adaptive platform trials in other diseases, and will have a major impact on epidemic control.
EXaSCale smArt pLatform Against paThogEns for Corona Virus
Funder: EC (Horizon)
Primary WHO research area: Candidate therapeutics R&D
Computer-aided design of COVID-19 drugs Advanced computer-aided drug design (CADD) has come to revolutionise drug discovery, and in combination with high-throughput biochemical and phenotypic screening, it allows the rapid evaluation of new drugs. Scientists of the EU-funded EXSCALATE4CoV project will employ the EXSCALATE platform containing the most promising commercialised drugs safe in man, to identify specific inhibitors against COVID-19. The strategy entails the computational alignment of these drugs against 3D models for the viral proteins, followed by biochemical assays and phenotypic screening of the most promising candidates. Molecules capable of blocking virus replication will be forwarded for development and registration.
101003551 DOMPE FARMACEUTICI SPA Italy EC (Horizon) Unlock the lock-down with COVID19 status certificates
Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (ES)
Funder: EC (EIT)
Primary WHO research area: Virus: natural history, transmission and diagnostics, Epidemiological studies
The challenge Ending the lockdowns brought on by COVID-19 and allowing people to return to work requires a means of quickly checking whether or not an individual has the possibility of transmitting the disease. If there was certification of those who have immunity – or those who have taken a vaccine once one becomes available – it could facilitate the restarting of our economies. The solution This project proposes to develop a privacy-by-design COVID19 status certificate – telling whether a person is infected, free of infection or immune. The solution would first be available to health care professionals and then other workers. The project consortium is one month away from piloting verifiable individual immunity and infection test certificates with the app. The digital certificate allows a digital audit trail, upstream and downstream from the point-of-diagnosis. It can incorporate broad sources of data into one system that offers appropriate security and GDPR compliance. This would make it possible to trace contacts, validate diagnostic tests and confirm special authorisations – while also protecting privacy. The app will build in the global standards for electronic identity authentication, while including privacy-by-design, anonymity and a citizen-centred approach that are foundational to personal health data in Europe. This system will secure key mechanisms for citizens and authorities to fight the pandemic by providing: identity authentication, while protecting anonymity proof of point-of-diagnosis of different types of tests, and in the future, vaccinations registered result of diagnosis The duration of immunity, infection and test kit validity would be up to authorities to determine. As new, more reliable diagnostic tests – and eventually a vaccine – become available, these would be incorporated in the app, to ensure the use of the most effective means for confirming immunity. Expected impact A GDPR-compliant solution for health certification that protects anonymity while allowing for positive identification of those with immunity to COVID-19 promises a means to ending the lockdown. If it is possible to confirm quickly whether someone poses a risk of spreading the coronavirus it will be easier to restart the economy.
unknown Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (ES) EC (EIT)
CAR3D Improve Europe’s capacity to produce personal protective equipment
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (ES)
Funder: EC (EIT)
Primary WHO research area: Infection prevention and control, including health care workers’ protection
The challenge The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 is creating sanitary challenges like never seen before. Until there is a vaccine or effective treatment, the use of masks and other types of personal protective equipment (PPE), is the best way to limit the spread of the virus circulation. The challenge is to maintain the supply of masks, which are often not made for reuse, as well as other PPE, such as face shields. Additive Manufacturing, leveraging technologies such as 3D printing, could help to meet the demand for masks and other equipment, particularly in the case of reusable masks. However, we are faced with stark disparities across Europe in the standards and varieties of PPE and the coordination of regulatory certification. The solution A group of partners will work to design, develop and validate reusable masks that comply with EU specifications, making that design available for replication around Europe. The masks will meet quality standards in areas such as ergonomics, breathability and comfortable skin contact. The partners will also seek to design face shields that meet EU standards. The PPE created through this project will not receive a proprietary patent, and the digital designs will be shared widely, so that local Additive Manufacturers all over Europe can engage in production of high quality, reusable masks and face shields. Expected impact The immediate aims of the project are to reduce the pressure of the procurement of PPE by ensuring a greater supply of products that meet EU standards are widely available. Increased production will also reduce dependence on suppliers from outside Europe, as well as the use of PPE that does not meet European quality standards. Involving Additive Manufacturing suppliers means the current demand can be met without the need to scale up a new, dedicated industry, and it establishes a network of suppliers who can be called on in other emergencies.
unknown Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (ES) EC (EIT)
CSIGN COVID surveillance intensification in Ghana Network
Dr Michael Marks
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, with partners from Ghana, Spain and The United Kingdom
Funder: EDCTP
Primary WHO research area: Epidemiological studies
The CSIGN project (RIA2020EF-2983) aims to build the Ghana COVID-19 surveillance and response system, by amplifying and redirecting the already excellent influenza surveillance toward the new pathogen, by enhancing response activities through contact tracing, and by building capacity in laboratory testing and sequencing.
(RIA2020EF-2983) London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, with partners from Ghana, Spain and The United Kingdom Dr Michael Marks EDCTP

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